
Shane G, a science enthusiast, author and foodie. Enjoys studying the pathogenesis of diseases and is an avid reader and writer who loves to delve in the mysteries of the supernatural and the unexplained. He enjoys gaming; his favorite genre is strategy where Age of Empires tops the list and Max Payne tops his list of RPG games. He used used to get so caught up in gaming that he had to remind himself to eat and sleep (he once spent 20 hours trying to finish 'Max Payne"). Luckily. he says, those days of craziness are gone, although he is currently playing Assassins Creed and remembers to mellow it down and not get too caught up in the game.
He is also a history buff and loves reading up on events of World War 2 and the Cold war. Apart form his obsession with keeping his head in either books or games, he also like to bury his head in food, his favourite cuisine being Asian. Apart from all of this, he is just your average guy next door, minds his business and keeps to himself and hurls obscenity when ticked off... Oh! and in his head, always preparing for a Zombie apocalypse.
He is also a history buff and loves reading up on events of World War 2 and the Cold war. Apart form his obsession with keeping his head in either books or games, he also like to bury his head in food, his favourite cuisine being Asian. Apart from all of this, he is just your average guy next door, minds his business and keeps to himself and hurls obscenity when ticked off... Oh! and in his head, always preparing for a Zombie apocalypse.
shanegraham31's Rank: Total Noob
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Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Assassin's creed
Top 3 Favorite Games