
Christian has been an avid gamer and writer for most of his life, with a special interest in fantasy worldbuilding. I’ve written countless articles about all different genres of games, from FPS, to MMORPG, to Tabletop and card games like D&D and Magic: The Gathering. I’m an expert in discussing video game lore and strategies to maximize efficiency, especially in World of Warcraft. With over 4,000 hours played, I would claim to be an expert on Azeroth. Having started gaming at 5 years old, I soon began creating storylines and worlds for my own games to be set in. Some of these would later be used as a setting for homebrewed D&D campaigns, which allowed other players to influence and interact with the world I had created. I fell in love with the fantasy setting at an early age, when a family member first introduced me to WoW, all the way back in late Vanilla. I’ve been playing games in this genre ever since, with The Elder Scrolls series being another notable favorite. I love to write about the mechanics of games, diving deep into the technical aspects of the player experience. Things like Minecraft’s redstone, Auto-shot clipping and melee weaving for Hunters in World of Warcraft, and rocket jumping/trimping in Team Fortress 2 are my forte.
Tottenc22's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
World of Warcraft Classic, Deep Rock Galactic, and Team Fortress 2