Araújo Pinto 

Victoria Araújo is a tremendously professional and creative writer and content creator. She discovered her love for writing when quite young, specializing mainly in fantasy, sci-fi and mystery and honing the skil ever since. Currently , Victoria is working towards a degree in Letters in her home country to further her career and focus on writing more about what she loves, wich is anything of geeky
In the world of games prefers RPGs, more specifically the old school table top ones, of wich D&D is the one she´s most passionate about, having played in many campaigns throughout the years. Also a huge fan of dating sim games, this interest started with Candy Love back when the game had no more than a couple of episodes back in 2012. With a very ecletic taste that acompanies a deep creative streak she has played and written about a bit of everything, from Pokemón to Plague Inc and from The Sims to Assassins Creed.
In the world of games prefers RPGs, more specifically the old school table top ones, of wich D&D is the one she´s most passionate about, having played in many campaigns throughout the years. Also a huge fan of dating sim games, this interest started with Candy Love back when the game had no more than a couple of episodes back in 2012. With a very ecletic taste that acompanies a deep creative streak she has played and written about a bit of everything, from Pokemón to Plague Inc and from The Sims to Assassins Creed.
VictoriaBreves13's Rank: Total Noob
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