
A songwriter for over 3 years and still counting published author and writer for longer and a self-diagnosed Gamer, countless songs and articles written about various topics and especially tech and gaming, Growing up Winston had to move a lot because of the good ol' Dad's job so game characters are the only constant friends he had.
Lover of everything gaming and tech-related, very well-versed in pop culture as depressing as it is, some would call him a meme lord but let's not bash the guy any further.
Favorite game: Red dead redemption 2
Favorite song: Sound of silence the disturbed cover
Favorite movie: Pulp fiction
Favorite show: House M.D
Experienced in but not limited to: -writing articles and video scripts about tech, gaming, health, philosophy..
- lyrics writing
- Music-making
Degrees: bachelor in science, bachelor in philosophy
Licensed biotechnological engineer and a year away from getting the master's degree.
Reasons for the love of writing about videogames and also reasons that qualify for the task: Grew up on gaming as previously mentioned and worked at PC fixing place which provided Winston with lots of knowledge and passion about the whole p
Lover of everything gaming and tech-related, very well-versed in pop culture as depressing as it is, some would call him a meme lord but let's not bash the guy any further.
Favorite game: Red dead redemption 2
Favorite song: Sound of silence the disturbed cover
Favorite movie: Pulp fiction
Favorite show: House M.D
Experienced in but not limited to: -writing articles and video scripts about tech, gaming, health, philosophy..
- lyrics writing
- Music-making
Degrees: bachelor in science, bachelor in philosophy
Licensed biotechnological engineer and a year away from getting the master's degree.
Reasons for the love of writing about videogames and also reasons that qualify for the task: Grew up on gaming as previously mentioned and worked at PC fixing place which provided Winston with lots of knowledge and passion about the whole p
WinstonDM's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Forza Horizon, COD WARZONE,Biomutant
Top 3 Favorite Games