[Top 5] Red Dead Redemption 2 Best Early Weapons (And How To Get Them)
5. Double-Action revolver
The Double-action Revolver is a fast-firing weapon; it's also based on the Model 1892 Army & Navy Revolver.
What's great about the Double-Action revolver :
- It has a quick-fire rate which makes this a good choice for mounted combat.
- It uses Regular, High Velocity, Split Point, Express, and Explosive revolver ammo.
- Decent range and reload speed.
The Double-Action revolver details :
- Power Low
- Range Moderate
- Rate of Fire Very High
- Reload Speed Moderate
- Ammo Capacity 6
- Ammo Max 100
- Ammo Type Revolver
- Ammo Accuracy Moderate
How to get the Double-Action revolver :
- You can get the DAR in regular gameplay or during the Homestead Robbery offered by Sean MacGuire. If you're not the waiting type, you can just go to Lonnie's Shack, which is found in a gun case hidden under one of the bunk beds. Here's the location of that
4. Lancaster repeater
The Lancaster Repeater is a well-rounded gun, it's available in all the gunsmith stores, but you can get it for free in an exciting mission that includes rescuing a kidnapped young man from the basement of a store.
What's great about the Lancaster repeater:
- Quick-firing rate
- High accuracy
- It can use Regular, High Velocity, Split Point, Express, and Explosive repeater ammo.
The Lancaster repeater details :
- Power Moderate
- Range Moderate
- Rate of Fire Moderate
- Reload Speed High
- Ammo Accuracy High
- Ammo Capacity 14
- Ammo Max 200
- Ammo Type Repeater
How to get the Lancaster repeater:
- To get it for free, you have to go to this location in Rhodes.Image
- On the side of the store, a kid will ask you to help him out
- Go into the store and aim your weapon at the owner so he would open the basement door.
- After rescuing the kid, there would be a table with a big box on top of it; that's where the Repeater would be.
3. Rare double-barrel shotgun.
This rare Double-Barreled Shotgun is faded brass tarnish and adorned with carvings. Its owner is a paranoid guy who shoots anyone who gets close to his house. He hates strangers and will one-shot you on sight.
What's great about the Rare double-barrel shotgun :
- can use Regular Buckshot, Incendiary Buckshot, Slug, and Explosive Slug shotgun ammo
- Cure the enemies neck problems by removing their heads completely
The Rare double-barrel shotgun details :
- Power Moderate
- Range Low
- Rate of Fire Moderate
- Reload Speed
- Low Ammo Capacity 2
- Ammo Max 120
- Ammo Type Shotgun Ammo
How to get the Rare double-barrel shotgun :
- It can be acquired from the guy who lives in a hut just north of Annesburg in Roanoke Ridge. Make sure you stay in cover and hit him from afar.
- You only get one chance at getting this shotgun.

2. Pirate sword
This is included in the list because it's so cool to have an old and rare pirate cutlass with a long snapped blade and decorative golden handguard.
What's great about the
- It looks really cool
- More extended range than most melee weapons
- You can get it for free
The details
- Type Melee
- Power Moderate
- Range Very Low, it’s a sword.
How to get it
1. Schofield revolver
The Hutton & Baird Schofield is a powerful weapon; it can be modified to look really nice to complete the gunslinger look, deadly and fashionable. This revolver is available from all gunsmiths after completing "Blessed are the Meek?". But I'll show you how to get it for free.
What's great about the Schofield revolver
- A very accurate revolver
- High damage
- It can use Regular, High Velocity, Split Point, Express, and Explosive Revolver ammo.
The details Schofield revolver
- Power Moderate
- Range Moderate
- Rate of Fire Moderate
- Accuracy Very High
- Reload Speed Moderate
- Ammo Capacity 6
- Ammo Max 100 Ammo
- Type Revolver Ammo
How to get the Schofield revolver
- To get it for free, In valentine near the location on the map below, you’ll find a doctor’s store.
- Go around the building to find a back window, peek through the window to find out about some shady business the doctor is running in the back.
- Go back to the front and enter the doctor's store and point your gun at him to make him open the back door.
- Do some shootie shootie, and o the table, you'll find a box with the revolver in it.
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