Meet Sam, who has been gaming for about 15 years, she loves the experiences from each genre of gaming and feels it is exciting and adventurous, which is why it is enjoyable to write about it. It is the best way to share the fun and create an environment for game lovers, it brings out the creativity in everybody all over! Accomplishing many series and beginning to favor certain genres, with new technology and networks it brings the best experience for gamer geeks like yourself! To write about topics like this brings love and excitement to those who read about it as well as write about it! As an expert in writing and researching plenty of different games it is proudly said she had an article posted in her own high schools paper when Black Ops 2 came out. PVP genre is the most played because it is goal oriented and always excites players to get better.The most experience about gaming is playing the actual game, writing about it just makes it even more enjoyable because it is a way to share the experience one had and to help others understand more with the details and descriptions! Writing about games is just satisfying, to know it may help someone reach their goal that they have been playing hard for, or to excite others to play that same game, or even to give something interesting for others to read just to read it!
XoSammoX's Rank: Total Noob
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Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Black ops 4
Top 3 Favorite Games