11 Gamer Girls Who Are Captivating Male Gamers Worldwide: Page 10 of 11

Stealing your heart!
Stealing your heart!

2. SSSniperWolf

From her name alone, you can guess what video game franchise she’s a diehard fan of: Metal Gear Solid!

22-year-old Lia, or SSSniperWolf as she likes to be called, is an insanely popular YouTube star with hundreds of videos and over one million subscribers. While’s she’s most well-known for showing off her sweet shooting skills in her Call of Duty videos, she also plays Grand Theft Auto V, Destiny, and other games.

She also does video game and anime cosplay – cosplay so epic they’re the stuff of internet legend. Good luck finding high quality images of them though; she only uploads a few photos at a time, and at small resolutions. You’ll have to buy the prints from her online store if you want to enjoy them in their full glory. Now that’s what we call entrepreneurship!

Hot gamer girls rarely come in a package as ravishing as SSSniperWolf!

- She started playing video games when she was six years old.

- She can kick your butt in Call of Duty any day of the week.

- Her curves will make you believe in magic.


Girls with glasses. (Images from SSSniperWolf)


She looks lonely... (Image from SSSniperWolf)


Selfie time! (Image from SSSniperWolf)


Comic book proportions. (Image from SSSniperWolf)


Seeing double. (Image from SSSniperWolf)

More on this topic:

Writer, Gamer, Dreamer
Gamer Since: 1986
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Bloodborne, Mortal Kombat X, Tera Online
Top 3 Favorite Games:Dark Souls II, Bioshock Infinite, Dragon Age: Inquisition

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MichaelLogarta 8 years 7 months ago


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