The 10 Best Telltale Games That You Should Be Playing Right Now: Page 2 of 11

10 best telltale games, top telltale games 2017
Many well-known faces appear in a variety of Telltale games

10. Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones sees you control House Forrester of Ironwrath, based in the North of Westeros. Their most valued material is ironwood from the ironwood trees in the forest surrounding their home. You must walk around and interact with your surroundings, as well as make some of the toughest choices, all to save the ironwood which is being taken away from you by other, more powerful houses.

There are several people you control whilst following the storyline – giving it that true Game of Thrones feeling. Some of the choices will have you screaming at your screen as you have to quickly consider all the consequences before making a really important decision, particularly with some of the extraordinarily difficult choices towards the end of the game.

The game consists of 6 episodes in total and you can get it for any major console, including for iOS and Android. A second season is currently in development, so you should get playing now before it’s time to move into part two of the gripping story.

You’ll come across some familiar faces

There are some truly gripping scenes!


A British Nintendo-geek at heart, I love creating, I love storylines, and I also love a good zombie fight or two. When not writing articles, you can find me playing games, probably with a cup of tea.
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
Top 3 Favorite Games:The Walking Dead, Tales from the Borderlands: A Telltale Game Series, The Sims 4