12 Hottest Girls from Horror Games: Page 2 of 12

12 Hottest Girls from Horror Games

11. Xian Mei (Dead Island)


This job can get... bloody.

A stunning beauty from China, Xian Mei was trained from childhood to be a badass. Her father was a bigwig at the Hong Kong Police, and from him she learned how to break faces the martial arts way. She went on to follow in his footsteps and become a cop, and even became part of the force’s first female crime squad.

Though her superiors underestimate her because she’s a woman, Xian Mei’s undead-slaying activities at the Royal Palms Resort are more than enough proof that this lady is not one to be trifled with. She’s especially good with bladed weapons, so if you’re a zombie, or just some jerk with a death wish, it’s best you stay out of her way!


"I may be exhausted from fighting all those zombies... but I'm still gorgeous."


Ready to make a killing.


Ready to make a killing, this time with pants!


"Time to say your prayers." (Image by rabidrasmus.)


"I'm gonna shove this down someone's throat." (Image by Saskeni.)

Writer, Gamer, Dreamer
Gamer Since: 1986
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Bloodborne, Mortal Kombat X, Tera Online
Top 3 Favorite Games:Dark Souls II, Bioshock Infinite, Dragon Age: Inquisition

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gauravk 6 years 9 months ago

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