The Best PVP Games on PC: Page 39 of 56

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The Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 trailer proves that, if nothing else, it's definitely Dragon Ball.

After saving the universe in the first game, things start going to hell again and it’s up to you to fix things. Again. This sequel to the 2015 game is set for release in October of this year.

You can play as your own unique character, or choose from several pre-existing characters including Goku and Turtles. Players fight in competitive multiplayer matches of up to 3v3, in traditionally epic Dragon Ball fashion. Flying around, throwing fireballs, absurdly overdramatic powerups… It’s almost like watching the show.

If you liked the show, or the first game, I’ve got a feeling you’ll enjoy Xenoverse 2.

The new game looks absolutely beautiful. With its cel-shaded aesthetic, it looks more like the show than a game.

Android 16 vs Janemba in an action-packed match.

Gamer Since: 2003
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Fallout 4
Top 3 Favorite Games:Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine , Dark Souls 3 , World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

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darkclow's picture

darkclow 7 years 10 months ago

Equally as good* and overwatch* autocorrect doesn't like me today lol.

darkclow's picture

darkclow 7 years 10 months ago

I don't get how lol can be in first and smite be on 9th when both are equal on the paper front and overeat check was a joke and shouldn't even be on this list even though I do agree with some of the rankings but jeez.