The Best PVP Games on PC: Page 30 of 56

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Which games should you play this year?

30) Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

The COD: Infinite Warfare reveal trailer reveals yet another entry in the seemingly endless FPS series.

You know the drill. The terrorists are attacking, you gotta stop them! Only this time, it’s in SPACE! The United Nations Space Alliance has set its sights on colonizing space, but the Settlement Defense Front is disgruntled because they don’t have enough precious resources to survive. So they do the obvious thing and attack Earth, using… their resources? We don’t play COD for the story folks, we’re here for the online. And it looks pretty promising.

First, the thing I’m really excited for. Zero-G combat! That’s right, zero. Gravity. Combat. I assume this means we’ll be using jetpacks a lot. The other thing I’m really excited about? Aerial dogfights. In space, and in atmosphere. These two features are said to be pretty important to gameplay, which makes sense if it’s taking place in space.

Returning in this entry are COD’s classic multiplayer and zombies modes, which most everyone is familiar with. In addition, special editions come with the remastered Modern Warfare. The game is set for release on November 4, 2016.


"Black Sky" in Infinite Warfare sees the player character fighting back against an attack from the space terrorists!

Gamer Since: 2003
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Fallout 4
Top 3 Favorite Games:Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine , Dark Souls 3 , World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

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darkclow's picture

darkclow 7 years 10 months ago

Equally as good* and overwatch* autocorrect doesn't like me today lol.

darkclow's picture

darkclow 7 years 10 months ago

I don't get how lol can be in first and smite be on 9th when both are equal on the paper front and overeat check was a joke and shouldn't even be on this list even though I do agree with some of the rankings but jeez.