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Available GD Points: 4
About - Martekah Y.: Martekah's expertise in writing include storytelling, reviews for pop culture, games itself and benefits it would bring to an audience with a gentle touch of honesty. Her area in game writing is the overall purpose of keeping the gamer entertain and discover something new. When it all comes down to it the objective for the game should be how the audience is engaged with it. Her experience in gaming is from her free time she set aside from her daily task. Setting aside hours of a moderate amount of game time. She most favors Odin Sphere, Kingdom Hearts, Mario, Sims, God of War, Cooking Mama and some anime games. The genre are arrange from RPG, action, stimulation, strategy, puzzle, hack and slash. She enjoy testing her creativity and wit when playing the games but loves getting drawn into the story and activities. She love to relate to her readers about their experience rather its good, bad or in the middle. Along with the amount of work that is put into a game where you can tell the developers are putting their best foot forward.

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