It has been almost a decade since FF7 was released. Just like any other game we remember our favorite characters like Cloud, Zack and Tifa. But what strike us the most is Aerith.
With her joyful yet flirtatious personality to captivate us. Her compassion towards others and her teammates. But her final moments is what remember the most.
To fill in that empty void we will be looking at the top 30 Aerith Gainsborough cosplay.
1. Ying Hai
Aerith you are one of the most beautiful and forgiving person we ever seen. Even letting Sephiroth be by your side.
2. Kiara Berry
I think I would buy one of these flowers, they look so lovely. Aerith , one of the lily’s please. Thank you very much.
Cloud, I am very touch that you’re giving Aerith a proper burial. I really am, in the lake with all her flowers. You are at rest now.
4. Bindi Smalls
Wow, another lovely batch of flowers, you are truly the queen of gardening. And Clod is there, what people trying to steal flowers from you?
5. LadyxZero
I wonder if Aerith is waiting on someone. Is it cloud, Zack or Sephiroth, I don’t know. But she sure looks amazing!
Oh look at the lovely couple. Aerith and Zack in their bubbly romance stage. Sparks are flying, literally.
Aerith what is this?! No. He is not worth it! Oh Nooo! He going to tell Zack!
8 . Miss Snape
Aerith, you must teach me your flower picking skills. Your flowers are just the loveliest thing I seen. But not as lovely as you.
9. AidaOtaku
Oh Aerith, if only you stay with use a little longer. Things will be better with you here. But I guess that life, we all have to keep moving forward.
10. Leah DeBerry
Look at Aerith, comforting Zack when he in distraught. We can only dream of having that same relationship in real life. Yes, indeed.
11. Atelier Heidi
Oh, so this is the main source of the flowers. You wouldn’t mind if I just pick some over here. Okay, okay, no touching, no touch. Please put the staff down.
Wow, Aerith you look stunning, waiting for a special someone. Wait, what, WHAT! Oh my goodness, he's PROPOSING!!!
13. Stephanie Rianne
Aerith, you look lovely in this sunlight. An your bouquet is just amazing. You are a true goddess of the spring.
14. Salemingly
Aerith, I just adore you flower crown. But I do feel your pain, I would hate for someone to damage my garden too. If I had one..
Wow, another batch of lilies and they are glowing. You must got them over at that pond. Good thinking, they will sell for sure.
16. Princess Soffel
Wow! Aerith, not all the flowers in the world can compare to your beauty. And you skin is surprisingly gleaming.
Aerith must be waiting on her teammates or a special someone. I see you brushing your hair strand back.
18. SkyNight
Another assortment of flowers. Everyone will like to buy these. Aerith, when it comes to flowers, you pick the best ones.
19. LunaSong23
Pray above to aid your teammates in battle. And pray for everyone for their health and better future.
20. Arte Mictlan
Now Aerith don’t be in the dumps. Go to a nice sunny spot to cheer you up. There that’s much better. And there is a basket waiting for you there.
21. AshreiMew
Wow, Aerith you must be lifting weights for you told hold cloud sword. Believe me, that sword weights a tone. I guess praying works.
I know the feeling Aerith. Waiting for your friends to show up. Then play it cool like you weren’t waiting that long.
23. Sophie-Art
Picking those flowers must be tiring. Take a nice nap, you deserve after all that hard work.
24. BloodyCoffee
Another basket of flowers, Aerith. There must be a high demand for flowers. For you to be picking so many.
What a lovely basket of flowers! Aerith giving thanks for the wonderful flowers this spring.
26. Joaine
See Aerith can be both, a sweetheart and a badass. Note to self: don’t get on her bad side.
Gasp! How do you make it levitate. Aerith, please teach me. I must know, is it from the flowers!
28. Narga-Lifestream
Even if Aerith change outfits she still looks beautiful. Looks so peaceful and calm in her own little world.
There Aerith, ready to fight. With her staff in hand she will be victorious and triumph.
30. Lady Cho
One of the things I admire of Aerith is her sweet smile. Bringing a little sunshine our way. And bringing a basket of flowers too!
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