With the unparalleled success of Marvel movies and other fan favorites, the industry of the comic convention has received a huge boost in the past few years. The business model has become so popular that it has seen other areas of the entertainment industry adopting the convention structure, with events like Broadwaycon for Broadway fans and Filmcon for aspiring filmmakers.
One of the major draws of these conventions is the opportunity for cosplay. Cosplay, or costume play, is the act of dressing like your favorite character from a work of fiction, like a video game, television show or movie. Something that used to be reserved for a select few has entered the mainstream big time with the prevalence of comic conventions. Here are the top five biggest cosplay events of 2018.
5. Dragon Con 2018
Dragon Con, is a huge draw for fans of science fiction and fantasy films. because of its proximity to filmmaking capital, Atlanta, GA, its guest list is often full of A list actors and fan favorites such as Adam West and Burt Ward from the 1960s Batman and Billie Piper from Doctor Who.
In 2017, approximately 80,000+ fans converged on the Empire State of the South’s capital to celebrate. It also has a number of unique cosplay events that aren’t offered at other events such as a parade, a contest for science fiction and fantasy themed playboy Bunnies. This year it will be help on August 30 – September 3rd, 2018 at the in Atlanta, GA.
4. Wizard World Con 2018
Wizard World is a group of conventions that are organized by the same organization. Each one hosts a variety of top talent from all areas of the entertainment industry. With a tour that encompasses nearly every major city of the United States including: Portland, Philadelphia, Des Moines, Columbus, Boise, Chicago, Madison, Oklahoma City, Montgomery, Springfield, Biloxi, Winston-Salem, Peoria and Austin.
The attendee count varies from convention to convention, but in all about 750,000 frequent these conventions, making the events one of the most accessible on the list.
3. Awesome Con 2018
The capitol of the United States is also a capitol of fan culture with approximately 70,000 guests in 2017 making the exodus to Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Along with its star studded autograph session and panels, it offers some amazing Costume Contests with sponsors like the Smithsonian. Last year first prize included two plane tickets to Japan.
This year the convention takes place over Easter weekend, March 30th- April 1st.
2. The Official Star Trek Convention 2018
The original super fandom still holds one of the biggest fan conventions in the United States. Organized by Creation Entertainment, this super convention routinely draws in crowds in the tens of thousands. This year it will be held on August 1- 5 in Las Vegas NV.
1. San Diego Comic Con
The biggest event in nerd culture is still the reigning champion of cosplay events. With over 130,000 attendees in recent years, and always growing.
The event includes a huge “Masquerade” or runway for cosplay where fans are encouraged to dress up and act out scenes from their favorite fictional properties.
The main draw for fans is the fact that the event routinely premieres trailers and clips from the year’s hottest properties including Marvel, Disney, and Universal such as last year’s incredible sneak peek of Avenger’s Infinity War. The event will be held at the San Diego Convention Center on July 19 – 22nd this year.
Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned professional, there are plenty of places to start. In addition to costume contests, each of the conventions hold panel discussions from experts on how to create the perfect cosplay. It's never been easier or felt better to be a nerd