The 37 Best Ahri Cosplays We've Ever Seen (Most Beautiful/Best Looking)
Ahri’s well known in the League community for being one of the sexiest, most-popular-to-cosplay characters in the game. Here are the 37 best cosplays of her we’ve ever seen, which are sure to turn heads.
37 – SoGoodbye
Ahri is all about seduction. Be careful not to get charmed!
36 – Toniji-Arts
She’ll look for any opportunity to make your jaw drop, then pounce while you’re spellbound.
35 – Hedemi
She knows what you desire. She’ll use it to her advantage.
34 – SoGoodbye (Popstar Ahri)
She’s got a cute side, too, if that’s more your thing.
33 – ZhanZao (PopstarAhri)
Don’t be lured in by her innocence.
32 – Eunyeah (Popstar Ahri)
Shall she make your pulse rise? Or stop?
31 - Bakaachuu
It’s hard to resist those playful eyes.
30 – Aoandou (Popstar Ahri)
Always alluring, always waiting for you to drop your guard.
29 – Julia-Mifei (Foxfire Ahri)
If it’s hot in here, it’s probably just Ahri.
28 – Julia-Mifei (Ahri)
She doesn’t even need magic to hold you captive.
27 – Otohime-hina (Dynasty Ahri)
Elegance is Ahri’s game.
26 – YukiChristy
She wants you to trust her. That’s all, really, nothing more…
25 – Natsu-cchi
Her best skill: capturing the hearts of her enemies.
24 – Miyuko
She almost makes falling into a trap look appealing.
23 – Eiphen
Maybe being led on by her wouldn’t be so bad…
22 – Mari-Evans (Popstar Ahri)
She can be friendly and sweet, too. But it’s probably a ruse.
21 – CandyAbuse
Everyone knows you should keep a good eye out on the battlefield for this bewitching beauty.
20 – Torati (Popstar Ahri)
One moment you’ll be minding your own business – the next, walking helplessly toward her.
19 – QTxPie (Generation Ahri)
She might be a cutie, but you’ve gotta be on the lookout when you’re on the other team.
18 – RinnieRiot
For someone who used to be a fox, she sure knows what humans want…
17 – Rinnie Riot (Popstar Ahri)
She also knows what we find adorable!
16 – Ekiholic (Popstar Ahri)
She puts on a good show even without being a popstar!
15 – FiepiblossomCosplay
Who knows? Maybe she just wants to get in on some human action now that she’s become one.
14 – EroticNeko
She’ll take you down in a cinch if you’re not careful.
13 – EroticNeko (DVA/Ahri Crossover)
Of course, all crossovers are welcome! Ahri would probably take any opportunity to find a new seductive outfit anyway.
12 – Revien-Fiennes
Beware that charming kiss.
11 – Julia-Mifei (Challenger Ahri)
She’s always up for the challenge of enchanting her next victim.
10 – Yayababy
One kiss and you can kiss your HP bar goodbye.
9 – Hemulka (Dynasty Ahri)
She really exemplifies that Asian charm.
8 – GrumpyCait (Midnight Ahri)
Meeting her by night might be fun – but probably dangerous.
7 – KyraKitsune (Fan-made skin: War Mistress Ahri)
No matter what outfit she’s in, she’s a killer – and her looks are killer, too.
6 – Toniji-Arts (Star Guardian Ahri)
She gives the stars a run for their money.
5 – Playsafeee
Yeah, she’s definitely out there to make your pulse rise AND stop.
4 – SweetpoisonCosplay (Popstar Ahri)
How could you not fall for this foxy girl?
3 – Kitsune-raposa (Foxfire Ahri)
She’s got a fiery passion for pulling heartstrings.
2 – Kitsune-Raposa (Arcade Ahri)
She really knows the way to a gamer’s heart.
1 – Yukigodbless (Challenger Ahri)
Would you rise to her challenge?