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16 Sep 2021
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Are some champions more fun to play than others? In a game with 160 different playable characters, it can be hard to pick one that stands out as fun. However, what makes a character fun, typically falls into a few categories, their mobility, their ability to have an impact on the map, and of course, they’re ability to secure kills and improve your KDA. 15. Mordekaiser (Top/Jungle)
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[Top 10] LOL Best Teamfight Champions That Wreck Hard!
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LOL Best Healers
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[Top 10] LOL Best Ranged Champions That Wreck Hard!
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[Top 20] Best LoL Skins That Look Freakin' Awesome
Over the years, LoL has continued to evolve and push the boundaries of creativity and design, offering players tons of skins to enhance their gaming experience, and these skins have evolved from simple re-colorings to jaw-dropping transformations. In this article, we will discuss the top 20 LoL skins, starting with why they are the best out there, their price, and their rating. 20. Star Guar