LoL: Top Hyper Carries That Wreck Hard
10. Tryndamere
The Barbarian King
Tryndamere is a hard-hitting, mobile, split pushing duelist of a top-laner that scales hard into the late game. A champion that uses attack speed and critical strike to make his auto attacks hit like trucks, he is able to crush carries in two or three attacks and win duels and team fights alike.
So what makes Tryndamere scale so hard?
- Tryndamere’s build revolves around stacking attack speed and getting his critical strike to 100%. This causes his auto attacks to deal devastating, and consistent damage late game.
- Tryndamere can be critting on every auto attack earlier than other champions due to his passive, Battle Fury, granting him bonus critical strike chance when his Fury bar is filled.
- Tryndamere’s Undying Rage (R) allows him to stay alive no matter what for 5 seconds. He can use this to guarantee his damage late game, making him a terrifying enemy because he can not be focused or burst down.
How to scale up and crush your enemies as Tryndamere!
- Before trading in the lane, make sure your fury bar is stacked to at least 50%, you don’t want to be missing out on crits that can win you the trade easily.
- Your Spinning Slash (E) has its cooldown reduced by critical strikes. Keep this in mind when trading, pushing or doing anything that requires a quick escape! Keep auto-attacking to get that cooldown to zero instead of just running away in a straight line.
- Solo the rift herald if you get the chance. Tryndamere is great at soloing this objective, and it can help him get plates for extra gold, and kill towers for added pressure. This helps him get to the late game quicker and with less risk.
- Try to cast Undying rage (R) as late as possible in a fight. This will give you the most effective use of the ability, as you’re not wasting valuable seconds being damaged down to the minimum HP.
- Make sure you push and get a ton of farm and towers, but don’t leave your team to die. Use your Spinning Slash (E) as a low cooldown mobility spell to get to fights before they break out. Keep an eye on your minimap to see if a fight is about to break out!
- Lethal Tempo
- Triumph
- Legend: Tenacity
- Last Stand
- Nimbus Cloak
- Transcendence
- Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Armor/Magic Resist (matchup dependent)
- Essence Reaver
- Berserker’s Greaves
- Infinity Edge
- Trinity Force/Guinsoo’s Rageblade
- Guinsoo’s Rageblade/Ravenous Hydra
- Blade of the Ruined King/Guardian Angel
Ability Max Order: Q>E>W>R
(note: get your R to rank 1 at level 6, then leave it there until levels 17-18)
Here's some informative Gameplay on carrying games on Tryndamere by Foggedftw!
9. Kog’Maw
The Mouth of the Abyss
Kog’maw is an AD carry/marksman that plays in the bottom lane. He is weak early, but with help from his support and a few crucial items becomes -- though still immobile-- insane DPS cannon that can shred entire teams if protected well.
Why is Kog’maw a great ‘Hyper-carry’?
- Kog’maw’s late-game damage is the highest in the game on a single target, and only behind Twitch on multiple targets. This only occurs with all of his items, however, so he is firmly in the hyper-carry category.
- Kog’maw has a high range after activating his Bio-Arcane Barrage (W) and can use his Living Artillery (R) from a similar range. This keeps him relatively safe as compared to other hyper carries, only helping him pump out more DPS.
- Kog’maw has a great mix of physical damage and magic damage when he activates his abilities and has some items. This makes it more difficult to itemize against a strong Kog’maw properly, allowing him to pump out more damage against targets who have a lot of armor or a lot of magic resist, but not a lot of both.
How to win games on Kog’maw!
- Focus on farming minions in the lane phase. Keep the lane close to, but not under your tower if you can. This will allow you to farm minions safe from jungler ganks and mid lane roams.
- Don’t be afraid to use your abilities to farm. Every minion counts, so don’t feel like you’re wasting your mana.
- Only take trades when your Bio-arcane Barrage is available. You will lose trades you take when it is down.
- Make sure to pay attention even after you die! Your passive, Icathian Surprise, allows you to pick up some extra kills and assists, or even a little farm. Anything helps when you’re trying to get to those crucial items!
- In team fights, keep your distance and stay with a friendly champion who can crowd control enemies that are trying to kill you! This is called “peel” and will help you consistently crank out DPS while staying safe.
- While team fighting, play “front to back.” This means killing the enemy front line first, and moving through each member of the enemy team one at a time, attacking whoever is safest to attack from safety
- Lethal Tempo
- Triumph
- Legend: Alacrity
- Coup de Grace
- Taste of Blood
- Ravenous Hunter
- Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Armor
- Blade of the Ruined King
- Berserker’s Greaves
- Guinsoo’s Rageblade
- Runaan’s Hurricane
- Wit’s End
- Death’s Dance/Guardian Angel/Mercurial Scimitar
Ability Max Order: R>W>Q>E
Here's a great long-form Kog'maw guide by MipZ!
8. Ryze
The Rogue Mage
Ryze is a short-range, almost bruiser like mage who starts slow but eventually can use his extreme area of effect damage to destroy his enemies in team fights and clutch out wins in those 30, 40, and 50-minute bloodbaths.
So how does Ryze’s damage scale into the late game?
- Ryze’s damage scales off both Ability Power and Mana. This allows him to stack high numbers of each buying items that grant both, as well as making him tankier, so when he has 4, 5, or 6 items he is a rolling ball of damage that is tough to kill.
- Putting points into Ryze’s Realm Warp (R) increases the damage that Overload (Q) does to targets affected by Spell Flux (E). This damage becomes extremely effective when you reach level 16 and put your third point into Realm Warp (R).
- Ryze builds Tear of the Goddess, which becomes Arcangel’s Staff, and Rod of Ages. These two items are both weak on purchase, but scale up slowly to become devastating late-game items. When these line up with Ryze’s late-game damage (even more so because they grant both Ability Power and Mana), he becomes a monster.
How to take advantage of Ryze’s Hyper-Scaling.
- Rush your Tear of the Goddess. Getting it stacked and your Archangel’s staff completed as soon as possible will help you get to the late game faster.
- Try not to take long or aggressive trades in the early game. You will often lose against champions like assassins who run electrocute or mages who can damage you from way out of your range.
- Run teleport, not ignite. There are very few matchups in which you can secure kills reliably, so take teleport as to not miss farm and experience that is essential in helping you scale.
- Make sure your Spell Flux (E) is active on enemies before you cast your Rune Prison (W). This will allow it to root the enemy instead of slowing them, giving you some much needed free damage.
- In team fights, try to get your Spell Flux (E) on as many enemies as possible. This will allow your damage to spread, your Rune Prisons (W) to root, and your Overload (Q) to have its cooldown reduced, increasing your damage by a ton.
- Use your Realm Warp to pick up some free kills in the midgame by ganking side lanes! Make sure to keep your eye out for easy kills and assists.
- Phase Rush
- Manaflow Band
- Transcendence
- Gathering Storm
- Taste of Blood
- Ravenous Hunter
- Cooldown Reduction, Adaptive Force, Armor/Magic Resist (matchup dependent)
- Archangel’s Staff
- Sorcerer’s Shoes
- Rod of Ages
- Rabadon’s Deathcap
- Morellonomicon
- Zhonya’s Hourglass
Ability Max Order: R>Q>E>W
Here's an awesome Ryze Rundown by YeagerLoL!
7. Jinx
The Loose Cannon
Jinx is a marksman that needs to spend a ton of time farming before reaching her hyper-carry potential. After a few items, however, she’s a walking pentakill. Able to shred enemy tanks, assassins, and marksman alike, along with objectives and towers, Jinx’s late-game carry potential is limitless.
So Why is Jinx a Strong Hyper-Carry Right Now?
- Jinx takes a while to get going, but once she does she is unstoppable. She gets a ton of attack speed and critical strike from her items, and attack speed from her kit as well. This gives her auto attacks insane DPS that is hard to deal with in the late game.
- Jinx is devastating in team fights given the proper protection. She has area of effect auto attacks, long-range spells, and an area of effect execute, giving her another bump to her team fight prowess.
- Jinx shreds towers and objectives and clears minion waves effectively as well. This lets her ramp up to that late-game quickly if she gets going early, giving her a snowball effect that can’t be stopped once she gets enough items.
How to play Jinx!
- Since she’s a hyper carry, Jinx wants to spend the majority of her lane phase farming. Try not to take dangerous trades unless you have a support that is excellent in early game fights, such as thresh or Leona.
- Stay grouped. Don’t farm those juicy side waves unless they’re at the tower, as this is very unsafe, and dying will set you back from your items significantly.
- Farm your team’s jungle camps, and the enemy team’s as well if your team is ahead and pushing. Getting more items is always your #1 priority.
- Similarly to Kog’maw, play the team fights from a range, front to back. Stay with a champion that can peel for you, and take out whoever is the safest target you can.
- When fighting in team fights, attack single targets with your Pow-pow minigun, and use your Switcheroo (Q)! to switch to your Fishbones rocket launcher when enemies are grouped.
- Infinity Edge
- Berserker’s Greaves (finish based on situation)
- Runaan’s Hurricane
- Rapidfire Cannon
- Phantom Dancer
- Guardian Angel / Death’s Dance / Mercurial Scimitar (situational defensive item)
- Lethal Tempo
- Presence of Mind
- Legend: Bloodline
- Coup de Grace
- Nimbus Cloak
- Gathering Storm
- Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Armor
Ability Max Order: R>Q>W>E
xFSN Saber's guide to winning games as Jinx!
6. Vayne
The Night Hunter
Vayne is an extremely unique champion as far as marksman go. She can function as a normal hyper-carry who scales hard into the late game but also excels in one-vs-ones with any other kind of champion, based on her high damage and crowd control, as well as her invisibility.
So what makes Vayne so good?
- Even though she’s a hyper-carry, Vayne can also take trades in the lane. Her Silver Bolts (W) and Tumble (Q) give her enough damage to win trades, and if she can hit her Condemn (E) she can all in very well in the early game. This gives her a bonus when it comes to her ability to scale if she can get an early lead.
- Vayne’s Silver Bolts (W) do percent maximum HP true damage, and her Tumble (Q) reset her auto-attack timer and increases her damage. These two skills combined with a Guinsoo’s Rageblade make her single target damage shred people insanely fast once she gets her items.
- Vayne can navigate the team fights smoothly and reposition easily because, during her Final Hour (R), she can use her Tumble (Q) to turn invisible. This allows her short-range to become less of a problem, as she can make sure she’s still somewhere safe with her quick and easy repositioning skill.
So how do you take advantage of Vayne’s strengths?
- Trade in the lane! Take short trades with similarly ranged champions, and long trades with longer range champions. This will allow you to win each kind of trade. Make sure to Tumble (Q) and proc Silver Bolts (W) as often as possible.
- Cast Condemn (E) and then flash to make it more difficult for your opponents to avoid the angle. This is a difficult move to pull off, so practice it in the practice tool first. If you flash directly after the cast, but before the projectile hits the enemy, the game will register the new angle, allowing you to get some surprise stuns.
- You can elongate the amount of time you’re invisible by not auto-attacking after your Tumble (Q) during your Final Hour (R). Use this to escape danger if you’re caught out of position, reposition during a fight, or sneak up on someone out of the fog of war or brush.
- Like Jinx and Kog’maw, play team fight’s “front to back.” It might seem attractive to use your invisibility to go through the fight and shred enemy carries, but this is a huge mistake. As you will be killed quickly if you misposition.
- This is a niche tip, but if your team or the enemy team can create terrains, such as Anivia’s wall, or Jarvan IV’s Cataclysm, then you can Condemn (E) enemies into those walls as well! Remember to keep this in mind if Jarvan, Anivia, Taliyah, or other terrain-creating champions are on your team or even the enemy team.
- Blade of the Ruined King
- Berserker’s Greaves
- Guinsoo’s Rageblade
- Infinity Edge
- Phantom Dancer
- Guardian Angel/Mercurial Scimitar/Mortal Reminder (situational)
- Press the Attack
- Triumph
- Legend: Alacrity
- Coup de Grace
- Taste of Blood
- Ravenous Hunter
- Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Armor
Ability Max Order: R>W>Q>E
A great quick-guide to dominating as Vayne by MissFortuneDaBes!
5. Master Yi
The Wuju Bladesman
Master Yi is a jungler who can clear camps and quickly and easily and pile up gold and experience. This allows him to emerge from the jungle an absolute monster, taking down enemies two and three at a time, and cutting down enemy teams in the deepest reaches of the late game, winning games single-handedly once those big game-changing fights come around.
Why does Yi scale so well?
- Yi can clear his camps very quickly using his Alpha Strike (Q) and his passive, Double Strike. This allows him to get his much-needed items quickly and easily, not needing to lane against another champion.
- Master Yi builds items that make his auto attacks deal massive damage very quickly. This along with his passive, Double Strike and his Wuju Style (E), and his Highlander (R), create a champion whose auto attacks cut through his enemies like butter.
- Master Yi is an excellent team fighter, as his Alpha Strike can hit multiple enemies at once without allowing him to be hit back, and his auto attacks can handle any enemy quickly allowing him to move onto the next one. Kills in fights also extend the duration of his Highlander (R).
Playing Yi as a hyper-carry:
- Farm your jungle to level 6 unless a gank is super easy (such as an enemy pushed without flash). Stopping your farm to gank can tack unnecessary time onto your scaling.
- Don’t be afraid to solo the dragon when it’s safe. All four dragon souls help Master Yi a lot, and so prioritizing this objective is very smart. He’s also excellent at killing the dragon, so if you see the enemy jungler far away and your teammates are doing well, just kill that thing!
- Use your Meditate (W) to wait out big damage while your Alpha Strike (Q) is on cooldown in fights and skirmishes. Just be sure to not use it in front of someone who can break it with crowd control!
- Don’t be afraid to add variety to your build. After his absolute core items, Yi can build quite a few things. If you feel like you’re dying quickly, your damage won’t be hurt too badly by a tank item.
- In team fights, wait for the enemy team to blow some of their crowd control before going in. This will eliminate your only weakness from the fight, allowing you to cut the enemy up quickly and easily afterward.
- Conqueror
- Triumph
- Legend: Alacrity
- Coup de Grace
- Eyeball Collection
- Ravenous Hunter
- Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Armor
- Enchantment: Bloodrazor
- Berserker’s Greaves
- Guinsoo’s Rageblade
- Wit’s End/Blade of the Ruined King
- Death’s Dance/Sterak’s Gage
- Guardian Angel/Wit’s End/Randuin’s Omen
Ability Max Order: R>Q>E>W
Here's Cowsep, among the best Yi players in the world, letting you know how it's done!
4. Cassiopeia
The Serpent’s Embrace
Cassiopeia is a mid-lane mage who uses damage over time poisons and low-cooldown, spammable abilities to damage enemy champions quickly and with consistency. Once the late game rolls around, she will be an excellent team fighter and dish out damage on par with marksmen.
Why is Cassiopeia a hyper-carry?
- Cassiopeia’s Twin Fang (E) has an exceptionally low cooldown when cast on a target that is poisoned. This makes it function almost like a high-damage auto-attack that can be spammed to shred enemy health bars once she has a few items.
- Cassiopeia’s damage is consistent. There is no burst rotation for her because once her main crowd control is down she is mostly just spamming her Twin Fang (E).
- She can dominate team fights with area of effect crowd control and high damage on any type of enemy.
How to scale into the late game as Cassiopeia:
- Rush Tear of the Goddess. The mana regen is extremely helpful, and getting your Archangel’s Staff is of the utmost importance.
- Make sure to lay down your Noxious Blast (Q) or Miasma (W) before spamming your Twin Fant (E). If you don’t, the ability’s cooldown will go up significantly, severely limiting your damage.
- Use your Miasma (W) to ward off would-be assassins and bruisers, as their gap-closing abilities won’t work when they are grounded by this spell. This is crucial to allow the immobile Cassiopeia to get her damage down before she is killed.
- Use the fact that Cassiopeia can’t build boots to add another damage item to her build. This will give her an edge over other hyper-carries late game as she can add a ton of stats via that sixth item alone.
- In team fights, make sure to hit your Petrifying Gaze (R) on enemies that are facing you. This will stun them instead of just slowing them, allowing you and your team to quickly dispatch any and all of them. This area of effect stun makes Cassiopeia an excellent team fighter, outside of just her insane damage.
- Conqueror
- Presence of Mind
- Legend: Tenacity
- Coup de Grace
- Taste of Blood
- Ravenous Hunter
- Cooldown Reduction, Adaptive Force, Armor/Magic Resist (matchup dependent)
- Archangel’s Staff
- Rylai’s Crystal Scepter
- Liandry’s Torment
- Rabadon’s Deathcap
- Zhonya’s Hourglass
- Void Staff
Ability Max Order: R>E>Q>W
Here are some tips and tricks on climbing with Cassiopeia by YeagerLoL!
3. Yasuo
The Unforgiven
Yasuo is a mobile, flashy, low cooldown melee hyper-carry who can quickly cut up entire teams with his critical strikes and knock-ups. Hated amongst non-Yasuo players and loved amongst his fans, Yasuo is notorious on the rift for solo-carrying games, even when he falls behind.
What makes Yasuo special?
- Yasuo, similarly to Cassiopeia, has a high damage spell on a low cooldown. His Steel tempest (Q) woven between auto attacks can critically strike, making for quick and massive damage on his enemy.
- Yasuo’s Steel Tempest (Q) can also knock his enemies up. This means before he shreds his enemies instantly, he can make it so they can not retaliate, especially after level 6.
- Yasuo’s Windwall (W) stops any projectile in his path, making him adept at closing in on ranged attackers and dodging crowd control abilities. A hyper-carry with the ability to protect themself becomes infinitely more dangerous.
Ripping up the Rift as Yasuo:
- Use your third Steel Tempest (Q) to zone off the enemy laner in the lane. This will allow you to farm safely and scale up to the late game.
- Don’t waste your Windwall on low damage abilities. Save it for high damage abilities, crowd controls, and executes. This can bait enemies into your range and force them to fight you without their most useful skills.
- Push and roam early and often. Yasuo has crowd control and high damage early game that allows him to secure kills and get his important items quickly.
- Yasuo is able to reach 100% critical strike with fewer items because of his passive, Way of the Wanderer. Make sure not to waste gold on critical strike after you reach 100%, and build items that give you other advantages that aren’t critical strike.
- If you’re not doing well, don’t give up! Yasuo is well known for his ability to come back from a deficit because of his ability to push waves quickly, take objectives fast, and scale into the late game. Never give up! You’ll hit that power spike at 0/10.
- Conqueror
- Triumph
- Legend: Alacrity
- Coup de Grace
- Taste of Blood
- Ravenous Hunter
- Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Armor/Magic Resist (matchup dependent)
Ability Max Order: R>Q>E>W
Here's a fantastic Yasuo guide by Shark Zone!
2. Kayle
The Judicator
Kayle is a unique top-laner who spends a solid chunk of the game being the weakest champion on the map. Once she hits level 11, she can compete, and at 16, she’s unstoppable. If you love farming up until you’re a rolling ball of death, Kayle could be the champion for you!
So how is Kayle a Hyper-Carry?
- Kayle has melee auto attacks until level 16 but can activate her ranged auto attacks intermittently between levels 6 and 16. This is the same for her stacks of Zeal, which increases her attack speed every time she auto attacks. Once she hits level 16, both her range and attack speed are permanently at their limit, making her a terrifying force.
- Kayle is similar to Tryndamere in that her Ultimate, Divine Judgement, makes her (or unlike Tryndamere, an ally) immune to damage for a short period of time. This allows her to concentrate on dealing insane damage to multiple targets while being impervious to retaliation.
- Kayle’s build is auto-attack focused, but she deals a solid mix of damage types. This makes her tough to itemize against for tanks and bruisers in the late game.
Kayle Tips and Tricks!
- Play scared. Not passive. Scared. Pretty much every top laner in the game can murder you outright with little contest. Take the farm and experience you can. Take teleport. Back often. Once you hit level 6, you can start taking trades, but before that try to avoid fighting at all costs.
- Try to keep the lane close to your tower, but not under it. This will allow you relative safety from the gank paths of most junglers. Be aware of being dove, and make sure not to get greedy for the farm. Back if you’re low on health!
- Try to push if the enemy top roams. Some quick cash from plates can really help Kayle get the items she needs to make it to the late game.
- Once you’re level 16, the tables turn instantly. Look for fights, and join your team when they are around objectives. You will shred the enemy team quickly and can use your ultimate for clutch saves and area of effect damage.
- Alternatively, at level 16, you can split push effectively. Able to one-vs-one almost any champion in the game, you can use that to apply massive pressure and bring one, two, or even three enemy champions to the side lanes while your team takes objectives and wins with their man advantage.
- Press the Attack
- Overheal
- Legend: Alacrity
- Coup de Grace
- Bone Plating
- Overgrowth
- Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Armor/Magic Resist (matchup dependent)
- Hextech Gunblade
- Berserker’s Greaves
- Nashor’s Tooth
- Guinsoo’s Rageblade
- Rabadon’s Deathcap
- Phantom Dancer/Zhonya’s Hourglass
Ability Max Order: R>Q>E>W
An awesome guide to Kayle by Daveyx3!
1. Kassadin
The Void Walker
Kassadin is a late-game hyper-carry assassin who excels at using his extreme mobility to dash around fights and insta-kill enemy carries. The cream of the crop when it comes to late game carries, use Kassadin is a ticking-time-bomb of insane burst damage.
So what makes Kassadin a great Hyper-carry?
- Kassadin’s Riftwalk (R) doubles its mana cost and its damage done. Once Kassadin has the mana to expend on spamming this ability, it’s exponential growth in damage is devastating.
- Kassadin is extremely mobile because he can spam Riftwalk (R). This allows him to navigate fights with ease, picking and choosing who he wants to instakill, and moving on to safety quickly.
- Kassadin’s burst is ridiculous in the late game. Simply put, his abilities do a ton of damage. Nothing too special about this, but combined with his mobility it makes for a truly terrifying assassin.
How to dominate with Kassadin:
- Build Tear of the Goddess. You will need the mana from Archangel’s Staff to spam your Riftwalk (R). The shield also comes in handy, as you’re a melee champion.
- Play passively in the lane against champions with high burst. Farm up with your Null Sphere (Q) if needed.
- Immediately start pushing and roaming once you hit level 6. Getting a few kills can really help Kassadin snowball leads and put the hurt on his enemies.
- Remember Kassadin has 15% reduced magic damage, as well as a magic damage shield on his Null Sphere (Q). If you can be somewhat aggressive in a lane against a magic damage champion.
- Kassadin’s Nether Blade (W) is an auto-attack reset. Cast it immediately after an auto-attack to reset your auto attacks timer. This will increase your burst tremendously, or get you a farm you would otherwise not be able to kill!
- In team fights, wait out the enemy’s major cooldowns, then pounce on their squishy targets. Use your Zhonya’s Hourglass if a major spell is coming at you, or to wait out your own cooldowns so you can kill again.
- Fleet Footwork
- Presence of Mind
- Legend: Tenacity
- Coup de Grace
- Taste of Blood
- Ultimate Hunter
- Adaptive Force, Adaptive Force, Armor/Magic Resist (matchup dependent)
- Rod of Ages (but tear of the goddess first)
- Sorcerer’s Shoes
- Finish Archangel’s Staff
- Zhonya’s Hourglass
- Lich Bane
- Rabadon’s Deathcap/Void Staff
Note: it could be smart to build Mejai’s Soulstealer if you’re ahead. If you do this, do it early, right after your core items.
Ability Max Order: R>E>W>Q
This is a great Kassadin guide by Snowta!