The Beginning of League of Legends
While many people love playing the multiplayer online battle arena game League of Legends, some may not know the history behind the creation or the creators. Saying that League of Legends has blown up over the years is an understatement. League was released in 2009. By 2012, it was the most played PC game in North America and Europe. Then, by 2014, there were over 67 million playing League of Legends each month. Let's learn the history behind this superb game.
League of Legends Champions
The Birth of Riot Games
Riot Games, the creators behind League of Legends, was created in 2006. The company was founded by Marc Merrill and Brandon Beck. League of Legends is the game that set this company on the map. In 2008, Riot Games announced League of Legends. Then, a year later it was released. Riot Games started out as a small indie game development company. In 2015, the estimated revenue was $1.6 billion. Obviously, Riot Games started out small and grew at a rapid rate. This was mainly due to League of Legends.
Brandon Beck (CEO) and Marc Merrill (President)
The Business Tactic Behind League of Legends
League of Legends is a free-to-play game. This is how the company drew in so many players – and because it is an addicting game. How do they make so much money? The game contains micro-transactions. There are champions and other content that players can purchase. In order to get new champions, you have to purchase them. There are two different ways to make purchases. There are Riot Points and Influence Points. Influence Points are freely earned, but they can take some time to build up, especially if you are new. Riot Points are simply purchased with real money. This option is often used because it is faster and easier. So, just think about how many people play League of Legends. There are millions of people making purchases on content everyday. This is the strategy that Riot Games uses. It is a brilliant business tactic that has definitely paid off.
The League of Legends store
Present-Day League of Legends
It is truly amazing how a simple idea can turn into billions of dollars. That is exactly what Riot Games has done. Riot Games has revolutionized the multiplayer online battle arena scene. Now, there are not only people playing from their house, there are tournaments being held every year. Here, the best of the best compete for $1 million. League of Legends has done more than just become one of the biggest games in the world. It has made history.
2015 League of Legends finals
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