
Peter Kline is an experienced writer in both the fields of fantasy-fiction as well as journalism. A competitive gamer and anime viewer by day and dungeon master by night, he is completely surrounded by all things geek, and loves to share them with anyone who will listen. Endlessly motivated by his love of games and stories, he strives to bring the most important news, stories, and guides for all gamers, and, utilizing a Creative Writing Bachelor's from Binghamton University, excells specifically at breaking down games as a storytelling art form. Peter plays everything from the massive multiplayer hits like World of Warcraft and League of Legends, to a slew of RPGs and platformers, both Triple-A and indie games alike. Motivated by a passion for gaming and a need to share his love of games with others, Peter goes above and beyond to bring the best gaming content on the web. He currently resides in a small hobbit hole in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from which he plays games and writes for hours on hours each and every day, to bring you the best of the gaming world.
pskline2's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
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Gamer Since
Currently Playing
League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Top 3 Favorite Games