[Top 5] LoL Best Jayce Builds for Destroying the Enemy Team
“Picking a fight with me is the dumbest thing you’ve done today – and that’s saying a lot.”
Ever heard of the Defender of Tomorrow? Well, you’re about to.
Imagine having Nikola Tesla and Superman both in one person: Jayce, the brilliant inventor who pledged his life to defend Piltover and its unyielding pursuit of progress.
With a hextech hammer that changes shape in his hand, Jayce uses his strength, courage, and amazing intelligence to protect his home.
In this article, you will be guided through the best Jayce builds in League of Legends that will knock down your enemies.
Jayce, a native son of Piltover, was raised to believe that innovation and discovery were the main principles that made the city great. With a talent for understanding machinery, Jayce earned the honour of being the youngest apprenta to ever be offered patronage by one of the most respected ruling clans, Clan Giopara. After taking the offer, Jayce spent most of his early years constructing potential hextech devices and designing transformable multi-tools for Piltover’s working class, such as a wrench that transformed into a prybar, a pickaxe that could turn into a shovel, and a hammer that could switch into a demolition beam, if only it had a sufficiently powerful battery.
Nearly everyone who worked alongside Jayce found him arrogant, dismissive, and unwilling to slow his pace to help his colleagues catch up. Only one person ever managed to match Jayce’s intelligence while also maintaining a healthy indifference toward his superior attitude. His name was Viktor.
The two met at a mandatory Progress Day party, and instantly bonded over how little either of them wanted to be there. Not so long after, they started working together. Together, Jayce and Viktor invented a mechanised construction suit for Piltover’s dockworkers. They built something hearty enough to enhance the wearer’s strength but light enough that its wearer wouldn’t immediately drown upon falling overboard.
However, the two reached a dead end when Viktor designed the next version of the suit to include a chemtech implant that would increase the wearer’s strength output by tenfold, while also preventing them from getting tired, panicking, or disobeying instructions from their superiors.
While Viktor considered what he invented a brilliant means of reducing the frequency of construction accidents, Jayce found its indifference toward free will immoral.
After Jayce told the academy about Viktor's invention, he lost his honours and was shunned by the scientific community in Piltover.
Clan Giopara’s explorers discovered a raw blue crystal lies deep within the Shuriman desert. Jayce volunteered to experiment on it after the clan’s scholars reached the unanimous conclusion that the crystal is worthless. A power-drained chunk of rock the disappointed clan leaders finally handed the crystal over to Jayce, assuming that even he, with his remarkable intelligence, wouldn’t be able to learn anything from it. Something in that crystal was calling to Jayce - actually, singing to him. He couldn’t explain how or why, but he knew that the Shuriman gem held mysteries yet to be discovered.
After spending many months running every possible test on the crystal without any success, he decided to try and experiment on a smaller shard instead of the crystal as a whole. He attempted to cut a piece of the crystal and suspend it in liquid alloy; eventually, heat radiated from the crystal, which glowed brightly enough to nearly blind Jayce.
The next day, Jayce had a surprising visit from his old friend Viktor, who needed a power source like Jayce’s crystal to help with his immoral inventions.
Jayce disagreed with him and refused to work with him, but Viktor didn’t care for Jayce’s opinion anyway. He grabbed the crystal and knocked Jayce unconscious with it.
After Jayce woke up, he noticed not only that the crystal was gone but also that Viktor didn’t seem to notice or care about the smaller shard of the crystal.
Without wasting a second, Jayce took the suspended shard and installed it into a massive transforming hammer, which he abandoned years ago due to a lack of strong enough battery power.
Wanting to be with the crystal again, the shard led Jayce to a warehouse where Viktor was hiding.
Within the cavernous building, Jayce found something horrifying. Dozens of dead bodies, with their skulls cut open and hollowed out and their brains put into an army of inanimate metal soldiers that were hooked up to the now-pulsing crystal, lay on the ground.
Jayce tried to apologise for acting like a jerk and convince Viktor to stop whatever he was doing, but Viktor’s response was an order to his automatons to kill Jayce.
Jayce gripped the hammer tightand swung it as hard as he could. Jayce felt the shard’s energy surge through his muscles, accelerating the hammer’s movement.
The hammer slammed into the automaton, all but exploding it into a hail of metal.
Not caring for his own safety, Jayce used every last bit of strength he had to break free from Viktor’s automatons. He sprinted to the glowing crystal and struck it with all of the hextech-enhanced force his hammer could muster, crushing the mystical object.
Viktor cried out in horror as the crystal shattered into fragments, the shockwave blasting them all backward as the army of automatons collapsed lifelessly to the floor.
No one ever found Viktor’s body. After his return to Piltover, Jayce informed his clan masters of Viktor’s nefarious plans. Soon, Jayce found himself a topic of discussion in both Zaun and Piltover alike.
Jayce knew that Viktor was still out there, plotting his revenge, and that one day he would be back with an awful lot of trouble. Jayce will be waiting.
Jayce Abilities:
Jayce Passive:
Whenever Jayce switches between either Hammer Stance or Cannon Stance, he gains ghosting and 40 bonus movement speed for 0.75 seconds.
To The Skies! (Jayce Q)
Cooldown: 16/14/12/10/8/6
Cost: 40 mana
Target range: 600
Effect radius: 300
Jayce leaps to the target enemy’s location. Upon arrival, he deals physical damage to all enemies within an area and slows them for 2 seconds.
Lightning Field (Jayce W)
Cooldown: 10
Cost: 40 mana
Effect radius: 350
Jayce’s basic attacks restore mana on-hit.
Jayce surrounds himself with an electric field for 4 seconds that deals magic damage every second to nearby enemies.
Thundering Blow (Jayce E)
Cooldown: 20/18/16/14/12/10
Cost: 55 mana
Cast time: 0.25
Target range: 240
Jayce swings his hammer at the target enemy, dealing magic damage, capped against monsters, while also displacing them to a location 500 units in front of him.
Transform Mercury Cannon (Jayce R)
Jayce transforms into Cannon Stance , receiving access to its abilities, becoming ranged with 500 attack range, and empowering his next basic attack to reduce the target's armor and magic resistance by 10 / 15 / 20 / 25% (based on level) for 5 seconds.
Jayce begins the game with Transform but cannot increase its rank. Instead, his basic abilities each have 6 ranks.
Jayce Counters:
5- Tank Jayce build:
(By: Full Metal Jayce)
Checkout Tank Jayce’s gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwhM1GwQEJE&t=83s
- Jayce is a really strong tank with Goredrinker, as he can sustain a lot of damage.
- His passive approach would help him engage and disengage team fights as a frontliner.
Build’s Strength:
- Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressively plays.
- You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently.
- When you hit level 6, you need to play a bit safer as you do not have an ultimate R, unlike every other Top laner.
Play Tank Jayce if you are matched up against:
- Rumble
- Yone
- Gnar
- Warwick
- Singed
Skills in order:
Level 1: To The Sky!
Level 2: Thundering Blow
Level 3: Lightning Field
Level 4: To The Sky!
Level 5: To The Sky!
Level 6: Lightning Field
Level 7: To The Sky!
Level 8: Lightning Field
Level 9: To The Sky!
Level 10: Lightning Field
Level 11: To The Sky!
Level 12: Lightning Field
Level 13: Lightning Field
Level 14: Thundering Blow
Level 15: Thundering Blow
Level 16: Thundering Blow
Level 17: Thundering Blow
Level 18: Thundering Blow
1-Grasp of the Undying
3-Bone Plating
5-Biscuit Delivery
6-Cosmic Insight
7-Attack Speed
8-Adaptive Force
Summoner’s Spells:
Starting Items:
- 1-Doran’s Shield
+80 health
+6 health per 5 seconds
Unique – Focus: Basic attacks deal 5 bonus physical damage on-hit against minions.
Unique – Endure: After taking damage from a champion or large monster, gain health regeneration equal to 0 − 40 (based on current missing health) health over 8 seconds. Reduced to (66% effectiveness) on ranged champions or when triggered by area of effect, damage over time, or proc.
- 2-Health Potion
Regenerates 4 health every 0.5 seconds over 15 seconds, restoring a total of 120 health.
Core and Mythic items:
- 1-Plated Steelcaps
+20 armor
+45 movement speed
Unique: Reduces incoming damage from all basic attacks by 12% (Excluding turret attacks).
- 2-Goredrinker
+55 attack damage
+20 ability haste
+300 health
+8% omnivamp
Unique – Thirsting Slash: Deal 175% base AD physical damage to enemies in a 450 radius centered around you. Heal for 20% AD (+ 8% of your missing health) for each enemy champion hit (15 (reduced by ability haste) second cooldown).
- 3-Blade of The Ruined King
+20 attack damage
+35% attack speed
Unique – Thirst: +10% Physical Vamp.
Unique – Ruined Strikes: Basic attacks (9% melee/ 6% ranged) of the target’s current health bonus physical damage. Deals a minimum of 15 damage, and against monsters deals a maximum of 60 damage.
Unique – Drain: Hitting a champion with 3 basic attacks or abilities deals 30 – 100 (based on level) magic damage and steals 25% of their movement speed for 2 seconds (60 second cooldown).
- 4-Black Cleaver
+45 attack damage
+30 ability haste
+350 health
Unique – Carve: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion applies a stack of Carve for 6 seconds, stacking up to 6 times. Each stack inflicts 5% armor reduction, up to 30% at 6 stacks.
Unique – Rage: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion grants 3 bonus movement speed per stack of Carve on them for 2 seconds, up to 18.
- 5-Hullbreaker
+50 attack damage
+400 health
+150% base health regeneration
Unique – Boarding Party: While no allied champions are within 1400 units, gain ( 10 – 75 melee / 5 − 37.5 ranged) (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance and 20% bonus basic damage against structures. Allied siege minions and super minions within 1050 units gain ( 30 – 225 melee / 15 − 112.5 ranged) (based on level) bonus armor and bonus magic resistance, 10% bonus size and deal 200% bonus damage against structures. Bonus resistances are lost instantly when an allied champion is nearby.
- 6-Thornmail
+350 health
+60 armor
Unique – Thorns: When struck by a basic attack on-hit deal 10 (+20% bonus armor) magic damage to the attacker and, if they are a champion, inflict them with 25% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds Immobilizing enemy champions also inflicts them with 40% Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
4-Lethality Jayce build:
(By: SoloRenektonOnly)
Checkout Lethality Jayce’s gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vynV6-Ec-8
- Jayce has a lot of skills that would make him one shot enemies using Duskblade.
- Jayce can outrange most of the top champions, which would be a great advantage.
Build’s Strength:
Jayce has tonnes of poke damage and can constantly abuse the enemy before initiating a fight.
Delaying fights while harassing the enemy with To the Skies! Ability.
As Jayce is a ranged champion, you can often bully melee champions down and harass them whenever they walk up to last hit.
Play Lethality Jayce if you are matched up against:
- Corki
- Swain
- Cassiopeia
- Yone
- Azir
Skills in order:
Level 1: To The Sky!
Level 2: Thundering Blow
Level 3: Lightning Field
Level 4: To The Sky!
Level 5: To The Sky!
Level 6: Lightning Field
Level 7: To The Sky!
Level 8: Lightning Field
Level 9: To The Sky!
Level 10: Lightning Field
Level 11: To The Sky!
Level 12: Lightning Field
Level 13: Lightning Field
Level 14: Thundering Blow
Level 15: Thundering Blow
Level 16: Thundering Blow
Level 17: Thundering Blow
Level 18: Thundering Blow
1-Summon Aery
2-Manaflow Band
3-Absolute Focus
4-Gathering storm
5-Taste of Blood
6-Ravenous Hunter
7-Adaptive Force
8-Adaptive Force
Summoner’s Spells:
Starting Items:
- 1-Doran’s Blade
+8 Attack Damage
+80 Health
Unique – Warmonger: +2.5% omnivamp.
- 2-Health Potion
Regenerates 4 health every 0.5 seconds over 15 seconds, restoring a total of 120 health.
Core and Mythical items:
- 1-Ninja Tabi
+20 armor
Unique – Enhanced Movement: Gain 45 bonus movement speed.
Unique: Reduces incoming damage from all basic attacks, excluding turret attacks, by 12%.
- 2-Youmuu’s Ghostblade
+55 attack damage
+15 ability haste
+18 lethality (11.2-18 (based on level) armor penetration)
Unique – Wraith Step: Gain 20% bonus movement speed and ghosting for 6 seconds (45 seconds cooldown)
Unique – Haunt: Gain 40 bonus movement speed while out-of-combat.
- 3-Duskblade of Draktharr
+60 Attack damage
+20 Ability haste
+18 Lethality (11.2 – 18 (based on level) armor penetration)
Unique – Nightstalker: Your next basic attack against an enemy champion deals bonus physical damage on-hit and slows the target by 99% for 0.25 seconds (15 second cooldown).
Scoring a takedown against an enemy champion within 3 seconds of damaging them resets this effect's cooldown and grants you invisibility for 1.5 seconds.
Mythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5 bonus movement speed, and 5 ability haste.
- 4-Black Cleaver
+45 attack damage
+30 ability haste
+350 health
Unique – Carve: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion applies a stack of Carve for 6 seconds, stacking up to 6 times. Each stack inflicts 5% armor reduction, up to 30% at 6 stacks.
Unique – Rage: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion grants 3 bonus movement speed per stack of Carve on them for 2 seconds, up to 18.
- 5- Lord Dominik’s Regards
+30 Attack damage
+20% Critical strike chance
+30% Armor penetration
Unique – Giant slayer: Deal 0% - 15% (based on maximum health difference) bonus physical damage against enemy champions with greater maximum health than you.
- 6-Guardian Angel
+45 Attack damage
+40 Armor
Unique – Rebirth: Upon taking lethal damage, enter resurrection for 4 seconds, during which you are invulnerable, untargetable, and unable to act, and afterwards heal for 50% of base health and restore 30% of maximum mana (300 (starts after resurrection) second cooldown).
3-Lethal Mana build:
(By: Eternal Hero)
Checkout Lethal Mana gameplay:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9USKap13Io
- Jayce can rapidly activate the Eclipse passive as he has many skills that can be used immediately.
- Playing Lethal Mana would give you a huge advantage in terms of damage, and having his passive would make him disengage any unwanted fights.
Build’s Strength:
- Jayce has a lot of utility due to his basic abilities, which allow him to assist his team and easily disengage or engage from fights.
- Jayce's poke is directly proportional to the number of items and components he has.
- Jayce excels at pinning enemies down with Thundering Blow and To the Skies! Combo.
Play Lethal Mana if you are matched up against:
- Ziggs
- Varus
- Kassadin
- Lissandra
- Syndra
Skills in order:
Level 1: To The Sky!
Level 2: Thundering Blow
Level 3: Lightning Field
Level 4: To The Sky!
Level 5: To The Sky!
Level 6: Lightning Field
Level 7: To The Sky!
Level 8: Lightning Field
Level 9: To The Sky!
Level 10: Lightning Field
Level 11: To The Sky!
Level 12: Lightning Field
Level 13: Lightning Field
Level 14: Thundering Blow
Level 15: Thundering Blow
Level 16: Thundering Blow
Level 17: Thundering Blow
Level 18: Thundering Blow
1-Phase Rush
2-Manaflow Band
3-Absolute Focus
4-Gathering Storm
5-Magical Footwear
6-Biscuit Delivery
7-Adaptive Force
8-Adaptive Force
Summoner’s Spells:
Starting Items:
- 1-Doran’s Blade
+8 Attack Damage
+80 Health
Unique – Warmonger: +2.5% omnivamp.
- 2-Health Potion
Regenerates 4 health every 0.5 seconds over 15 seconds, restoring a total of 120 health.
Core and Mythical items:
- 1-Eclipse
+60 attack damage
+12 lethality (7.47 – 12(based on level) armor penetration)
+7% omnivamp
Unique – Ever Rising Moon: Hitting an enemy champion with 2 separate attacks or abilities within 1.5 seconds deals bonus physical damage equal to (6% melee/3% ranged) of target’s maximum health and grants you 15% bonus movement speed and shield for (160 melee/80 ranged) (+(35% melee/17.5%) bonus AD) for 2 seconds ((8 melee/16 ranged) seconds cooldown)
Mythic Passive: Empowers each of your other legendary items with 4% armor penetration, and 5 bonus movement speed.
- 2-Ionian Boots of Lucidity
This item is dedicated in honor of Ionian’s victory over Noxus in the Rematch for the Southern Provinces on 10 December, 20 CLE.
+20 ability haste
+45 movement speed
+12 summoner spell haste
- 3-Manamune
+35 attack damage
+15 ability haste
+500 mana
Unique – Awe: Grants bonus attack damage equal to 2.5% maximum mana.
Unique – Mana Charge: Grants a charge every 8 seconds, up to 4 charges. Consumes a charge on-hit and whenever affecting an enemy or ally with an ability to grant 3 bonus mana, increased to 6 for champion targets, up to a maximum of 360 bonus mana.
Transforms into Muramana at 360 bonus mana.
- 4-Serylda’s Grudge
+45 attack damage
+20 ability haste
+30% armor penetration
Unique – Bitter Cold: Dealing ability damage slows affected units by 30% for 1 second.
- 5-Youmuu’s Ghostblade
+55 attack damage
+15 ability haste
+18 lethality (11.2-18 (based on level) armor penetration)
Unique – Wraith Step: Gain 20% bonus movement speed and ghosting for 6 seconds (45 seconds cooldown)
Unique – Haunt: Gain 40 bonus movement speed while out-of-combat.
- 6- Maw of Malmortius
+55 Attack damage
+20 Ability haste
+50 Magic resistance
Unique – Lifeline: If you would take magic damage that would reduce you below 30% of your maximum health, you first gain a shield that absorbs magic damage for 5 seconds (75 seconds cooldown).
Unique: Triggering Lifeline also grants 10% omnivamp for 5 seconds. After 2 seconds into the duration, taking or dealing damage refreshes this effect to 3 seconds.
2- Top Lane Tank Jayce:
(By: Slimzzy)
Check out Top Lane Tank Jayce’s gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAbub0dK424
- Jayce can rapidly clear jungle camps as his skills deal splash damage.
- Jayce ganks would be great as he gains movement speed, which would allow him to catch the enemies, and having a huge range would be a huge advantage.
Build’s Strength:
- Jayce can one-shot targets if he is far ahead of the enemy team, which allows him to create an advantage for his team before a major fight.
- He will still have to rely on flanking and using the fog of war to poke enemies down.
- The more enemies he can hit, the better it is for his team and him.
Play Top Lane Tank Jayce if you are matched up against:
- Tryndamere
- Pantheon
- Mordekaiser
- Vladimir
- Urgot
Skills in order:
Level 1: To The Sky!
Level 2: Thundering Blow
Level 3: Lightning Field
Level 4: To The Sky!
Level 5: To The Sky!
Level 6: Lightning Field
Level 7: To The Sky!
Level 8: Lightning Field
Level 9: To The Sky!
Level 10: Lightning Field
Level 11: To The Sky!
Level 12: Lightning Field
Level 13: Lightning Field
Level 14: Thundering Blow
Level 15: Thundering Blow
Level 16: Thundering Blow
Level 17: Thundering Blow
Level 18: Thundering Blow
2-Presence of Mind
3-Legend: Alacrity
4-Last Stand
5-Magical Footwear
6-Cosmic Insight
7-Attack Speed
8-Adaptive Force
Summoner’s Spells:
Starting Items:
- 1-Doran’s Shield
+80 health
+6 health per 5 seconds
Unique – Focus: Basic attacks deal 5 bonus physical damage on-hit against minions.
Unique – Endure: After taking damage from a champion or large monster, gain health regeneration equal to 0 − 40 (based on current missing health) health over 8 seconds. Reduced to (66% effectiveness) on ranged champions or when triggered by area of effect, damage over time, or proc.
- 2-Health Potion
Regenerates 4 health every 0.5 seconds over 15 seconds, restoring a total of 120 health.
Core and Mythical items:
- 1-Sunfire Aegis
+20 ability haste
+450 health
+35 armor
+35 magic resistance
Unique – Immolate: Taking or dealing damage activates this passive for 3 seconds. Deal 15 (+ 1.75% bonus health) magic damage every second to enemies within 325 (+ 100% bonus size) units, with the damage being increased by 25% against minions and 150% against monsters. This executes minions that would be killed by one more tick of damage. Damaging enemy champions or epic monsters with this effect grants a stack for 5 seconds that increases subsequent Immolate damage by 10%, stacking up to 6 times for a 60% increase.
Unique – Flametouch: At maximum stacks, your basic attacks create an explosion around you, applying a burn to all enemies within 325 (+ 100% bonus size) units that deals your current Immolate damage to them over 3 seconds.
Mythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 5% tenacity, 50 bonus health and 5% slow resist.
- 2-Black Cleaver
+45 attack damage
+30 ability haste
+350 health
Unique – Carve: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion applies a stack of Carve for 6 seconds, stacking up to 6 times. Each stack inflicts 5% armor reduction, up to 30% at 6 stacks.
Unique – Rage: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion grants 3 bonus movement speed per stack of Carve on them for 2 seconds, up to 18.
- 3- Mercury Treads
+25 Magic resistance
+45 Movement speed
+30% Tenacity
- 4-Titanic Hydra
+30 attack damage
+500 health
Unique – Colossus: Gain bonus attack damage equal to 2% of bonus health.
Unique – Cleave: Basic attacks on-hit deal ( 4 melee/ 3 ranged) (+ ( 1.5% melee / 1.125% ranged) maximum health) bonus physical damage to the target and ( 40 melee / 30 ranged) (+ ( 3% melee / 2.25% ranged) maximum health) physical damage to other enemies in a cone in the direction of the target.
- 5-Frozen Heart
+20 ability haste
+400 mana
+90 armor
Unique – Rock Solid: Every first incoming instance of post-mitigation basic damage per cast instance is reduced by 5 (+3.5 per 1000 maximum health), maximum 40% reduction each.
- 6-Gargoyle Stoneplate
+15 ability haste
+60 armor
+60 magic resistance
Unique – Monolith: Gain a shield for 100 (+ 90% bonus health), decaying over 2.5 seconds, and 25% increased size while active (90 second cooldown).
Unique – Fortify: Increase your bonus armor and bonus magic resistance by 5% for 6 seconds when a champion deals damage to you, stacks up to 5 times for a maximum of 25%. This stacks once per unique champion.
1-Jungle Jayce AD:
(By: Be Challenger LoL)
Checkout Jungle Jayce AD gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAauJImKdNw
- Jayce's eclipse in the jungle would allow him to gank enemies with one shot.
- Jayce can focus more on objectives as he will be building up tonnes of attack damage.
Build’s Strength:
- The first component will give Jayce a damage boost and let him play more aggressively.
- Once he maxes his To the Skies! At level nine, he will be able to dish out a lot of damage.
- Jayce can hide in the fog of war and manage to burst down an unsuspecting, squishy enemy with his Thundering Blow and To the Skies! Combo.
Play Jayce AD Jungle if you are matched up against:
- Rengar
- Kha’Zix
- Diana
- Viego
- Shaco
Skills in order:
Level 1: To The Sky!
Level 2: Thundering Blow
Level 3: Lightning Field
Level 4: To The Sky!
Level 5: To The Sky!
Level 6: Lightning Field
Level 7: To The Sky!
Level 8: Lightning Field
Level 9: To The Sky!
Level 10: Lightning Field
Level 11: To The Sky!
Level 12: Lightning Field
Level 13: Lightning Field
Level 14: Thundering Blow
Level 15: Thundering Blow
Level 16: Thundering Blow
Level 17: Thundering Blow
Level 18: Thundering Blow
2-Taste of Blood
3-Eyeball Collection
4-Relentless Hunter
6-Coup de Grace
7-Attack Speed
8-Adaptive Force
Summoner’s Spells:
1-Chilling Smite
Starting items:
- 1-Refillable Potion
Consumes a charge to regenerate 4.166 health every 0.5 seconds over 12 seconds, restoring a total of 100 health.
Unique: Holds charges that refill upon visiting the shop (2 charges).
- 2-Hailblade
+7% omnivamp against monsters.
Unique – Sear: Damaging monsters burns them for (60 (+30% AP) (+5% bonus AD) (+2% bonus health) total magic damage over 5 seconds). Omnivamp against monsters provided by this item is not reduced by area of effect damage.
Unique – Recoup: Regenerate up to 8 – 18 (based on level) mana per second while in the jungle or river, based on missing mana.
Core and Mythical items:
- 1-Eclipse
+60 attack damage
+12 lethality (7.47 – 12(based on level) armor penetration)
+7% omnivamp
Unique – Ever Rising Moon: Hitting an enemy champion with 2 separate attacks or abilities within 1.5 seconds deals bonus physical damage equal to (6% melee/3% ranged) of target’s maximum health and grants you 15% bonus movement speed and shield for (160 melee/80 ranged) (+(35% melee/17.5%) bonus AD) for 2 seconds ((8 melee/16 ranged) seconds cooldown)
Mythic Passive: Empowers each of your other legendary items with 4% armor penetration, and 5 bonus movement speed.
- 2-Boots of Swiftness
+60 movement speed
+25% slow resist
- 3-Black Cleaver
+45 attack damage
+30 ability haste
+350 health
Unique – Carve: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion applies a stack of Carve for 6 seconds, stacking up to 6 times. Each stack inflicts 5% armor reduction, up to 30% at 6 stacks.
Unique – Rage: Dealing physical damage to an enemy champion grants 3 bonus movement speed per stack of Carve on them for 2 seconds, up to 18.
- 4-Death’s Dance
+55 attack damage
+15 ability haste
+45 armor
Unique – Ignore Pain: Stores (30% melee/ 10% ranged) of all post-mitigation physical and magic damage received, including on shields, which is successively taken as true damage over 3 seconds instead, dealing a third of the stored damage each second.
Unique – Defy: If an enemy champion dies within 3 seconds of you damaging them, removes Ignore Pain's remaining stored damage and heals you 120% bonus AD over 2 seconds.
- 5-Sterak’s Gage
+400 health
Unique – The Claws that Catch: Gain bonus attack damage equal to 50% base AD.
Unique – Lifeline: If you would take damage that would reduce you below 30% of your maximum health, gain a shield equal to 80% of bonus health that decays over 4.5 seconds (60 second cooldown).
- 6-Youmuu’s Ghostblade
+55 attack damage
+15 ability haste
+18 lethality (11.2-18 (based on level) armor penetration)
Unique – Wraith Step: Gain 20% bonus movement speed and ghosting for 6 seconds (45 seconds cooldown)
Unique – Haunt: Gain 40 bonus movement speed while out-of-combat.
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