Enjoying your leisure time is the main goal of playing any game. However, when it comes to League, having fun could be overstating the case. Ekko is one of several entertaining champions you may choose, though, to have a better overall experience. The excellent champion design and his kit make playing Ekko fun.
Ekko is an AP assassin who deals decent damage and has a distinctive ultimate. He can also be used as a tank, making you even more irritating. Ekko has several fantastic skins, much like his superb design. So you can look beautiful while having fun one-shotting ADCs on the rift.
Let's have a look at all of Ekko’s skins ranking them from worst to the best.
8. Academy Ekko
Academy Ekko Splash Art
See the skin in action:
Release Year: August 26, 2015
Price: 750 RP
Academy Ekko is one of the skins that look fairly amazing in the splash image. Such that you begin to question why it would be so inexpensive before you see it in the game. It's not quite perfect, but there aren't many flaws either; the model is attractive and the idea is interesting. However, The skin is essentially just classic Ekko dressed like a student and there are no unique animations or particles here.
7. Firelight Ekko
Firelight Ekko Splash Art
See the skin in action:
Release Year: February 17, 2022
Price: 1350 RP
Ekko's participation in the popular Netflix series "Arcane" gave rise to Firelight Ekko. Because Arcane was so good, gamers had high expectations for the Arcane skins.
Firelight Ekko received a lot of criticism for lacking any fresh sound effects. However, Riot took comments into consideration and created fresh animations and sound effects for each of his abilities. The skin is simple yet looks fantastic.
6. Sandstorm Ekko
Sandstorm Ekko Splash Art
See the skin in action:
Release Date: May 27, 2015
Price: 975 RP
At least from my perspective, the Sandstorm Ekko is comparable to a value choice for Ekko. The hourglass on his back that represents the sands of time is quite attractive. Even though the Sandstorm Ekko skin doesn't have all the bells and whistles that the more costly alternatives have, it still has a function. This skin is really the default one for Ekko according to a buddy of mine, and he likes it.
Sandstorm Ekko is an homage to Prince of Persia and the Sands of Time. For Ekko's abilities, including recall, auto-attack, joke, taunt, dance, and death, this skin offers new golden particles. New sound effects have also been added for his spells, recall, and auto-attack.
5. SKT T1 Ekko
SKT T1 Ekko Splash Art
See the skin in action:
Release Date: June 27, 2017
Price: 1350 RP
This particular skin for Ekko was a temporary eSports skin that debuted during the SKT World Championship. It has a gold and red color scheme because of this, and I must say that the color combination is rather fashionable. They complement each other wonderfully, in my opinion.
This Ekko skin now gives his blade a fresh shine, and new particles have been added to his recall, auto-attack, and abilities. Additionally, the updated recall animation and auto-attack, ability, and recall noises are all rather good.
4. Trick Or Treat Ekko
Trick Or Treat Ekko Splash Art
See the skin in action:
Release Date: October 24, 2018
Price: 975 RP
It just so happens that Trick or Treat Ekko is one of my favorite skins. I have always adored Halloween skins. The inclusion of Ekko in the Halloween range of skins genuinely shocked me. This skin over here is excellent. There are bats, pumpkins, a mask, and even a candy-filled cauldron on it.
His mask is imprinted on the W, and his pumpkin would be the Q. In essence, it offers all the features you would anticipate having in a Halloween-themed skin.
This skin may be lacking in certain areas, but it more than makes up for it in others. Consider the costume as an example; while it fits, it appears to have been created by a child or perhaps acquired from one of those discount Halloween stores. Though the skeleton outfit concept is very flimsy, the club-shaped weapon is undeniably cool.
With this skin, the particles are where it's at. There have been some intriguing adjustments made to the auto-attacks and other abilities.
3. PROJECT: Ekko
PROJECT: Ekko Splash Art
See the skin in action:
Release Date: August 01, 2016
Price: 1350 RP
In terms of League of Legends skins, I don't particularly like the Project line, however, the Project Ekko skin is an exception because it's not that horrible. I think the color combination of silver and green was a wise one.
It certainly fits the time travel motif. Though it's not quite his finest skin, the Project Ekko skin is unquestionably among the better Project skins.
Ekko's acrobatics fit his personality, and the sounds add a good complement to the pictures. When all is considered, Project Ekko is a superb skin that pleasantly surprises us all.
2. Pulsefire Ekko
Pulsefire Ekko Splash Art
See the skin in action:
Release Date: May 14, 2020
Price: 1350 RP
One of the greatest Ekko skins available is without a doubt Pulsefire. White and bright blue gives off a futuristic vibe that looks stunning. The mohawk may be a bit excessive. However, all of the animations and effects are superb and absolutely worth the price.
1. True Damage Ekko
True Damage Ekko Splash Art
See the skin in action:
Release Date: November 10, 2019
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Price: 1820 RP
True Damage Ekko is the legendary and most costly skin for Ekko, and I must say that the cost is well worth it. Ekko does a fantastic job at blending in as a rapper, and the clothing is very gorgeous. The vivid yellows, purples, and blues truly shine through and provide a pleasing visual impression. The W appears to buffer, providing a little circle before a mix of colors is dropped.
The True Damage Ekko skin has a lot going for it and it looks beautiful. Yes, the cost could deter some people from purchasing it, but if you can afford it, I guarantee that you'll want it.