Illaoi is one of the bruiser champions that is hard to gank, especially if the jungler and toplaner are not aware of how her kit works. Even when behind, players must be careful when ganking Illaoi because one mistake can cost their lives. In this article, we will rank each of her skins to determine which ones are worth buying.
4. Void Bringer Illaoi

Void Bringer Illaoi is the champion skin released for Illaoi in 2015. It comes with new and badass splash art, filtered voiceover, new particles, skills, and sound effects. The in-game model of Illaoi is great, and her armor is quite detailed, but there are a lot of problems with this skin. Some of the problems are the overly filtered voice-over, to the point that players are having a hard time understanding her dialogue, and the details on her tentacles are somewhat lacking, considering that this skin is an epic tier.
How to get it: It can be obtained as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or by purchasing it for 1350 Riot Points.
See Void Bringer Illaoi in action: https://youtu.be/3FamNTDdnXw
3. Resistance Illaoi

Almost three years after her release, Illaoi finally gets this new skin in 2018. This skin offers new splash art, and recall animation. For the skills, sound, and particles, it is incorporated with exploding cybernetic effects. Her in-game model is wearing tons of armor, and her right arm is turned into a mechanical one. The tentacles are also detailed and packed with effects. A chroma bundle is also available for this skin that changes the colors of her tentacles as well.
How to get it: It can be obtained as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or by purchasing it for 1350 Riot Points.
See Resistance Illaoi in action: https://youtu.be/51jJ-llyk8A
2. Cosmic Invoker Illaoi

Cosmic Invoker Illaoi is one of the skins that fits with Illaoi. As a cosmic being, her skills, sounds, and particles are loaded with galactic and constellation effects. Even the tentacles are quite detailed. It also offers new splash art, and an in-game model, filtered voice-over, and a new recall animation where an Aquarius zodiac sign can be seen. A Chroma bundle is also available for this skin.
How to get it: It can be obtained as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or by purchasing it for 1350 Riot Points.
See Cosmic Invoker Illaoi in action: https://youtu.be/n1a_Oru7_C8
1. Snow Moon Illaoi

When Snow Moon Illaoi was released, Illaoi players were torn over whether the skin would be a hit or miss. Fortunately, the skin totally delivers in every aspect. The in-game model of Illaoi has a fresh look compared to her previous skins. Snow and autumn leaves are incorporated into her skills, sounds, and particle effects. This skin also comes with a new recall animation, and a Chroma bundle available to buy.
How to get it: It can be obtained as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, as a permanent skin by rerolling three skin shards, or by purchasing it for 1350 Riot Points.
See Snow Moon Illaoi in action: https://youtu.be/0XDVa1ZlHZo
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