Ranked Solo/Duo, also known as Solo-Queue, is League of Legend’s competitive 5v5 ranked game mode. It allows solo players (and duos up to Master rank) to play for League points (LP), which helps ensure teams in competitive games are fighting against players of a similar skill level.
Players are invited to choose their preferred positions prior to entering a match. One position players can pick is Top lane. This position emphasizes self-sufficiency and independence, and it’s ideal for players who like to do their own thing and not depend on their teammates for growth.
Characteristics of a good Top-laner include:
- Good dueling skill: Top-laners spend much of the game isolated from the rest of their team, and thus they must be good at 1v1 fights without the need of support from their teammates. This is valuable for split-pushing: solo pushing down a lane to pressure the enemy to divert resources away from teammates to focus on a singular champion.
- Teamfighting: Nevertheless, Top-laners must also bring something to the table when it comes to teamfights. This may come in the form of fight initiation power, devastating area-of-effect (AoE) abilities, or tanking damage as a front-liner.
- Upward trajectory: Top-laners are usually late game champions. While this means they have have weaker early games, it also means they’re super strong in the middle and later stages of a game, a time when many other lanes’ champions are falling off in power.
15. Teemo (Good)
Top-lane main and coach Daveyx3 proves that Teemo is still viable in the season 14 meta.
Teemo is one of League’s most polarizing – yet iconic – champions. He packs a punch, especially with his annoying, invisible mushrooms. Unlike other Top laners, Teemo is pretty strong throughout the entire game, meaning you won’t have to wait until late game to come online.
Reasons to Pick Teemo:
- Relevancy through entire game: Teemo has a strong early, mid, and late game. He’s powerful early on and stays useful throughout the entire game without really falling off.
- Devastating crowd-control and AoE: His Q (Blinding Dart) blind can deny an enemy from a crucial kill if used at the right time, and his mushrooms slow those they catch in their poisonous cloud.
- Strong roams: Teemo is great for roaming around the map and impacting different areas of the Rift. He can go invisible in brush or if he’s standing still, surprising anybody who wanders into range. He can also drop his mushrooms in choke points and around objectives.
Pick Teemo If:
- You like to roam around the map instead of just staying topside.
- Your team lacks reliable CC and AoE.
- You’re going against a marksman/ADC (Vayne, Smolder, etc.). Blinding Dart is extra annoying for them.
Teemo is Strong Against:
- Vayne
- Singed
- Shen
- Illaoi
- Kayle
Teemo is Weak Against:
- Malphite
- Olaf
- Dr. Mundo
- Gragas
- Sett
14. Kayle (Good)
Godzu shows us the absolute headache a fed, level 16 Kayle can be to the enemy team.
Notorious for “not being a champion” until level 16, Kayle can be both frustrating to play and play against. If you can pull through the early and mid game, you’ll be rewarded with a monstrously powerful champion who can go invulnerable while dealing massive damage.
Reasons to Pick Kayle:
- Versatile builds: Kayle can be built as either an AD, AP, or even a mixed damage dealer, depending on what her team needs.
- Invincibility and sustain: Her W (Celestial Blessing) grants a small amount of healing, as well as movement speed. Her Ultimate (Divine Judgement) makes its target invulnerable. Both can be used on either herself or a teammate.
- Chase ‘em down: Kayle’s Q (Radiant Blast) slow and W speed-up combo is great for chasing down enemies.
Pick Kayle If:
- You like versatile and adaptable builds.
- Your team lacks sustain power in teamfights.
- You prefer to play ranged champions.
Kayle is Strong Against:
- Garen
- Singed
- Shen
- K’Sante
- Sion
Kayle is Weak Against:
- Irelia
- Teemo
- Jax
- Gragas
- Nasus
13. Nasus (Good)
Mid-lane main Zwag takes a break in the Top lane and shows off what a 1000 stack Nasus looks like.
Best boy Nasus is an excellent pick for beginners due to his straightforward gameplay. He’s the platonic ideal of a Top lane champion and has pretty much everything that makes a good Top laner, including lifesteal for sustain in 1v1 duels, a CC ability for engage/disengage, and boosted damage for a teamfight. However, he’s very weak early game and must stack kills for his Q (Siphoning Strike) in order actually be meaningful in the late game.
Reasons to Pick Nasus:
- Beginner-friendly: He has an uncomplicated, no-frills kit. Nasus is all about just going up and bonking his targets.
- Sustainable: Nasus gains lifesteal as he levels up. This can help him outlast his opponent in a duel.
- At arm’s length: While he’s a melee champion, he’s great against ranged Tops. His W (Wither) ability is particularly devastating to them since it slows both movement and attack speed.
Pick Nasus If:
- You’re a beginner, either to the game or to Top lane.
- You’re playing against a ranged Top (such as Vayne).
- Your team lacks a frontline.
Nasus is Strong Against:
- Vayne
- Kayle
- Vayne
- Jax
- Jayce
Nasus is Weak Against:
- Aatrox
- Garen
- Urgot
- Dr. Mundo
- Singed
12. Renekton (Good)
SoloRenektonOnly shows why you should play solo Renekton, only.
Unlike other Top-laners, Renekton is an early-game champion who can dominate in the laning phase but struggles in the later game. You should use your early strength as an advantage to gain a lead over your opponents and set them behind before they have an opportunity to get online.
Reasons to Pick Renekton:
- Solid early game: Renekton comes out the gate powerful. He can easily use this advantage to snowball and become even stronger.
- No mana, no problem: Renekton does not use mana as his spellcasting resource. Since you won’t have to worry about managing it, you can focus entirely on building damage and defense.
- Sustainable: His Q (Cull the Meek) can heal him if he’s at over fifty Fury stacks, which is easily obtainable simply by auto-attacking. His Ultimate (Dominus) grants him a solid amount of bonus Health.
Pick Renekton If:
- Your team lacks early game strength.
- Your team lacks physical damage.
- Your team comp is capable of ending the game quickly (a.k.a before 25 minutes).
Renekton is Strong Against:
- Yone
- Riven
- Fiora
- K’Sante
- Yasuo
Renekton is Weak Against:
- Gragas
- Garen
- Illaoi
- Urgot
- Gwen
11. Dr. Mundo (Good)
KingStix offers a beginner-friendly guide to the good doctor.
The doctor is in . . . your backline! Dr. Mundo is a beefy champion that can push past the enemy frontline with ease, as well as tank the backline’s damage as he takes them down. Just keep an eye on his health, as that’s also his spellcasting resource.
Reasons to Pick Dr. Mundo:
- Bulky boy: Dr. Mundo is one of the best tanks in the game. Coupled with his health regenerative abilities and proper itemization, he’s not going to be easy to kill.
- Manaless: Dr. Mundo doesn’t rely on mana. Since his spellcasting resource is health, he can prioritize building health regeneration items, which usually also give defensive stats.
- Bigger equals badder: Dr. Mundo gains bonus Attack Damage based on his maximum health. Unlike other tanks, Dr. Mundo doesn’t have to sacrifice bulk for damage.
Pick Dr. Mundo If:
- Your team needs a frontline.
- Your team lacks backline access.
- The enemy team has a lot of crowd-control.
Dr. Mundo is Strong Against:
- Renekton
- Kennen
- Jax
- Malphite
- Shen
Dr. Mundo is Weak Against:
- Aatrox
- Irelia
- Riven
- Illaoi
- Olaf
10. Darius (Great)
Former pro-player AloisNL gives his thoughts on why Darius is one of the best champs in the current meta.
Dunkmaster Darius is another Top-laner that’s strong right at the beginning of the game and has a lot of snowballing potential. His kit rewards early aggression, and he’s fantastic in 1v1 duels. He’ll fall off in the late game, but not nearly as much as other Top-lane champions.
Reasons to Pick Darius:
- Early game champ: Darius is very strong in the early and mid-game. Other Top-laners tend to be late-game champions that struggle in the first fifteen minutes of a match.
- Bleeding out: Darius’s passive inflicts bleeding for five seconds whenever he hits a target with an attack or ability. This damage increases with his level and AD and can quickly add up in a sustained fight.
- Dunk on ‘em: His Ultimate (Noxian Guillotine) deals true damage, bypassing his target’s defensive stats. If he kills his target, he can recast Noxian Guillotine, which can oftentimes lead to wiping out entire teams if timed correctly.
Pick Darius If:
- You like to play aggressively.
- Your team lacks AD.
- Your team lacks early-game presence.
Darius is Strong Against:
- Yasuo
- Sion
- Garen
- Aatrox
- Mordekaiser
Darius is Weak Against:
- Dr. Mundo
- Quinn
- Wukong
- Vayne
- Kayle
9. Illaoi (Great)
The great Tyler1 is back with some Grandmaster-level Illaoi gameplay.
Illaoi is a monster against other melee champions. Get close enough to her, and she and her tentacles will slam into you and heal her up. Get further away, and she reels you right back in for another round while also spawning more tentacles to do her bidding.
Reasons to Pick Illaoi:
- Sustainability: Illaoi’s tentacles heal her for a portion of damage they deal. If she manages to spawn enough tentacles, she can deal out tons of pain while also regaining back health.
- Teamfighting: Unlike other Top laners who like to go at it alone, Illaoi’s passive and Ultimate place very nice together in teamfights. She can potentially deal and heal tons of damage if her tentacles catch clumped-up enemies.
- 1v5 maverick: Illaoi is one of few champions who can take on an entire team. Her Ultimate can wipe an entire team while she walks away with full health.
Pick Illaoi If:
- You’re facing a melee Top laner.
- The enemy team has lots of melee champions.
- You like to play aggressively and 1v5.
Illaoi is Strong Against:
- Renekton
- Jax
- Riven
- K’Sante
- Shen
Illaoi is Weak Against:
- Mordekaiser
- Yorick
- Kayle
- Gwen
- Vayne
8. Volibear (Great)
PekinWolf demonstrates some AP Volibear gameplay, showcasing the champ's strength and versatility.
Whether in the jungle or in lane, Volibear is a force to be reckoned with. He’s an excellent duelist that can dive towers once he unlocks his Ultimate, and his kit allows him to chase down fleeing enemies as well as heal for a portion of the damage he does. His damage does fall off in the late-game, but that doesn’t mean he won’t continue to be a threat all game-long.
Reasons to Pick Volibear:
- Diving: Volibear’s Ultimate (Stormbringer) temporarily disables enemy towers. That means he can dive and all-in an enemy without fear of being chunked down by the tower.
- Duelist: Volibear’s kit is geared towards 1v1 duels. His full combo has a stun engage, healing, and shielding, as well as boosted movement speed to run down foes.
- Relevancy: His damage might fall off in the late-game, but by that time, he’ll have decent bulk and can serve as a good frontline for his team. Stormbringer is also great for fighting in the enemy base.
Pick Volibear If:
- Your team lacks a frontline.
- You’re against a squishy Top laner.
- You like to play more aggressively.
Volibear is Strong Against:
- Aatrox
- Yone
- Riven
- Sett
- Irelia
Volibear is Weak Against:
- Gragas
- Dr. Mundo
- Kayle
- Olaf
- Vayne
7. Fiora (Great)
Fiora main BrennenWolf pops off in the Top-lane while showing off a new Fiora build.
Fiora is a great pick if you’d rather play an assassin-type champion, and her mobility is a plus in a lane that generally favors tanks and bruisers. She specializes in dealing true damage, which bypasses armor and magic resistance. No matter how defensively her opponents build, she’ll still be able to stab them where it hurts.
Reasons to Pick Fiora:
- Tank-killer: Fiora's kit makes her a natural counter to tanky champions, thanks to her true damage and ability to shred through high health and armor targets. This makes her a valuable pick in metas where tanks are prevalent.
- True damage output: Fiora's ability to deal true damage through her passive and her Ultimate makes her a threat to even the tankiest of opponents. This ensures that she remains a relevant threat throughout the game, regardless of the enemy's armor or health stacking.
- Mobility: Her Q (Lunge) allows Fiora to dash to a target, strike, and even hit a Vital if aimed correctly. This high mobility makes her adept at sticking to targets, dodging skill shots, and repositioning in fights. It also aids in escaping ganks and traversing the map quickly.
Pick Fiora If:
- The enemy is largely immobile.
- Your team needs a tank-killer.
- You’re laning against a tank or bulky bruiser.
Fiora is Strong Against:
- Sion
- Ornn
- Yone
- K’Sante
- Mordekaiser
Fiora is Weak Against:
- Kayle
- Urgot
- Warwick
- Quinn
- Vladimir
6. Trundle (Great)
Daveyx3 makes a case for why he thinks Trundle might be newcomers' ticket to high ELO.
Bow down to the Troll King! Trundle is devastating bruiser who’s fantastic at split-pushing, drawing the enemy’s focus onto his one-man rampage and freeing up his team to pursue other objectives. His uncomplicated kit is great for newcomers to the game or to the Top lane, and he can be built as a total damage-dealer or a more defense-oriented tank.
Reasons to Pick Trundle:
- Straightforward: Trundle's abilities are straightforward and easy to understand, making him accessible for players of all skill levels. Despite his simplicity, he has a high skill ceiling, with the potential for significant impact through smart plays and good decision-making.
- Tank shredder: Trundle's Ultimate (Subjugate) is incredibly effective against tanky champions. It drains a percentage of the target's max health and some of their armor and magic resist, temporarily making Trundle tankier while weakening his opponent. This makes him a strong pick against compositions that rely on one or more tanky champions.
- Disrupting force: Besides his Ultimate, his E (Pillar of Ice) can significantly disrupt enemy formations in teamfights. It can block paths, separate the enemy team, and slow down pursuers or those trying to escape, making it a powerful tool for controlling the battlefield.
Pick Trundle If:
- You’re a beginner.
- The enemy team has multiple tanks.
- You lack split-pushing power.
Trundle is Strong Against:
- Yorick
- Shen
- Illaoi
- K’Sante
- Gangplank
Trundle is Weak Against:
- Gragas
- Singed
- Kled
- Warwick
- Malphite
5. Malphite (Best)
SoloRenektonOnly takes a break from his main love to show off some rock-solid gameplay.
Malphite is an excellent pick in the Top lane due to this rock solid defenses mixed with reliable damage output. He has one of the most devastating Ultimates in the game, and a perfectly-timed Ult can turn the tide of a teamfight or even the entire game. While he’s a melee champion, feel free to lock him in against ranged Top laners, as his kit allows him to bulldoze over squishy marksmen.
Reasons to Pick Malphite:
- Bane of the ADCs: His E (Ground Slam) ability the attack speed of enemies, which is highly effective against champions that rely heavily on auto-attacks. His Q (Seismic Shard) steals movement speed, allowing him to run down foes.
- Literally unstoppable: Malphite's Ultimate (Unstoppable Force) is one of the best initiating tools in the game. It allows him to start teamfights on his terms, engaging from a distance to catch opponents off-guard. This ability can be game-changing when used to lock down key enemy champions or initiate large-scale teamfights.
- Versatility: While Malphite is primarily built as a tank, he can also opt for an AP-heavy build that maximizes the damage of his abilities, especially his Ultimate. This flexibility allows Malphite players to adapt to the needs of his team, whether it's more frontline durability or burst damage against squishy targets.
Pick Malphite If:
- Your team lacks magic damage,
- Your team lacks reliable engage.
- The enemy team is super squishy.
Malphite is Strong Against:
- Vayne
- Tryndamere
- Quinn
- Pantheon
- Irelia
Malphite is Weak Against:
- Zac
- Dr. Mundo
- Tahm Kench
- Mordekaiser
- Sylas
4. Sett (Best)
Witness the Rank 1 Sett in action!
Sett is an aggressive and oppressive lane bully, especially in the early game. He’s fantastic in 1v1 fights, but he has three abilities that can effect multiple targets at a time, providing utility and power in teamfights. Keep the enemy clumped together for maximum damage.
Reasons to Pick Sett:
- Tankiness and sustain: Sett's kit allows him to build tanky while still dealing respectable damage. His passive health regeneration and the shield from his W (Haymaker) give him both sustain and a burst of survivability, making him hard to kill in both laning phase and teamfights.
- Great engage/disengage: Sett's Ultimate (The Show Stopper) allows him to engage on key targets by picking up an enemy champion and slamming them into the ground, dealing AoE damage. His E (Facebreaker) can also stun enemies if he grabs two opposing champions, providing utility in skirmishes and team fights.
- Versatility: Sett's ability to flex between damage and tank builds based on what his team needs is a significant asset. He can build more damage-oriented items if his team requires a carry or opt for tank items to become a frontline disruptor.
Pick Sett If:
- Your team lacks a frontline.
- You are laning against a melee champion.
- The enemy team does not have a lot of crowd control.
Sett is Strong Against:
- Yone
- Irelia
- Shen
- Jayce
- Yorick
Sett is Weak Against:
- Malphite
- Gnar
- Camille
- Kennen
- Gragas
3. Morderkaiser (Best)
Another season, another freakishly unbalanced champion build.
Mordekaiser excels at both 1v1 dueling and multi-man teamfights, thanks to a kit that contains engage, healing, and shielding. There are few other champions that can be in the thick of a teamfight, tank tons of damage, and walk out with the same or even better health than when the fight started. Let’s not forget his Ultimate (Realm of Death), which can turn any 5v1 into a 1v1 with the Iron Revenant himself.
Reasons to Pick Mordekaiser:
- Damage sponge: Mordekaiser’s W (Indestructible) allows him store both the damage he deals and the damage he takes to fuel a shield. He then consumes the shield and heals. This is an excellent ability whether he’s taking on only one enemy or multiple.
- Realm of Death: His Ultimate (Realm of Death) forces an opponent to 1v1 duel him. It’s useful for either obliterating a helpless squishy champion or stealing away an enemy’s frontline to allow his team to mop up the enemy backline.
- Til the end: Mordekaiser is strong at all stages of the game. He has a decent early game, peaking in the mid-game, and continues to be a nuisance in the late-game.
Pick Mordekaiser If:
- The enemy team has a tank or multiple tanks.
- The enemy team lacks mobility.
- Your team lacks magic damage.
Mordekaiser is Strong Against:
- Malphite
- Garen
- Illaoi
- K’Sante
- Tahm Kench
Mordekaiser is Weak Against:
- Darius
- Yone
- Jax
- Fiora
- Vayne
2. Gragas (Best)
Learn how to play Gragas Top from a Grandmaster Top-laner!
Gragas might be the best champion in the current metagame, as he’s seeing success in all positions except Bot-lane ADC. He’s a versatile bruiser-mage that can be built defensively, hyper-offensively, or a mixture of both. He’s a jack-of-all-trades and a master of them all.
Reasons to Pick Gragas:
- Versatility: Gragas can be built as a tanky frontline or nuclear glass-cannon damage dealer.
- Crowd control: He has a slow, stun, and knock-up in his kit, with his Ultimate (Explosive Cask) being able to displace and render an entire team useless. He can be very annoying to lane against since you won’t be able to move if he’s able to get his CC off. His abilities also make for great engage tools for teamfights and 1v1 duels.
- Sustainability: Gragas has health regeneration built into his kit without need for a health regeneration item or help from a Support. He can potentially outlast his enemy Top laner and can stay to farm longer without having to base as often.
Pick Gragas If:
- Your team needs a tank.
- Your team lacks crowd control.
- Your team lacks magic damage.
Gragas is Strong Against:
- Tryndamere
- Jayce
- Quinn
- Yasuo
- Sion
Gragas is Weak Against:
- Singed
- Urgot
- Cho’Gath
- Warwick
- Cassiopeia
1. Garen (Best)
Watch Zeus, Top-laner for Worlds 2023 champions T1, mop up the enemy team as Garen.
Garen is probably the most basic champion in the game’s entire roster, but rather than being a detriment, it makes him the Occam’s Razor of League. They say the simplest approach is often the best one, and that’s very true of Garen gameplay. He can deal damage and heal it back; what more do you need?
Reasons to Pick Garen:
- Beginner-friendly: Garen is as basic of a champion as possible and great for learning the fundamentals of the game. However, he’s also very potent in the hands of a seasoned player, and he’s a great counter to some of the more powerful and popular Top laners.
- Sustainability: Garen’s passive is essentially a free Warmog’s Armor, healing back a percentage of his maximum health. He won’t have to build a health regeneration item and can devote that gold instead to another item.
- Manaless: Garen doesn’t use mana as his spellcasting resource. His abilities are only limited by their cooldowns, some of which goes down as he levels up.
Pick Garen If:
- You’re a beginner.
- Your team needs a tank.
- The enemy team has an assassin.
Garen is Strong Against:
- K’Sante
- Jax
- Yasuo
- Kennen
- Nasus
Garen is Weak Against:
- Camille
- Quinn
- Vayne
- Kayle
- Fiora