![[Top 10] LOL Best URF Champions (Current Meta) [Top 10] LOL Best URF Champions (Current Meta)](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2022-12/lol_cms_308_tile_01-feature_h50-v50-min_jofavih5pb7yykeo8rcm.jpg.webp?itok=A0a2HZ0N)
It's that time of year again when Riot Games surprises us with a returning mode that everyone (sort of) enjoys! URF stands for Ultra Rapid Fire. This game mode draws everyone to the yard and adds at least 1 million new or returning League of Legends players. Yes, it is that well-liked. Some players only have League of Legends installed on their computers so that they can play URF when it comes around.
There was also a time in League of Legends history when neither URF nor any custom game mode was available for 2-3 years. Thankfully, this no longer occurs. URF is a game mode in which everyone has reduced cooldowns, and infinite mana, and the match speed is greatly increased. In this game mode, every character is on crack. One crucial aspect of this game mode is the lack of balance.
Everyone is insane and overpowered, but some champions are more powerful than others due to their kits. If you want to have fun in this game mode, choose a champion who can destroy others, because there are more try-hards in URF than in ranked matches. Playing a champion who is better than everyone else is highly recommended, at least in my experience. But don't worry, today I'll be ranking some of the best champions in URF!
10. Blitzcrank
Before you come at me with pitchforks, I'd like to point out that the supports in this game mode are more broken than some actual carry champions. Because, as you can see, when abilities have a lower cooldown, you can potentially be constantly CC'd, which is especially important with Blitzcrank, who can constantly hook the enemy with his Q “Rocket Grab” and knock them up with his E “Power Fist”. Furthermore, he scales insanely well with AP items, allowing his R Static Field” to become a tactical nuke on the map.
In URF, being hooked by Blitzcrank is a sure way to die. Blitzcrank's best feature is his ability to set up quick ambushes in bushes and constantly hook people when they least expect it. Not only that, but the debuff from his W “Overdrive” is non-existent, as you can constantly spam it with no consequences. Overall, he's a fantastic champion to play in URF, and you're sure to have a good time!
Why Blitzcrank Is Great For URF:
- He can set up ambushes.
- The debuff from W doesn’t apply as you can keep spamming the ability.
- His abilities scale insanely well with AP.
- The R becomes a tactical nuke when you’re full build.
- His R deals AoE damage.
9. Zyra
When playing this champion, you can be a real annoyance because Zyra can block incoming abilities with her plants, either through her passive ability “Garden Of Thorns”, which is random, or through her W “Rampant Growth”. You can also use her Q “Deadly Spines” or E “Grasping Roots” to wake up those plants, making them ranged or melee depending on the situation. You can also use Q “Deadly Spines” or E “Grasping Roots” to injure your opponent and force them to return to base or you can use the abilities to poke them and root them in place while your teammates do all the heavy work.
But the best and most fun part about Zyra is using her ultimate ability R “Stranglethorn” to knock people down and have a swarm of plants attack your targets. You would never be able to do this in a ranked or normal match because it is simply impossible, but with the cooldowns reduced, the only thing stopping you is your reflexes. One of the best things about playing Zyra in URF is that you can constantly keep your opponents rooted while also spawning a slew of plants in their path. They can only take it and respawn in their base.
Why Zyra Is Great For URF:
- Able to knock a whole team up with her R “Stranglethorn”.
- Her abilities deal AoE AP damage.
- Zyra can constantly spawn her plants with her W “Rampant Growth”.
- Her plants can block abilities.
- Zyra can keep an enemy rooted in place until they perish.
8. Sona
So what makes Sona superior to Zyra? Why would you even bother asking? What could be better than healing your teammates with W “Aria Of Perseverance”, giving them movement speed boosts with E “Song Of Celerity” and dealing damage to everyone else with Q “Hymn Of Valor”? The best part is that you can use all of her abilities in less than 2 seconds. This keeps your passive ability “Power Chord” active, which empowers your next auto-attack with a special effect based on the last ability used. Not only that, but do you realize how powerful this champion in URF is?
As you can constantly heal and speed up your teammates every 2 seconds with E “Song Of Celerity”. The best part of everything, however, is the ultimate abilityR “Crescendo” that CCs the opposing team and forces them to dance, which you can do every 10-20 seconds depending on the time of the match. In URF, you can also easily stack her second passive ability, which reduces the cooldown of her ultimate ability significantly. Isn't that awesome? I swear, this girl is all about cooldowns and forcing people to dance.
Why Sona Is Great For URF:
- Sona can constantly keep healing her teammates.
- She’s able to constantly give extra movement speed.
- Great at poking during the laning phase.
- Her ultimate ability R “Crescendo” forces enemies to dance for a few seconds.
- Easy to charge up her two passive abilities.
7. Malphite

Now, this champion is only good for one thing: wiping out a whole team with the ultimate ability R “Unstoppable Force”. This will only happen if you go full AP, not as a full tank. So be cautious of what items you build. When you go full AP, you will be very squishy, and if you don't manage to kill them with your ultimate, you will die. If you go tank, you won't have the one-shot potential, but you will be more durable.
Playing Malphite in URF has never been more fun because you can spam your abilities as much as you want, and the best part is that you won't have to worry about running out of mana because everyone has infinite mana. But, let's be honest, if you're playing Malphite in URF, you're probably already planning on going full AP. His other abilities are also useful for poking or gaining a small shield from his passive, but nothing compares to his ultimate, in which he simply throws his entire body at the designated location.
Why Malphite Is Great For URF:
- The ultimate ability can one-shot the whole enemy team.
- Gains a small shield from his passive.
- Can build as a tank or full AP.
- His Q is great during the laning phase.
- Scales insanely well with AP for a tank.
6. Heimerdinger
Heimerdinger is League of Legends' smartest champion, with the smoothest brain. He is so intelligent that his head has grown three times larger than his body, but I believe that is a tumor. But I'm not a doctor, so I'm not sure. Perhaps that is how things work, and my head is smaller than my body. He's insane when it comes to his URF power. The champions become crazier as we move down the list. Heimerdinger is ideal for URF because he can summon annoying turrets with Q “H-28 G Evolution Turret” and stun enemies with E “CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade”.
He can also use his W “Hextech Micro Rockets” to clear out a swarm of minions or champions. But the best Heimerdinger ability to use in URF is his ultimate ability “Upgrade!!”, which boosts either his Q “H-28 G Evolution Turret”, W “Hextech Micro Turrets”, or E “CH-2 Electron Grenades”, which all have different effects. What makes this ability so extraordinary? Well, normally, the ability has a long cooldown, but in URF, it's a normal ability with little to no cooldowns.
Why Heimerdinger Is Great For URF:
- Great at wave clearing.
- His ultimate ability R “Upgrade!!” enhances his Q “H-28 G Evolution Turret”, W “Hextech Micro Rockets”, or E “CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade”.
- The E can stun multiple people.
- The Q can spawn turrets that do the farming for you and in URF you can have a whole lane of them.
- Has strong crowd control.
5. Yuumi
Many people despise this cat when she is used in normals or a ranked match, but she is detested even more when she is used in URF. Because mana is infinite in URF, Yuumi can simply spam her E “Zoomies.” and heal the target she's sitting on. Not only that, but it's simple to make money in URF, so going full AP Yuumi is a must. If you decide to play the kitty, your entire job will be to sit on top of your best teammates. That way, neither of you will be able to perish.
Your teammate will be unable to die because you will not allow him to do so under any circumstances, and you will be unkillable because you will be sitting on top of that person. You can also use your ultimate ability R “Final Chapter” or the Q “Prowling Projectile” ability to damage the enemy team if you're feeling frisky. All of these abilities are, once again, optional because your primary goal is to spam the E “Zoomies”. You should probably bind the healing ability E “Zoomies” to your right-click because you'll be pressing it more than you'll be walking.
Why Yuumi Is Great For URF:
- Able to constantly keep healing the teammate she’s sitting on.
- Untargetable due to her W ability.
- Able to go full AP since you can earn gold easily.
- The Q “Prowling Projectile” can feel like a rocket barrage at the enemy.
- The ultimate ability R “Final Chapter” has an AoE root.
4. Shaco
Are you surprised that this champion made the list? You, like me, are unfazed by it. When you play Shaco in URF, you can be completely invisible. But that can't be that special, can it? Because Evelynn can be invisible at all times. The catch is that Evelynn can be seen if you get within her range or use a pink ward, but Shaco cannot. Champions with camouflage, such as Shaco, can't be detected by pink wards or by being in
These champions are only visible when they decide to attack someone. In normal matches, invisibility fades quickly, but in URF, it never fades because Shaco can keep casting it with the Q “Deceive”. If that wasn't enough, this clown can use his W “Jack In The Box” to spawn a swarm of boxes that fear the target and his E “Two-Shiv Poison” to throw shanks. If that wasn't enough, this clown can spawn a clone of himself with the R “Hallucinate” that looks exactly like him but cannot cast spells. So, why don't you try playing Shaco?
Why Shaco Is Great For URF:
- Can be constantly invisible because his Q “Deceive” is on low cooldown.
- His invisibility can’t be detected at all.
- Shaco can spawn a clone of himself.
- Shaco can go AP or AD.
- Able to spawn a huge amount of boxes that fear people with W. Great for setting up escape routes.
3. Lux
The sun shines brightly in URF with Lux, especially when that light burns everyone to a crisp. That is to say, Lux is difficult to deal with in URF. She has two CC abilities. Her Q “Light binding” roots and her E “Lucent Singularity” slows while dealing damage. Not only that, but once she gets a lock on a target, that target is gone.
Her R “Final Spark” laser deals such a massive amount of damage that it can burn a hole through someone's chest and kill them on the spot. The best thing about Lux players is that all of their abilities reappear 10 seconds later. The only advantage of playing against her is that she lacks the mobility to flee once someone gets close to her if they can get close to her at all.
Why Lux Is Great For URF:
Has great crowd control thanks to her Q “Light Binding” and E “Lucent Singularity”.
- Can shield herself or her allies with W “Prismatic Barrier”.
- The ultimate ability is on a 10-second cooldown.
- The ultimate ability can go through anything and is great for stealing objectives due to the high damage output.
- If you trap someone with your Q “Light Binding” and hit them with the R “Final Spark” you’re going to knock them straight back to Oblivion.
2. Veigar
This little midget can create a black hole in a champion and lift them out of their pitiful state. Veigar is a tough little midget. Because he's short, all of his rage is distributed evenly throughout his body, and he has to let it all out once he's enraged enough. Veigar's gameplay allows him to stack AP each time he kills a minion or a champion with his Q “Baleful Strike” or W “Dark Matter”. By stacking his AP, he can build as a tank while still dealing the most damage. But who is playing URF to be a tank?
Nobody, that's correct! When you have enough AP, you will be able to kill people with a single Q-W combo, or if they are below 80% health, you will be able to kill them by pressing the little R “Primordial Burst”. See? He's easy to understand. Because he lacks dashes, flashes, and other similar abilities, catching up to people can be difficult. To accomplish this, Riot bestowed upon Veigar the E “Event Horizon” ability, which even light cannot escape. The only difficult part is to trap people in it.
Why Veigar Is Great For URF:
- He can stack his AP infinitely.
- Can build tank items and still deal damage.
- Thanks to the cooldowns from URF Veigar can cast abilities every 2 seconds.
- If someone is below 80% HP and you have enough AP you can kill them with the ultimate ability “Primordial Burst”.
- Trapping people with the E “Event Horizon” ability is a great way to ensure someone’s death.
1. Zed

And the best champion you can play in URF right now is Zed. There are many reasons why Zed is the best champion to play in this game mode, but the two main ones are that he deals damage and is very mobile and agile. You can easily enter the action with the champion and then escape just as easily. Because Zed suffers from a lack of energy in normal or ranked matches, there is none in URF. So you can spam abilities as much as you want for as long as you want.
Nobody can stand in your way. His Q “Razor Shuriken” is a shuriken, the W “Living Shadow” is a shadow that he can teleport to or shoot out his abilities, the E “Shadow Slash” is a slash that slows people down, and the R “Death Mark” launches Zed at a target, leaving a shadow behind that he can also teleport to. When you combine all of these abilities into a neat package, you get a powerful and entertaining champion to play in URF. What are you waiting for? Start playing him now!
Why Zed Is Great For URF:
- Infinite energy, infinite fun.
- Able to get in and out of battles as you can spam your W ability.
- Hard to catch and hit in a fight.
- While casting his ultimate ability he’s untargetable for a few seconds.
- His abilities can be combined into neat great combos.
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