Riven is one of the champions that has incredible skills in League of Legends. If used properly, Riven can outplay, or burst enemies by using her skills. Today, we will rank each of her skin from worst to best, so the players can decide which skin is worth buying.
15. Redeemed Riven
This skin takes the title of the “worst” skin for Riven, mainly because it does not offer much for its price, and no skin lore. Aside from the good splash art and in-game model, there are no skill, sound, particles, and animation effects. There is also no chroma for this skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 975 Riot Points.
14. Crimson Elite Riven
Crimson Elite Riven is one of the cheapest skins in League of Legends. It offers a futuristic theme because of Riven’s left hand and her broken blade. The in-game model is quite good but there are no changes in the sound, skill, particles, and animation effects.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 520 Riot Points.
13. Championship Riven
Championship Riven was the first Championship skin line to celebrate the 2012 World Championships. It started a tradition where every year, a championship skin will be released. The splash art and in-game looks great, but the skills, particles, and the recall animation makes it even better. To honor the veteran players that originally had this skin and to differentiate this to the 2016 version, Riot Games decided to add a crown and loading screen border, and the glowing sword effect when her ultimate is active.
How to get: This Legacy skin is currently unavailable to buy, or get in a Hextech Crafting.
12. Championship Riven 2016
This is the modified version of the Championship Riven skin from 2012. The splash art, particles, and recall animation are the same. Players are able to buy this skin for a limited time. A Chroma version of this skin is also available.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards. Players can buy this if Riot Games decided to include this skin when they reopen the Legacy Vault.
11. Battle Bunny Riven
Battle Bunny Riven is one of the favorite skins of veteran Riven mains. It is inspired by the famous Playboy Bunny costume, and her sword resembles a carrot, especially if the ultimate is activated. This skin also offers new particles, and skill effects. Players can buy the Chroma Bundle if they want to change the color of the skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 975 Riot Points.
10. Sentinel Riven
This is one of the recently released skins for Riven. Joining the Sentinels, Riven is dressed in white and black. She uses a sword that looks just like Senna’s gun. Although it is just an Epic tier skin, it offers a skill, particles, sound, idle, and recall animation. A Chroma Bundle is also available if players want to change the color of the skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.
9. Arcade Riven
This skin brings a nostalgic retro feeling through its visual and overall design. It offers a stunning splash art, new in-game model, sounds, skill, particles, recall, and the famous “K.O” death animation. Players can see the arcade themed effects when they use the skills. There is also a Chroma Bundle available for this skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.
8. Pulsefire Riven
The Pulsefire skin line is one of the coolest skin lines in League of Legends, but sadly, this skin did not please the players. Though the death and recall animations are great, the skills, sound, and particle effects are somewhat still lacking. A Chroma skin is available for this skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.
7. Battle Bunny Prime Riven
Battle Bunny Prime Riven Spotlight
Battle Bunny Prime Riven is the recent addition to Riven’s skins. Unfortunately, the players were quite disappointed when this skin was released in the Public Beta Environment. The splash art looks good, but the in-game model is not accurate. Some players are even saying that this skin is just a slight upgrade of the Battle Bunny Riven, and it doesn’t give the “Prime” feeling because it looks normal. Players can buy the Chroma bundle if they want to change the color of this skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.
6. Valiant Sword Riven
One of the skins that was released as part of the Immortal Journey skin line was Valiant Sword Riven. For the skills, sound, and particle effects, the sword theme is heavily incorporated that's why players are calling this skin as an “Irelia skin”. There are also new death, recall, and homeguard animations on this skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.
5. Prestige Valiant Sword Riven
Prestige Valiant Sword Riven was released in 2019. Being a prestige edition skin, it has a new splash art and new in-game costume. For the skill effects, they are the same, but when it comes to the color of the effects and particles, this skin has the gold and white color.
How to get: 100 Prestige Points when it was released. As of Today, it is unobtainable.
4. Prestige Valiant Sword Riven 2022
This skin was given to the players who had the Prestige Valiant Sword Riven 2019. The splash art is the same with the old prestige version, but the in-game model has a slightly different costume, as well as loading screen border.
How to get: Currently unavailable, but there is a chance that it will be offered in the rotating mythic essence shop.
3. Dragonblade Riven
Dragonblade Riven is one of the Lunar Revel skins. Even if it does not have a new death or recall animation, the sound, skill, and particle effects of this skin is superb. The fire effects are so smooth, players think that they are totally in control when using the skin. The in-game model is also very detailed with Riven as a leader of an army. A Chroma skin is available if players want to change it to a brighter color.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 RP when they reopen the Legacy Vault.
2. Spirit Blossom Riven
Even though this is just an Epic skin, Spirit Blossom Riven is one of the most sought out skin for Riven mains. It comes with a new skill, sound, particles, idle and recall animation. A summon can be seen when players use her W and ultimate abilities. Some players are praising this skin because the overall design and skill effects are well thought. If the players wanted to change the color of this skin, a Choma Bundle is available to buy.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1350 Riot Points.
1. Dawnbringer Riven
Dawnbringer Riven Spotlight
Being a Legendary Tier skin for Riven, this skin totally delivers in every aspect. The skin is packed with a wonderful splash art, new voice-over, particles, sounds, and skill effects. There are also new attack, idle, recall, death and respawn animations. The theme of this skin is Riven as a pawn of order, while Nightbringer Yasuo as chaos. Players can also buy a chroma if they want the alternate color of this skin.
How to get: A chance to get it as a skin shard in a Hextech Box, get it as a permanent skin when rerolling three skin shards, or buy it for 1820 Riot Points.
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