The 10 Best LOL Champions To Destroy Your Enemies With
Ever been in a League of Legends match where your health bar disappeared so fast you wondered if you were put in SKT’s shoes at the 2017 World Championships? Or have you ever been so tilted that you just needed the gratification of easily acing an enemy team? Well prepare yourself for a double, triple, quadra or pentakill when you give some these League of Legends champions a shot.
These champions are some of the best for obliterating enemies in the blink of an eye. With an assortment of tanks, mages, carries, and more, these multi-kill champions offer a palette of playstyles that you can try out.
10. Malphite
Malphite provides crowd control and damage
Malphite is the rock and the hard place, dealing massive damage as he flies in with his ultimate, Unstoppable Force. He’s very good building full ability power or going tank. With either build, he can catch multiple enemies unaware and hit them for maximum damage. Get him a Rod of Ages early so he can get a boost of health and mana to keep him from dying immediately once he ults in. A Zhyona’s Hourglass is also a great item on him because the AP and armor increase the damage on Ground Slam and Brutal strikes, while helping him live longer. Once the Shard of Monolith gets big and tanky or full of AP, get ready to rock n’ roll past the competition.
9. Kled
Kled charges into battle
Coming all the way from the top lane, Kled charges into lanes with reckless abandon, easily picking up multiple kills to smile over with his buddy Skaarl - atleast when Skaarl is not running away from him. Kled’s high damage and his ability to quickly close the gap between him and his enemies with Jousting and his ultimate, Chaaaaaaaarge!!!, make him a hard force to deal with. Plus, Kled has a humongous shield from Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard that keeps him alive while he’s picking up kills with his Violent Tendencies. If you’re looking for a champion who gets real close and personal, Kled is your man.
8. Zed
Zed destroys carries and tanks
Striking from the shadows and dealing a lot of damage is Zed’s specialty. This is due to Zed having a strong presence in his lane by poking lane opponents with Razor Shuriken, Shadow Slash, and his Living Shadow to keep them just optimistic enough to survive and farm. But once Zed hits level six, he’s off to the races and can start winning his lane and traveling to other lanes to pick up more kills, especially if he has a Youmuu’s Ghostblade to increase his movement speed. Given his nature of destroying carries and then focusing on the rest of the team, he’ll easily start getting multiple kills in fights.
7. Draven
Draven gives his enemies the ax (or several)
Know what’s as big as Draven’s ego? His ability to wreck teams. Draven knows exactly what his fans want and that’s his high attack damage and Blood Rush to chase down cowardly enemies. To get the most damage of him, being able to catch his axes from Spinning Axe is crucial because they deal bonus physical damage. You may have to miss catching some axes so the enemy team can’t predict where you are going to go, but that’s okay. If you can get catching the axes safely down, the League of Legends will turn into the League of Draven as he hits enemy tanks and carries for tremendous amounts of damage.
6. Azir
Azir hits hard from range
The Emperor of the Sands knows how to rule Summoner’s Rift with his army of sand soldiers. With a couple soldiers under his lead, Azir can make them charge the enemy with Conquering Sands, dealing massive damage and slowing enemies for his soldiers to spear.
Use Conquering Sands and Shifting Sands to play safe and reposition when necessary. If you’re feeling a little gusty and comfortable with his kit, use Conquering and Shifting Sands to get in close and then push the enemy towards your team or a tower with Emperor’s Divide once he gets level six. If he builds a Nashor’s Tooth and a Rylai’s Crystalline Scepter, the enemy will bow down to the Emperor and his ability to wipe out multiple champions.
5. Master Yi
Master Yi races into team fights
Wuju lives on but the enemy team won’t once they get a taste of Master Yi’s style. Yi is great at coming into team fights and decimating the enemy team with his high movement and attack speed and his damage. Alpha Strike and Highlander also allow him to escape and cancel a lot of crowd control, making him hard to stop once he comes in for the pentakill. Knowing the right time to come in and get some kills is a key part of Yi’s playstyle so make sure to check the map and be ready to unleash the Wuju.
4. Twitch
Watch for Twitch’s positioning
Twitch finds that the best way to destroy enemy teams isn’t always by knocking on the front door, but by kicking down the back. Twitch’s Q, Ambush, allows him to cloak and surprise enemies from behind. Throw that in with his ultimate, Spray and Pray, that gives him increased range and attack damage and he can quickly kill the enemy team before they even know what hit them.
If you want to play Twitch, make sure to check his surroundings to ensure he isn’t out of position. Timing is also a crucial element for Twitch because you need to know when to commit and when to reposition for a better opportunity of nuking the enemy.
3. Jinx
Let loose with Jinx
The Loose Cannon knows two things: how to cause massive amounts of chaos and damage. Jinx’s strength lies in her massive attack speed and to strike from range. The passive on her Q, Switcheroo, increases her attack speed for every auto attack to a maximum of 130% at maximum level, while also giving her bonus range with her rocket launcher, Fishbones.
It’s very easy to get excited with Jinx, which is a great thing because that’s her passive too. When she kills an enemy, Jinx gains decaying movement speed that allows her to chase and continue unleashing mayhem on her opponents. Add that in with her global ultimate Super Mega Death Rocket! and she’ll get you excited about the possibility of a pentakill.
2. Darius
Darius places his enemies on the chopping block
Darius is downright one of the most fun champions to get multiple kills with in League of Legends. His passive, Hemorrhage, stacks five times when he auto-attacks an enemy or lands Decimate and Crippling Strike, which causes his enemies to bleed. Once he hits five stacks, he gains Noxian Might, which grants him more attack damage and automatically applies full Hemorrhage to enemy champions he hits. Once he hits level six and gains Noxian Guillotine, which does percent bonus AD for each stack of Hemorrhage and has no cooldown when he kills enemy champions with it, he can decimate tanks and carries alike. Look for Darius to show enemies the might of Noxus by exploding their health bars.
1. Katarina
Katarina spins to win
The Sinister Blade is no stranger to pentakills as she leaps to and fro with her Bouncing Daggers, Shunpo, and her passive that gives her cooldown reduction whenever she kills a champion, all while dealing high burst damage with her abilities and ultimate, Spinning Blades.
Katarina is the queen of getting a few kills and then steamrolling the enemy. She thrives on her positioning and deleting enemies before they even know they’ve got a dagger in their backline. Make sure to find the opportune moments to strike to prevent getting crowd controlled and killed.
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