31 Aug 2022
10. Star Guardian / Sorcerer
- We have Zoe and Poppy, champions with the value of 1 point of interest and it’s easy to get the level 3 by mid-game!
- Ahri is also available and getable before the first champion rotation. So we have our both Traits with only 3 champions!
- We can easily have 3 champions with level 3 by the time we ménage to get all the champions on the battlefield and climb to the top of our game!
- Zoe
- Syndra
- Poppy
- Lux
- Ahri
- Soraka
- Neeko
- Lulu
- 6 Star Guardians - Spreading 60 mana when each Star Guardian cast a spell among Star Guardians;
- 4 Sorcerers - 45 % Spell power which applies to all allied champions;
- 2 Mystics - 35 Magic Resistance applied to all allied champions.
9. Protector / Mystic
- Jarvan IV, Rakan, Xin Zhao, or Sona are available from the begging of the fight with the very first opponent.
- Plus we get to focus on a chance to get Xin Zhao level 3 as fast as possible. Quite interesting. And we all know what level 3 Xin Zhao means, a combination of tank and tons of damage.
- At last, just imagine the healing from Mystics combined with Celestials. Health bars would stay the same!
- Jarvan IV
- Neeko
- Rakan
- Karma
- Sona
- Soraka
- Xin Zhao
- Lulu
- 4 Protectors - Protectors gain 30% shield which lasts 4 seconds after casting a spell;
- 4 Mystics- 105 Magic Resistance applied to all allied champions;
- 2 Celestials - 15% Healing from the damage dealt by Basic Attacks and Spell casts applied to all allied champions.
8. Dark Star
- Lots of damage passed among each Darky when a Dark Star dies! And just continue adding till the last one standing! Can we imagine that?
- So, we put Jarvan IV and Mordekaiser on the front line. So, by the time they die, the rest would only gain more and more power!
- Plus we have bonus healing and resistance. Easy-peasy!
- Jarvan IV
- Shaco
- Mordekaiser
- Ashe
- Lux
- Jhin
- Karma
- Lulu
- 6 Dark Stars - Each Dark Star gains 35 Attack Damage and Spell Power when a Dark Star dies;
- 2 Mystics - 35 Magic Resistance for all allied champions;
- 2 Celestials - 15% Healing from the damage dealt by Basic Attacks and Spell casts applied to all allied champions;
- 2 Snipers- Plus 15% increased damage per hex between a Sniper and their target.
7. Vanguard / Dark Star
- Does the meaning of victory is thought that the one who makes the most of the damage will end up as champion? Hell no!
- Imagine a great bonus of armor applied to 5 champions standing in the front line?
- Plus, a bonus of resistance and percentage of healing per damage dealt. The ones in the back can only chill and wait for the front to do their job!
- Poppy
- Ashe
- Mordekaiser
- Jhin
- Jayce
- Wukong
- Karma
- Lulu
- 4 Vanguards - Each Vanguard gains a bonus of 250 Armor;
- 3 Dark Stars-Each Dark Star gains 25 Attack Damage and Spell Power when a Dark Star dies;
- 2 Mystics - 35 Magic Resistance for all allied champions;
- 2 Celestials - 15% Healing from the damage dealt by Basic Attacks and Spell casts applied to all allied champions;
- 2 Snipers- Plus 15% increased damage per hex between a Sniper and their target.
6. Chrono / Blademaster
- With this comp, you will need the second page only for the Traits you will activate through the course of the game!
- A great bonus of attack speed and healing from attacks and spells applied to all allies!
- And upgrades which will be available in your shop strengthen your game to your backline!
- Xayah
- Wukong
- Shen
- Kayle
- Ezreal
- Miss Fortune
- Kassadin
- Thresh
- 4 Chronos- 35% Attack speed bonus applied to all allied champions;
- 3 Blademasters - Blademasters have 30% chance to trigger 2 additional Basic attacks against their target
- 2 Blasters - Blasters fires 3 additional Basic attacks against random targets on every fourth Basic attack;
- 2 Celestials - 15% Healing from the damage dealt by Basic Attacks and Spell casts applied to all allied champions;
- 2 Valkyrie- Valkyries attacks and spell critically hit their targets when they are bellow 50% Health;
- 2 Mana-Reavers- Mana-Reaver increases the mana cost of their target by 40%;
- 1 Mercenary- Mercenary have a chance to upgrade their spells which appears in the shop.
5. Sorcerer / Star Guardian
- Just, let’s imagine this set of champions. A bonus of great percentage spell power applied to each one!
- More Star Guardians will equal more Mana when each one casts a spell!
- Putting this comp all together would be true satisfaction!
- Zoe
- Syndra
- Annie
- Lux
- Ahri
- Soraka
- Neeko
- Vel’koz
- 6 Sorcerers - 80% Spell power bonus applied for all allies;
- 3 Star Guardians - Spreading 30 mana when each Star Guardian cast a spell among Star Guardians;
4. Brawler / Void
- Being rough and void isn’t that bad, ha? What would this set of champions look like?
- We activate the Voids Trait, which means dealing True damage from attacks and spells from each Void!
- We also get the Trait from Brawlers, which means a great bonus of Health for each one!
- And, as if what has been written so far is a little bit, we get a bonus of attack speed and healing percentage applied to all allies!
- Kha’Zix
- Vi
- Malphite
- Vel’koz
- Twisted Fate
- Cho’gath
- Blitzcrank
- Fizz
- 4 Brawlers - 700 Bonus Health bonus for each Brawler;
- 3 Voids - Basic attacks and Spell casts deal from Void deals true damage;
- 2 Chronos - 15% Attack speed bonus applied to all allied champions;
- 2 Sorcerers-20% Spell power bonus applied for all allies;
- 2 Infiltrators-50% bonus Attack Speed for the first 6 seconds of the battle for an Infiltrator.
3. Sorcerer / Mech-Pilot
- Mech-Pilots form a monster, who deals and tanks a lot of damage. And when it dies, it seems like there never been one because all the Pilots are back with full Health and even bonus Mana!
- Plus we activate a great bonus of spell power percentage applied to all allies!
- And last, we have 3 champions with exactly the same Traits! Seems interesting, right?
- Zoe
- Syndra
- Annie
- Lux
- Ahri
- Vel’Koz
- Rumble
- Fizz
- 6 Sorcerers - 80% Spell power bonus applied for all allies;
- 3 Mech-Pilots - At the start of the combat, Mech-Pilots combine their Health and Attack damage along with 3 random items from among them and create Super-Mech.When the Super-Mech dies, the Mech-Pilots continue to fight with their full Health and a bonus of 25 Mana.
- 3 Star Guardians - Spreading 30 mana when each Star Guardian cast a spell among Star Guardians;
2. Brawler / Blaster
- We mentioned Brawlers before, but did we mentioned that they go well with Blasters too?
- A great bonus of Health applied to each Brawler!
- Each Blaster fires a great number of bonus attacks on random opponents!
- And, we can get several champions to level 3 by the time of the third champion rotation!
- Graves
- Ezreal
- Malphite
- Jinx
- Blitzcrank
- Cho’Gath
- Vi
- Miss Fortune
- 4 Brawlers - 700 Bonus Health bonus for each Brawler;
- 4 Blasters - Blasters fires 6 additional Basic attacks against random targets on every fourth Basic attack;
- 2 Chronos - 15% Attack speed bonus applied to all allied champions;
- 1 Mercenary- Mercenary have a chance to upgrade their spells which appears in the shop.
1.Cybernetic / Blademaster
- Finally, last but not least! BEST!
- By putting only a component of an item, we grant 6 out of 8 champions a GREAT bonus of attack damage and GREAT bonus of Health! That’s right, even greater than the Brawlers from before!
- We have several easy gettable level 3 champions!
- Plus, we have a bonus of attack speed applied to all allies! Quite powerful!
- Fiora
- Vi
- Leona
- Irelia
- Lucian
- Ekko
- Shen
- Thresh
- 6 Cybernetics - Each Cybernetic will have a bonus of 75 Attack damage and 750 Health if holds at least one item(part of an item or full item)
- 3 Blademasters - Blademasters have 30% chance to trigger 2 additional Basic attacks against their target ;
- 2 Chronos - 15% Attack speed bonus applied to all allied champions;
- 2 Mana-Reavers- Mana-Reaver increases the mana cost of their target by 40%;
- 1 Mercenary- Mercenary have a chance to upgrade their spells which appears in the shop.
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