Aatrox came to TFT with his huge blade and his demon wings to conquer the map and teach enemies what "life steal means.
Aatrox is a really strong champion in TFT, which costs 4 gold, and is a Threat member, having his skill customized to have multiple abilities.
This is a full guide on how to best place Aatrox in TFT and the best combos that he can fit into to make sure you get to the first place in no time.
Uh, nice world you have here. I intend to destroy it, you know, FYI.
Aatrox is one of the strongest threat members, as he can deal tons of damage and steal tons of health from his enemies. His ability is reworked for him since he doesn’t share any other traits.
Aatrox’s stats, traits, items, and best combos that he can fit in as a threat will be discussed down below to make sure you steal your enemies lives and win your games.
Best Aatrox builds in TFT Set 8.5
AAtrox’s stats
- Cost: 4
- Health: 1100 / 1980 / 3564
- Mana: 90
- Armor: 60
- MR: 60
- DPS: 48 / 86 / 156
- Damage: 60 / 108 / 194
- Atk Spd: 0.8
- Crit Rate: 25%
- Range: 1
Aatrox’s traits
- 1 Threats do not have a Trait bonus, but instead have powerful Abilities and increased base stats.
Aatrox’s ability
Soul Crush
Aatrox sucks the soul of nearby enemies, dealing magic damage and gaining a percent of his max HP. Then he unleashes his demonic form for the rest of combat, replacing his spell with The Darkin Blade. The Darkin Blade: Aatrox slams his greatsword down in a line, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit and healing himself.
- Percent of Max HP: 40% / 40% / 150%
- Soul Crush Damage: 220 / 330 / 1200
- Darkin Blade Damage: 220 / 330 / 1200
- Healing: 350 / 400 / 800
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
Aatrox’s best items
1-Warmog's Armor
Grant 500 bonus health.
2-Sunfire Cape
Grant 100 bonus Health. Every 2 seconds, an enemy within 2 hexes is 10% Burned and 33% Wounded for 10 seconds.
Heal allies within 1 hex for 15% of their missing Health every 5 seconds. They also take 25% less multi-target damage for 5 seconds (damage reduction does not stack).
Best comps for Aatrox
- 5 Mecha: Prime
- 3 Threat
- 2 Defender
- 1 Ace
This is a fast reroll to level 8, trying to get Wukong and Draven to level 3 before hitting high levels. Then focusing on Prime champions.
Best team for this comp:
1-Using his passive, Rammus is a tank who can knock up an entire circle of foes, reducing their attack damage. As a result, he is a very effective member of the Threat trait.
2-Morgana is a great pick for the team, as she will add a lot of crowd control and deal some good damage.
3-Aatrox is another threat member who can deal tons of damage as well as sustain a lot of damage.
4-Leona will be your main damage dealer and frontline. After she eats Wukong and Jax, she will have a lot more health.
5-Wukong will sacrifice all of his health to Leona while activating the Defender trait with Garen.
6-Jax will also sacrifice all of his HP to Leona.
7-Draven will activate both the Ace and Mecha: Prime traits, which will allow him to deal tons of damage.
8-Garen is a really strong frontline member, and he is the 5th Mecha: Prime member and the 2nd Defender member.
- 7 Threats
- 1 Ace
This is a fast reroll to level 8 with a great economy, trying to save every gold to level up so that you can get this comp at level 8 or 9, as they all cost 4-5 gold, which is expensive.
Best team for this comp:
1-Using his passive, Rammus is a tank who can knock up an entire circle of foes, reducing their attack damage. As a result, he is a very effective member of the Threat trait.
2-Due to his access to the very powerful LaserCorps and Ace traits, Mordekaiser is widely considered to be one of the season's most potent champions.
3-Morgana is a great pick for the team, as she will add a lot of crowd control to your team and deal some good damage.
4-Aatrox is another threat member who can deal tons of damage as well as sustain a lot of damage.
5-Urgot is the best threat member in terms of balancing damage and crowd control, since he can knock enemies down and stun them while doing a lot of damage.
6-Aurelion Sol may be the main cause of harm due to his meteors' capacity to burn enemies.
7-Bel'Veth constantly swirls around her opponent, doing a tonne of physical damage while accelerating her attack speed, making her a very potent and rapid source of damage.
8-The corrupted threat member Fiddlesticks may deal a ton of damage in late-game engagements.
- 3 Threat
- 5 Lasercorps
- 2 Brawler
- 1 Ace
This is a slow reroll to level 6, trying to get all the 1-3 champions to 3 stars, then a fast reroll to level 8, trying to get the 4-5 champions to at least 2 stars.
Best team for this comp:
1-Ashe is a powerful backline damage dealer for LaserCorps and Recon.
2-Due to his access to the very powerful LaserCorps and Ace traits, Mordekaiser is widely considered to be one of the season's most potent champions.
5-Using his passive, Rammus is a tank who can knock up an entire circle of foes, reducing their attack damage. As a result, he is a very effective member of the Threat trait.
6-Renekton has the traits of a LaserCorps and a Brawler.
7-Yasuo uses the LaserCorps ability to wipe out a whole row of foes at once.
6-Warwick is your main source of damage, as he shares both the Brawler trait, which gives him extra health, and the Lasercorps trait, which gives him bonus damage.
7-Aatrox is another threat member who can deal tons of damage as well as sustain a lot of damage.
8-Morgana is a great pick for the team, as she will add a lot of crowd control to your team and deal some good damage.