The Best Item Sets to have on Star Guardian Sorcerer Syndra!
-->Starting Items
2. Luden’s Echo (Starting Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging Needlessly Large Rod and Tear of the Goddess.
The item is good on Syndra because:
- It increases her Spell Power;
- Grants her starting Mana which allows her to cast her spell faster.
Details of the Item:
- Increases the Spell Power by 20;
- Increases the Starting Mana by 15;
- Has Unique Passive to deal bonus Magic Damage to the target and up to 3 nearby enemies when a Spell is cast;
1. Blue Buff (Starting Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging two Tear of the Goddess.
It is good on Syndra because:
- It is grating great amount of starting Mana;
- Has Passive to set bonus Mana after casting her Special Ability.
Details of the Item:
- Increases the starting Mana by 30;
- Has Unique Passive to grant 20 Mana after casting the Special Ability.
-->Early Items
3. Locket of the Iron Solari (Early Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging Needlessly Large Rod and Chain Vest.
It is good on Syndra because:
- It is increasing her Spell power;
- Of the item’s Passive which can be applied on allies too.
Details of the item:
- Increases the Ability Power by 20%;
- Increases the Armor by 25;
- Has Unique Passive to shield allies within 2 hexes in the first 8 seconds at the start of the combat.
2. Spear of Shojin (Early Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging B.F. Sword and Tear of the Goddess.
The item is good on Syndra because:
- Grants her starting Mana which allows her to cast her spell faster.
- Produces the ability to cast her spell faster after the casting the first time.
Details of the Item:
- Increases the Attack damage by 15;
- Increases the Starting Mana by 15;
- Has Unique Passive to restore 18% of the Mana after using her spell cast the first time.
1. Guardian Angel (Early Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging B.F. Sword and Chain Vest.
The item is good on Syndra because:
- Of the item’s Passive which is making Syndra available to maintain longer in combat. With that, we increase the damage of her spell which is doubled after each cast.
- It is granting Syndra bonus Attack Damage and Armor;
Details of the item:
- Increases the Attack Damage by 15;
- Increases the Armor by 25;
- Has Unique Passive to grant reviving upon death and grants 400 Health. Cleanses the negative effects after reborn.
-->Core Items
3. Morellonomicon (Core Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging Giant’s Belt and Needlessly Large Rod.
It is good on Syndra because:
- Massively increases her Spell power;
- Has Unique Passive which makes her target more vulnerable.
Details of the Item:
- Increases the Ability Power by 20%;
- Increases Health by 200;
- Has Unique Passive to deal 2.7% of the target’s maximum Health, per second, applying Grievous Wounds which reduced healing on the target.
2. Jeweled Gauntlet (Core Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging Needlessly Large Rod and Sparring Gloves.
The item is good on Syndra because:
- Massively Increases the Spell power;
- Grants her chance for critical strikes of the Special Ability which allows dealing enormous damage and basically one-shooting her target.
Details of the Item:
- Increases the Ability Power by 20%;
- Increases the Critical chance by 20%;
- Has Unique Passive to grant Critical chance to the Special Ability.
1. Rabadon’s Deathcap (Core Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging two Needlessly Large Rods.
The item is good on Syndra because:
- It massively increases her Spell Power;
Details of the Item:
- Increases the Spell Power by 40%;
- Has Unique Passive to amplify Spell Power stat by 50%;
-->End Game Items
2. Rapid Firecannon(End Item)
The recipe to get the item is to merge two Recurve Bows.
The item is good on Syndra because:
- It is granting Attack Speed which allows her to cast her spell faster;
- She can be put on any position on the battleground without moving each time when she does basic attacks;
Details of the Item:
- Increases the Attack Speed by 30%;
- Has Unique Passive to triple the Attack Range.
1. Chalice of power (End Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging Tear of Goddess and Negatron Cloak
The item is good on Syndra because:
- It is increasing her starting Mana;
- Has Passive to grant Syndra bonus Spell power at the start of the combat;
Details of the Item:
- Increases the starting Mana by 15;
- Increases the Magic Resistance by 25;
- Has Unique Passive to grant 30 Spell Power to Ahri and nearby allies at the start of the combat.
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