She is not the prey or the hunter, nor the human or the beast, but she is both of them. Nidalee is a master tracker who can shapeshift into a ferocious cougar at will.
She doesn’t use guns and swords, as she was raised in a jungle, but instead she uses deft spear throws and traps.
This is a comprehensive guide to placing Nidalee on your TFT board, HUNTing down your opponents, and achieving first place.
Mmm, the taste of coward.
Far, far from the harsh deserts of the Great Sai, over savanna plains and mountain steppes, lie the great eastern jungles of Shurima. Swathed in mystery, they are home to wild, fantastical beasts, and dense forests blooming with life. But while there is overwhelming beauty to be found there, danger and death lurk nearby in equal measure.
No one knows how Nidalee came to be alone in the heart of the jungle. Dressed in little more than rags, the infant child sat alone on the leafy soil, her cries echoing between the trees. Undoubtedly, that was what brought the cougars.
A mother, roaming with her cubs, approached the abandoned girl, perhaps catching the scent of something familiar… or at least something worth saving. She accepted Nidalee without hesitation, half leading, half dragging her back to their den.
Nidalee was raised by the cougars as a creature of the forest, with no connection to her own kind, or mortal society at large. She became a capable huntress, but where her guardians favored tooth and claw, Nidalee learned to take advantage of her surroundings.
She used explosive seeds to send territorial murk wolves flying, and made healing salves from honeyfruit.
But she soon began to lose control of her own body, and flickered between human and bestial forms. She felt the spirit of the jungle cats within her, and was transformed like never before.
Her siblings approached warily, but with the passing of their mother they came to accept this shapechanger as their new leader—from that day forth, she vowed to defend her adopted home against any who would seek to plunder it.
Over time, she learned to better control her powers, eventually shifting between both forms with ease.
From that day forth, she vowed to defend her adopted home against any who would seek to plunder it. Still, in rare, quiet moments, the huntress finds herself dwelling on her own origins—and her encounter with the Kiilash—and whether she will learn the truth behind any of it…
Best Nidalee builds in TFT Season 4 - Stage II
Nidalee’s stats:
- Cost: 1 Gold
- Health: 600 / 1080 / 1944
- Mana: 50
- Armor: 30
- MR: 30
- DPS: 42 / 76 / 136
- Damage: 60 / 108 / 194
- Atk Spd: 0.7
- Crit Rate: 25%
- Range: 3
Nidalee’s traits:
After each player combat, gain an Astral Orb. The combined star level of your Astral champions increases the quality of the orb. Astral champions gains bonus Ability Power.
- 3 5 Ability Power
- 5 30 Ability Power
- 8 75 Ability Power
Transforming grants bonus maximum Health.
- 2 50% maximum Health
- 4 125% maximum Health
Nidalee’s ability
Nidalee transforms into Cougar Form for the rest of combat, reducing her Attack Range to 1 and gaining bonus movement speed and Attack Speed. While in cougar form, every 3rd attack swipes her target dealing 225% of her Attack Damage.
Attack Speed: 40% / 45% / 50%
Nidalee’s best items
1-Guinsoo’s Rageblade
Basic Attacks grant 6% bonus attack speed for the rest of the combat. Stacks with no upper limit.
Grant 15/30/45* bonus attack damage.
The wearer is immune to attack damage debuffs and crowd control effects for the first 15 seconds of combat.
Best comps for Nidalee
This comp is one of the easiest methods to get 3 star champions since the reroll has a low cost as long as you are the only one playing astral.
Having Lux as the main source of damage on the backlines is protected by the two bruisers that can handle tons of damage, Sylas and Skarner.
Best team for this build:
1-Lux: the main source of damage in the back lines, she is placed on the opposite side of the enemy's carry to ensure that her cosmic spark hits.
2-Sylas: Placing him alone on the front lines with a gargoyle’s stone plate would make him able to protect the team without easily dying.
3-Skarner: make the duo bruisers with his brother Sylas. Who would give them extra HP, also adding 1 more to the Astral trait.
4-Viladimir: is the best choice as he has the same traits as Lux: Mage and Astral
5-Nidalee: being a shape shifter would allow her to take more damage as her health increased, while also adding 1 more to the astral trait.
6-Varus: Even though he only adds to the astral trait but he can deal some good damage from the backlines as he has the swiftshot trait.
7-Zoe: 5-cost Mage who uses her abilities to deal damage and protect the team as she switches between them.
8-Taliyah: 1-cost Mage that could be changed for Lillia or sohm (if you hit level 9), so they can make it a 5-Mage trait.
This comp rotates around Shapeshifters, as they gain tons of extra hit points they can also deal loads of damage if placed with the right comp.
This is a fast reroll to level 8 but try to get as many Gnar, Nidalee, and Sejuani copies from the shop as you can.
Best team for this comp:
1-Shyvana would be the main source of damage in the team if she hits level 2 as she can deal so much magic damage and she can also knock up enemies.
2-Hecarim is a great source for crowd control, slowing down enemies, as he shares the Cavalier and Ragewing traits.
3-Jayce is one of the strongest frontlines as he is one of the shapeshifters and guild units.
4-Gnar transforms, knocking up all enemies he hits as he is a shapeshifter.
5-Nidalee sets the Shapeshifter trait to 4.
6-Sejuani is a strong Cavalier tank.
7-Bard stuns the enemies and makes them vulnerable for more damage.
This is a really slow reroll comp until you make every Astral champion set to 3 stars.
Being the only one playing Astral would make the game easier and help you win early games.
Once all of them are three stars, you will begin to receive Aurelion Sol, which will be the main source of damage in the late game.
TIP: Getting a Mage emblem for Aurelion Sol would make him a beast.
Best team for this build:
1-Aurelion Sol as the Astral dragon is the main source of damage in the late game, and making him a Mage would make it an easily winnable game.
2-Lux: being the main source of damage in the back lines placed in the opposite side of the enemy’s carry to make sure that her Cosmic spark hits.
3-Sylas: placing him alone on the front lines with a gargoyle’s stone plate would make him able to protect the team without easily dying.
4-Skarner: make the duo bruisers with his brother Sylas would give them extra HP also adding 1 more to the astral trait.
5-Viladimir: he is the best choice as he has the same traits as Lux: Mage and Astral.
6-Nidalee: being a shape shifter would allow her to take more damage as her health increased, while also adding 1 more to the astral trait.
7-Varus: Even though he only adds to the astral trait, he can deal some good damage from the backlines as he has the swiftshot trait.