She knows nothing about swords and tanks, but she can use her feather in a lethal way to stab and cut down her enemies.
Her feathers knows their targets cutting throw her enemies and returning back to her making sure that her enemy is shredded.
This is a full guide showing you how to place Xayah in the right place with the right items to make sure you overwhelm you enemy with feather and kick them back to lobby.

Let's cut 'em to ribbons
Deadly and precise, Xayah, the rebel, is a vastayan revolutionary waging a personal war to save her people.
She uses her speed, guile, and razor-sharp feather blades to cut down anyone who stands in her way.
Xayah fights alongside her partner and lover, Rakan, to protect their dwindling tribe, and restore their race to her vision of its former glory.
Best Xayah builds in TFT Season 4 - Stage II
Xayah’s stats:
Cost: 4 Gold
Health: 750 / 1350 / 2430
Mana: 60
Armor: 25
MR: 25
DPS: 53 / 95 / 170
Damage: 70 / 126 / 227
Atk Spd: 0.75
Crit Rate: 25%
Range: 3
Xayah’s ability

For 4 seconds, whenever Xayah attacks she fires a feather behind her target and nearby enemies. At the end of this duration Xayah recalls her feathers, dealing a percent of her Attack Damage plus bonus magic damage per feather to enemies struck.
Bonus Feathers: 2 / 2 / 4
Recall Attack Percentage: 18% / 18% / 18%
Recall Damage: 13 / 20 / 75
Xayah’s best items
1-Guinsoo’s Rageblade

Basic Attacks grant 6% bonus attack speed for the rest of the combat. Stacks with no upper limit.
2-Giant Slayer

Basic attacks and spells gain 20% increased damage, increased to 60% if the enemy has over 1800 maximum health.
3-Runaan’s Hurricane

Basic attacks fire an additional bolt at another nearby enemy, dealing 70% AD physical damage. Bolts can Critical strike critically strike and have infinite range.
Best comps for Xayah
3) Xayah with cavalier friends

This comp requires reaching level 8 with strong economy while making sure to get as much copies of Nunu, Lillia, Twitch, Sejuani and Rell as you can in early game.
This comp rotates around Xayah being the main damage while being protected by the Cavalier members.
Best team for this comp:
1-Xayah being your main carry as she is capable of dealing tons of damage as she shares Swiftshot and Ragewing traits.
2-Yasuo being a CC-machine sharing his Mirage trait and dealing great amount of damage.
3-Twitch breaking enemies’ armor while being a Swifthsot member.
4-Hecarim sharing his Cavalier and Ragewing trait would make him the best choice.
5-Lillia counted as a Cavalier while dealing some magic damage to enemies.
6-Rell is a Cavalier member who can sustain a lot of damage in the frontlines.
7-Nunu is a great tank as he shares Mirage and Cavalier traits.
8-Sejauni makes it a set of five Cavaliers.
2) Shifters and Shooters

This comp requires level 8 with a really strong economy, rotating around Shapeshifters which makes a really hard frontline to pass through.
Having Swiftshot champions in the backline would deal the damage needed such as Xayah and Varus being your main damage dealers.
Best team for this build:
1-Xayah being your main damage dealer sharing the Ragewing and Swiftshot traits.
2-Shyvana being your main frontline as she can sustain a lot of damage while dealing tons of them as she is the Ragewing dragon and shares the Shapeshifter trait.
3-Jayce is a really strong frontline as a Guild and Shapeshifter.
4-Gnar transforming into a beast knocking up all enemies and handling a lot of damage.
5-Nidalee counts as an additional Shapeshifter.
6-Vaurs is your second main carry as he can deal the damage needed from the backlines.
7-Twitch activates the Swiftshot trait while breaking enemies’ armor from the backline.
1) Ragewing Xayah

This comp requires a fast reroll to level 8 with strong economy as most of the team costs 4 and more gold.
This comp rotates around Ragewing trait which would make its members gain tons of attack speed.
Best team for this build:
1-Xayah being your main damage dealer from the backline stabbing enemies with her feather as she shares Ragewing and Swiftshot traits.
2-Shyvana being your second main damage dealer as she knocks up all enemies dealing tons of magic damage as she is the Ragewing dragon and shares the shapeshifter trait which makes her sustain a lot of damage.
3-Jayce is a really good tank in the frontlines as he shares the Guild and Shapeshifter traits.
4-Hecarim counted as a Ragewing as long as making his enemies flee in fear.
5-Rakan adds 1 more to the Ragewing and Mystic traits.
6-Bard increases the chance of having more high-cost champions in the shop as well as sharing his Mystic trait.
7-Twitch activates the Swiftshot trait along with Xayah.