Have you ever wondered how a song can kill someone? Or how can a cord heal someone? Well, Sona can use her notes to kill enemies and help her team in TFT.
Sona is one of the most utilised champions in TFT, as she can both deal tonnes of damage while also healing her allies to make sure you win your games.
This article is a full guide on how to best place Sona in TFT to make sure you get on top of the notes and win the game.
Sona came to TFT with not just one or two, but three traits that make her a powerful choice to be placed with your team in TFT.
The fact that she shares the Underground, Heart, and Spellslinger traits makes her deal tonnes of damage as she gains a lot of stacking ability power.
Sona is usually placed in teams that focus more on ability power than attack damage, as both her damage and healing scale with her AP.
Best Sona builds in TFT Set 8
Sona’s stats:
- Cost: 3 Gold
- Health: 650 / 1170 / 2106
- Mana: 40
- Armor: 25
- MR: 25
- DPS: 28 / 50 / 91
- Damage: 40 / 72 / 130
- Atk Spd: 0.7
- Crit Rate: 25%
- Range: 4
Sona’s traits:
1-The Underground
The Underground must sneak through the sewers and crack 10 locks to open a vault. When the vault opens, you may choose to take the loot now, or attempt another heist for even better rewards.
- 3 Crack 2 vault lock after a player combat win, and 3 after a player combat loss.
- 5 Crack 3 vault lock after a player combat win, and 5 after a player combat loss.
When Heart units cast their Ability, your team gains stacking Ability Power for the rest of combat.
- 2 +4 Ability Power
- 4 +7 Ability Power
- 6 +10 Ability Power
Every 5 seconds, the next attack instead fires a magic orb at a random target, which explodes for 50% Ability Power as magic damage.
- 2 +25 Ability Power
- 4 +55 Ability Power
- 6 +85 Ability Power
- 8 +125 Ability Power, and orbs deal 150% Ability Power
Sona’s ability
Sona cycles between 3 phases, firing 2 beams that:
- 1 Phase: Deals magic damage to the closest enemies.
- 2 Phase: Heals the lowest health allies.
- 3 Phase: Deals magic damage and stuns the closest enemies for 1.5 seconds.
1 Phase: 175/265/430
2 Phase: 200/250/325
3 Phase: 120/180/300
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
Sona’s best items
1-Blue Buff
Grant 10 bonus starting Mana and 15 bonus Ability Power. Abilities cost 10 less Mana to cast.
If the holder gets at least 1 takedown within 3 seconds of casting, gain 10 Mana.
2- Jeweled Gauntlet
Grant 15 bonus Ability Power and 15% Critical Strike Chance.
Damage from an Ability can critically strike.
3-Giant Slayer
Grant 15% bonus Attack damage and 15 bonus Ability power. Abilities and attacks deal 30% more damage to enemies with more than 1600 maximum Health
Best comps for Sona
- 1 Forecaster
- 4 A.D.M.I.N.
- 3 Spell Slinger
- 2 Brawler
- 2 Heart
- 1 Civilian
This composition is a slow reroll to level 8 with a strong economy. The goal is to get all champions with a cost between 2 and 3 to 3 stars.
This team is built around the full A.D.M.I.N trait, which makes Soraka and Annie, the tank, the main sources of damage.
Best team to build this:
1-As an ADMIN member and a Heart member, Soraka will do the most damage.
2-Le Blanc is a powerful spellslinger who works behind the scenes as a member of ADMIN.
3-Sona is one of the best champions for making your team more useful because she heals allies, stuns enemies, and does a lot of damage as a Heart and Spellslinger member.
4-Camille can take a lot of damage and also adds to the ADMIN trait.
5-Blitzcrank is an ADMIN robot that can both take and deal some damage as a brawler.
6-Sejuani is a great front-line fighter who can also stun a lot of enemies at once.
7-Janna is a great helper who is known as a Forecaster. This helps everyone in her circle.
8-Annie is one of the strongest frontlines because, as a Spellslinger, she does a lot of damage and gets a HUGE shield.
- 6 Spellslinger
- 1 Forecaster
- 3 Star Guardian
- 2 Ox Force
- 2 Aegis
- 1 Civillian
This composition is a mid-fast reroll to level 8 with a strong economy. Try to get all the 2-3-cost champions to level 3, but make sure to hit Taliyah as soon as you can, as she will be your main carry.
The Spellslinger trait, which is an AP trait, is the centre of this comp.
Best team to build this:
1-As a Spellslinger, Annie is one of the best front lines because she does a lot of damage and gets a HUGE shield.
2-Janna is a big help and is known as a Forecaster, which helps everyone in her circle.
3-Sona is one of the best champions for making your team more useful because she heals allies, stuns enemies, and does a lot of damage as a Heart and Spellslinger member.
4-Le Blanc is a powerful spellslinger who works behind the scenes as a member of ADMIN.
5-Lux is a new member of the Spellslingers and the Star Guardians.
6-Taliyah does most of your damage because she is both a Spellslinger and a Star Guardian. This means that she does a lot of damage.
7-Since Ekko has both the Aegis and Star Guardian traits, he has a big effect on your team.
8-Alistar has the traits of both Ox-Force and Aegis, which is a big plus for your team.
- 5 Underground
- 3 Lasercorps
- 2 Duelist
- 2 Sureshot
- 2 Brawler
- 1 Ace
This competition is based on the Underground trait, which lets you get a lot of loot as the game goes on.
This comp is a fast reroll to level 8, making sure to get everyone below 4 gold to 3 stars so you can win the game.
Best team to build this:
1-As a member of Sureshot and Underground, Samira would do the most damage to the team.
2-As a Duelist, Kayle would do a lot of damage from the back lines.
3-Zed is a great Duelist and a member of the Lasercorps. In this comp, he would do a lot of damage.
4-Ezreal is another member of the Underground.
5-Sona is a very strong member because she does a lot of damage and heals your team. She also has the Underground trait.
6-Senna would use the trait Sureshot.
7-As a Lasercorps and Brawler member, Sejuani has a very strong front line that can take a lot of damage and stun a large group of enemies.
8-Vi would set the Underground trait to 5 and turn on the Brawler trait.