Vex came to TFT with her deadly nightmares and shadows to kill her enemies with fear. She is one of the most-picked 3 gold champions to be the main damage dealer in this set.
Vex is a really strong choice since her skill deals tonnes of damage, and every third time she hits it, it moves through all the units, dealing much damage to them.
In this article, we will be discussing everything about Vex and how to best place her in TFT to make sure you get there first.
Don't care. Don't care. Don't care.
Vex’s combos are really strong, and most of them are known for summoning Zac when her Riftwalker trait is activated. Zac takes the last trait for the nearest Riftwalker member to him, and in Vex’s case, it’s the Mascot, which allows them to heal way too much.
Vex’s stats, items, traits, and best builds will be discussed down below to make sure you look fearless enough and win your games.
Best Vex builds in TFT Set 8.5
Vex’s stats
- Cost: 3
- Health: 650 / 1170 / 2106
- Mana: 40
- Armor: 25
- MR: 25
- DPS: 28 / 50 / 91
- Damage: 40 / 72 / 130
- Atk Spd: 0.7
- Crit Rate: 25%
- Range: 4
Vex’s traits
Riftwalkers open a gap between dimensions and summon their ally Zac, who grows in power based on the star level of Riftwalkers. Zac gains the last-listed Trait of the closest Riftwalker.
- 3 Summon Zac
Your team heals a percentage of their maximum Health every 2 seconds, and Mascots heal double the amount. When Mascots die, they retreat to the sidelines to cheer on your team. Your team's healing increased by 1% for each cheering Mascot.
- 2 1.5% healing
- 4 3% healing
- 6 6% healing
Vex’s ability
Shadow Surge
Vex launches a blast of gloom at her current target, dealing magic damage. Every third cast, her gloom becomes unstoppable, passing through enemies and dealing magic damage to each enemy hit.
- Damage: 230/345/570
- Third Damage: 150/225/370
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
Vex’s best items
1-Blue buff
Grant 10 bonus starting Mana and 10 bonus Ability Power. Abilities cost 10 less Mana to cast. If the holder gets at least 1 takedown within 3 seconds of casting, gain 10 Mana.
2-Giant Slayer
Grant 20% bonus Attack Damage and 20 bonus Ability Power. Abilities and attacks deal 25% more damage to enemies with more than 1600 maximum Health.
3-Jeweled Gauntlet
Grant 15 bonus Ability Power and 15% Critical Strike Chance.
Best comps for Vex
- 4 Ox Force
- 4 Riftwalker
- 3 Renegade
- 2 Aegis
- 2 Mascot
This is a fast reroll to level 8, with a strong economy above 50 gold to make sure you get your champions to the needed level.
This combo is focused on Jhin as the main damage dealer and Zac above him to activate the Renegade trait.
Best team for this comp:
1-Jhin will be your main damage dealer as a Riftwalker member, which summons Zac, who will activate the Renegade trait for him.
2-Viego will be your second damage dealer, as he shares both the Ox Force and the Renegade traits.
3-Vex will be dealing some good damage from the backlines as she shares both the Mascot and the Riftwalker traits.
4-Pyke is the 3rd Riftwalker, which will summon Zac, and he will also stun enemies with his skill, which would give you a huge advantage.
5-Alistar is a great choice as he shares both the Aegis trait, which will add magic resist to the team, and the Mascot trait, which will heal the team. He would also share the Ox Force trait.
6-Annie would add to the Ox Force trait.
7-Fiora is the 4th Ox Force member.
8-Ekko would activate the Aegis trait with Alistar to add more magic resist to the team.
- 4 Riftwalker
- 3 Supers
- 3 Hacker
- 2 Mascot
This is a fast reroll to level 8, with a strong economy above 50 gold to make sure you get your champions to the needed level.
This combo is focused on Pyke as the main damage dealer and Zac above him to activate the Hacker trait.
Best team for this comp:
1-Pyke would be the main damage dealer as a hacker; he will gain tons of omnivamp, and with Zac above him, he will activate the hacker trait.
2-Vex will be dealing some good damage and activating both the Mascot and the Riftwalker traits.
3-Jhin will be dealing damage from the backlines as well and activating the Riftwalker trait.
4-Shen is a huge tank in the frontline, and he will also be activating the hacker trait.
5-Malphite is a frontline tank and can deal some damage as a Supers trait member while also adding 1 more to the Mascot trait.
6-Lee Sin is the 2nd Supers member.
7-Gangplank can deal some good damage as a Supers member.
- 4 Riftwalker
- 2 Defender
- 4 Mascot
This is a fast reroll to level 8, with a strong economy above 50 gold to make sure you get your champions to the needed level.
This combo is focused on Vex as the main damage dealer and Zac above him to activate the Mascot trait.
Best team for this comp:
1-Vex will be your main damage dealer in the backlines, activating both the Mascot and the Riftwalker traits, summoning Zac, who will also add to the Mascot trait.
2-Jhin will also be dealing some good damage from the backlines, and he is also the 2nd Riftwalker member.
3-Pyke is the 3rd Riftwalker member.
4-Alistar will be the 3rd mascot member.
5-Nunu can deal some great damage rolling his ball, and he will be adding to the Mascot trait.
6-Garen is a huge frontline Defender who can sustain a lot of damage and stun the largest group of enemies.
7-Shen is the 2nd Defender who will be defending the team, especially the one who did the most damage.