Now you see him: Twisted Fate is in TFT as a Tier 2 champion, knowing how to shuffle his cards and picking the one that deals the most damage.
Twisted Fate doesn’t only deal damage to a single target, but after a short period of time, the card explodes, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
In this article, we will mention the combos to place Twisted Fate in, his best items, and how to make sure you take out your enemies with the cards.
Cheater's just a fancy word for winner.
Twisted Fate is a really good pick in early rounds as he can deal a lot of damage by sharing the Bilgewater trait.
Not only that, but he can be a huge damage dealer in late games as he shares the Multicaster trait, which allows him to cast his ability multiple times.
Twisted Fate’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you get the best outcome by placing him on your team.
Best Twisted Fate Builds in TFT Set 9.5
Twisted Fate’s stats:
Cost: 2 Gold
Health: 550 / 990 / 1782
Mana: 20 / 70
Armor: 20
MR: 20
Ability Power: 100
DPS: 28 / 50 / 91
Damage: 40 / 72 / 130
Atk Spd: 0.7
Crit Rate: 25%
Range: 4
Twisted Fate’s traits:
1. Bilgewater
Bilgerat attacks and Abilities mark enemies. The mark stores a percentage of damage dealt to the enemy by Bilgerats.
Marked enemies are struck by a cannonball after 1.5 seconds, dealing the stored damage plus a flat value as physical damage.
3 90 + 30% damage dealt
5 125 + 50% damage dealt
7 300 + 65% damage dealt
9 650 + 150% damage dealt; nearby enemies take 50% of cannonball damage
2. Multicaster
Multicasters cast their Ability multiple times. Bonus casts have 66% reduced effectiveness.
2 1 extra cast
4 2 extra casts
Twisted Fate’s ability
Stacked Deck
Twisted Fate throws a hand of cards at the current target, dealing damage and encircling them. After 1.5 seconds the cards explode, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
Damage: 165/250/370%
Delayed Damage: 210/315/490%
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
Twisted Fate’s best items
1. Blue Buff
Max mana reduced by 10.
If the holder gets a takedown within 3 seconds of casting, gain 10 Mana.
2. Jeweled Gauntlet
Grant 15 bonus Ability Power and 15% Critical Strike Chance.
Damage from an Ability can critically strike.
3. Hextech Gunblade
Grant 22% Omnivamp.
Damage heals the lowest percent Health ally for the same amount.
Best comps for Twisted Fate
2 Shurima
2 Multicaster
2 Juggernaut
This comp revolves around having 2 copies of each champion, which, if played right and matched with the right augment, which is “Double Trouble”, is a sure win.
The comp revolves around Juggernaut and Multicaster traits with only 4 champions.
This is a really slow reroll to level 7, trying to get as many copies as you can.
You will need a Shurima emblem for Sett in order to make Taliyah ascend.
Best team for this comp:
1. Twisted Fate will be dealing tons of damage with his cards as a Multicaster member.
2. Taliyah is the secret weapon for this team, as having 2 copies while sharing the Multicaster will stun four enemies.
3. Nautilus will be your huge tank on the frontlines with the Juggernaut trait activated.
4. Sett will be your second tank in front of raws with the Juggernaut trait activated.
7 Bilgewater
2 Vanquisher
2 Juggernaut
2 Gunner
1 Reaver King
The comp revolves around the full Bilgewater trait activated, dealing huge amounts of damage in a few seconds.
This comp is a fast reroll to level 8, with a strong economy trying to get Tier 1 and 2 champions to level 3.
Best team for this comp:
1. Twisted Fate will be one of the very first members of Bilgewater to deal a lot of damage in the early rounds.
2. Miss Fortune will be your early or mid-game damage dealer as a Bilgewater member.
3. Nilah will be your late-game damage dealer, sharing both the Bilgewater and Vanquisher traits.
4. Gangplank is a great damage dealer, sharing both the Bilgewater and Gunner traits with Graves.
5. Graves will be sharing the Gunner trait with Gangplank while also being a Bilgewater member.
6. Darius is a great pick, as he shares both the Juggernaut and Vanquisher traits.
7. Nautilus is your huge tank in the front rows, sharing the Bilgewater and Juggernaut traits.
8. Illaoi will be adding to the Bilgewater trait.
5 Bilgewater
2 Bastion
2 Multicaster
This comp revolves around the Bilgewater and Multicaster traits.
This is a slow reroll with a strong economy trying to get everyone to level 3 to get the best out of them.
Best team for this comp:
1. Twisted Fate will be one of the main damage dealers, sharing the Bilgewater and Multicaster traits.
2. Sona will be adding to the Multicaster trait while increasing the team attack speed.
3. Miss Fortune will be your secondary damage dealer, as she shares the Bilgewater trait.
4. Nilha will be dealing huge amounts of damage as a Bilgewater member.
5. Illaoi is your huge tank, sharing the Bilgewater and Bastion traits.
6. Nautilus will be sharing the Bilgewater trait.
7. Poppy is a great pick, as she shares the bastion trait.
Hello, I'm Ahmed Fawzy, and I'm passionate about games and writing articles, so I'm getting the best of both worlds writing about the best and the worst that could be found in games.