Heimerdinger, the mad scientist, is in TFT with his innovations, sharing the Yordle and Technogenius traits.
Also, he shares the piltover trait, which can summon the well-known huge T-Rex.
In this article, we will mention the combos to place Heimerdinger in, his best items, and how to make sure you shoot off your enemies with the turret.
I prefer a battle of wits, but you're unarmed!
Heimerdinger is a great pick in the late game, as he can deal tonnes of damage from the backlines with his turret and stunning skill.
Heimerdinger’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you get the best outcome from placing him on your team.
Best Heimerdinger builds in TFT Set 9
Heimerdinger’s stats:
Cost: 5 Gold
Health: 750 / 1350 / 2430
Mana: 80 / 160
Armor: 30
MR: 30
Ability Power: 100
DPS: 30 / 54 / 97
Damage: 40 / 72 / 130
Atk Spd: 0.75
Crit Rate: 25%
Range: 4
Heimerdinger’s traits:
1. Piltover
Gain the T-Hex. Every time you lose a player combat, the T-Hex gains Charges. Winning converts the Charges to Power for the T-Hex.
You may also sell the T-Hex if it has any Power, resetting the T-Hex and converting its Power to loot.
3 Gain the T-Hex.
6 Gain bonus loot every round. Each loss counts as 2 losses instead.
2. Yordle
Your units gain 10% Attack Speed per star level.
If you have 3-star champions, your Yordles can become 4-star, which gives their Ability a wacky upgrade!
3 Your strongest 3-star Yordle
5 Two 3-star Yordles
3. Technogenius
1 Gain a placeable Apex Turret with 3 upgrade slots. Upgrades to the Apex Turret will show up in your shop for 6 gold. The Apex Turret shares Heimerdinger's Attack Speed and Ability Power.
Heimerdinger’s ability
CH-3X Lightning Grenade
Hurl a grenade towards the largest group of enemies, dealing magic damage to enemies in a large area and Stunning them.
4 Star Upgrade: YES YES YES, IT WORKS!
Damage: 150% / 225% / 3141%
Stun Duration: 2 / 2 / 15
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
Heimerdinger’s best items
1. Spear of Shojin
Grant 25 bonus Ability Power. Attacks restore 5 additional Mana.
2. Archangel's Staff
Grant 10 bonus Ability Power.
Combat start: Grant 20 Ability Power every 5 seconds.
3. Jeweled Gauntlet
Grant 15 bonus Ability Power and 15% Critical Strike Chance.
Damage from an Ability can critically strike.
Best comps for Heimerdinger
3 Slayer
1 Technogenius
2 Bastion
3 Demacia
3 Yordle
2 Shadow Isles
This comp revolves around low-cost champions, so make sure to do a slow reroll with a strong economy without levelling up way too much so that you can get the 1-2 cost champions to level 3.
The best team for this build is:
1. Kled is a good tank in the frontlines as he gets two lives, one for him and one for Skarl; he also shares the slayer trait and the yrodle trait.
2. Maokai shares the Shadow Isles trait and the Bastion trait and sustains a lot of damage as he heals himself.
3. Poppy is a great tank on the frontlines as she shares both the Bastion and Yrodle traits and the Demacia trait.
4. Heimerdinger will summon his turret to deal tonnes of damage and stun enemies while sharing the Yordle trait.
5. Kayle is the third slayer, dealing a lot of damage from the backlines while sharing the Demacia tr.
6. Gwen is the damage dealer, as she shares both the Shadow Isles and the Slayer trait.
7. Jarvan IV is the third Demacia trait, which will deal some good damage and stun enemies.
5 Yordles
2 Bastion
1 Technogenius
1 Redemption
2 Shadow Isles
2 Gunner
This composition is based on the yordle characteristic, which necessitates a delayed reroll to get everyone to level 3, which is essential.
Optimal group for this build:
1. Kled makes a strong frontline tank since he has two lives—one for himself and one for Skarl—and he also possesses the slayer and yrodle traits.
2. Maokai suffers significant damage while he heals himself and possesses the shadow isles and bastion traits.
3. Poppy has attributes with both Bastion and Yrodle, making her an excellent tank on the front lines.
4. Teemo will be throwing his mushrooms as a yrodle from the backlines, inflicting a tonne of damage.
5. Tristana, who possesses both the yordle and gunner qualities, is the primary damage dealer in the backlines.
6. Senna, who has the gunner and redemption traits that protect the whole squad, will fit in perfectly in the backlines.
7. Heimerdinger, who possesses the yordle trait, will deploy his turret to deliver massive damage and stun opponents.
6 Ionia
1 Technogenius
4 Challenger
2 Juggernaut
2 Invoker
Since the focus of this competition is on high-tier champions and Ionia champions, you should ensure that your high-tier champions reach level 2 at the very least and the lower levels reach level 3 by rolling quickly to level 8 with good economics.
Optimal group for this build:
1. Yasuo, who possesses both the Ionia and Challenger traits, will be one of the primary damage dealers on the front lines.
2. Kai'Sa, who also possesses the challenger characteristic, is the second damage-dealer.
3. Heimerdigner is a great choice for this squad since he can summon his turret and stun opponents, both of which are very valuable additions.
4. Shen is an excellent choice for the front lines since, being an Ionia member, he is a superb tank who can take a lot of damage.
5. Irelia, who can do decent damage as a Challenger and withstand a lot of damage using her talent, is a strong early game choice alongside Sett.
6. As previously indicated, Sett is a fantastic choice because he shares both the Ionia and the Juggernaut, especially if you have his augment.
7. Warwick will work well with your squad because he possesses both Challenger and Juggernaut qualities.
8. Karma shares the Ionia trait, does a tonne of damage from the backlines, and shares the Invoker trait, which increases the team's mana.
Hello, I'm Ahmed Fawzy, and I'm passionate about games and writing articles, so I'm getting the best of both worlds writing about the best and the worst that could be found in games.