Searching for the trending Camille builds? Camille has recently received some good buffs, and she is in shape to be placed on your side in TFT to make sure you win your games.
Camille's skill isn't flashy, but she has a great effect where she disarms enemies, making them vulnerable to more damage, and her damage is insanely high compared to other champions of the same price.
If you are searching for the right builds and items for the renegade Camilla, you are in the right place.
This is a full article about how to place the robot Camille in TFT to make sure you hack your opponent's system.

Let me be clear - I will kill you.
Camille is a 2-cost champion, but having a hextech heart makes her fearless and she doesn't feel pain, or, may I say, she doesn't receive a lot of damage.
Camille having both the renegade and A.D.M.I.N. traits makes her a killing AI, as she increases her and her teammates' damage and gives them extra effects.
Here is how Camille got her Hextech heart and went into TFT to make sure she got a victory for her holder:
Camille's mother died shortly after her father's death; her older brother became clan master. Camille's hextech heart kept her from ageing while her sibling Stevan did. Hakim removed Camille's heart and implanted Hextech, then quit. Camille gets her energy from well-executed industrial espionage, fresh tea, and long walks in the gray.
Best Camille builds in TFT Set 8
Camille’s stats:
- Cost: 2 Gold
- Health: 750 / 1350 / 2430
- Mana: 70
- Armor: 45
- MR: 45
- DPS: 56 / 101 / 182
- Damage: 75 / 135 / 243
- Atk Spd: 0.75
- Crit Rate: 25%
- Range: 1
Camille’s traits:
A.D.M.I.N programs a custom configuration per player each game.
- 2 [Initialize ADMIN cause and effect]
- 4 [Add another effect to the program]
- 6 Boost previous tier by 180%
Renegade units deal bonus damage, and the last one standing deals more.
- 3 40% bonus damage, 20% for last alive
- 6 80% bonus damage, 40% for last alive
Camille’s ability

Camille sweeps with her leg, dealing physical Damage and disarming enemies hit for a few seconds.
Damage: 180/200/225%
Disarm Duration: 1.5/1.8/2 seconds
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle, in order, as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find below:

Camille’s best items

Passive 1: Grant 20% omnivamp
Passive 2: Gains a 25% maximum health shield for 5 seconds if the wearer falls below 40% maximum health.
2-Infinity Edge

Grant 15% bonus Critical Strike Chance and 15% bonus Attack Damage
3-Titan’s Resolve

When the wearer basic attacks or takes damage from any source, grants 2% bonus attack damage and 2 ability power for the rest of combat, stacking up 25 times for a maximum of 50. At maximum stacks, additionally gains 25 bonus armor and bonus magic resistance, and increases in size. Resets every round.
Best comps for Camille

This combination is a sluggish reroll to level 8 with good economics if you want to get all the 2–3 cost champions to 3 stars.
Soraka will be the primary damage dealer in this configuration because of the complete A.D.M.I.N. trait, with Annie acting as the tank.
Optimal group for this build:
1-Soraka will serve as the main enemy because she is both an admin and a heart member.
2-In-Le Blanc is a powerful spellcaster who works for ADMIN behind the scenes.
3-Sona is one of the most helpful champions in the game as a member of the Heart and Spellslinger because of her capacity to heal her friends, stun her adversaries, and do significant damage.
4-The ADMIN quality is reinforced by Camille's great durability.
5-A combat-ready ADMIN robot is Blitzcrank. He has the capacity to cause and take damage.
6-Sejuani is a great frontline fighter who has the ability to instantly confuse a sizable number of adversaries.
7-Everyone wins when Janna gets involved since she is a trustworthy source of knowledge and counsel.
8-Due to her tremendous damage output and significant defence boost from her Spellslinger class ability, Annie is a fierce frontliner.

This comp revolves around the Renegade trait which would give your team access to tons of damage.
This is a quick reroll to level 8 with a very strong economy, as most of the main champions cost more than 4 gold.
Best build for this team:
1-Veigo will somehow be your main damage dealer, as he has both Renegade and Ox Force, which will make him deal a lot of damage with high attack speed.
2-Camille will be a great frontliner as she shares the renegade trait, which gives her access to tons of damage.
3-Blitzcrank will be your front brawler with his cavalier friend Sejuani, which will have extra health to sustain more damage.
4-Sejuani is a great, high-cost champion that shares the Brawler trait and stuns a huge circle of enemies.
5-Talon will be making it a set of 3 Renegades and dealing some good damage to enemies’ backlines.
6-Leblanc taking Hecarim's place will cause her to delete enemies' backlines while also sharing the admin and hacker traits.
7-Soraka will activate the ADMIN trait, making it a set of 4, which will give you access to much more effects.
8-Zoe is the second hacker in the team, which will be summoning Hecarim for Leblanc.

This squad is a typical level 8 reroll with a robust economy. It makes an effort to at least level 2 champions with costs ranging from 4 to 5, and level 3 champions with costs ranging from 1 to 3.
The A.D.M.I.N. trait being at 100% and the Fiddlesticks trait dealing a lot of damage are the foundations for this combo.
Best group to create this:
1-Because she is both an ADMIN and a Heart member, Soraka will do the most damage.
2-Le Blanc is a skilled spellcaster who serves in an administrative capacity.
3-As a member of both the Heart and Spellslinger, Sona is one of the finest champions for enhancing the effectiveness of a team because she heals teammates, stuns adversaries, and deals a lot of damage.
4-Camille has a high damage tolerance and enhances the ADMIN trait.
5-Blitzcrank is an ADMIN robot that can fight in person and do some damage.
6-Sejuani is an excellent front-line fighter who has a lot of simultaneous adversaries she can stun.
7-When Zac divides into smaller versions of himself, he diverts his adversaries' attention. He heals himself a lot, so he can also withstand a lot of damage.
8-Late in the game, the corrupted threat member Fiddlesticks can deal a lot of harm.