Jhin, the sniper who counts his bullets, is in TFT as a Tier 4 champion, constructing turrets to help the maestro.
Jhin attacks grant him mana, and all his rifles attack at the same rate as him.
In this article, we will mention the combos to place Jhin in, his best items, and how to make sure you take out your enemies with the rifle.
Only my actions will make you memorable.
Jhin is a great pick as a Tier 5 champion in the late game, as the maestro doesn’t grant attack speed but instead converts it to attack damage.
He also shares the big shot to gain even more damage.
Jhin’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you get the best outcome by placing him on your team.
Best Jhin builds in TFT Set 10
Jhin’s stats:
Cost: 5 Gold
Health: 950 / 1710 / 3078
Mana: 50
Armor: 40
MR: 40
Ability Power: 100
DPS: 63 / 113 / 204
Damage: 70 / 126 / 227
Atk Spd: 0.9
Crit Rate: 25%
Range: 4
Jhin’s traits:
1. Maestro
1 (unique) The Maestro always attacks at a fixed pace, converting 1% bonus Attack Speed into 0.7% Attack Damage.
2. Big Shot
Big Shots gain Attack Damage, which increases for 3 seconds when they use their Ability.
2 10% Attack Damage, 40% after casting
4 18% Attack Damage, 60% after casting
6 30% Attack Damage, 100% after casting
Jhin’s ability
Concerto to Demise
Passive: Attacks generate 10 additional Mana. If your bench has 4 Grand Finale Rifles, begin conducting instead of attacking. Each Rifle fires at the same rate as the Maestro and deals %Attack Damage+ %Ability Powerphysical damage. Every 4th volley deals 200% damage.
Active: Put 1 Grand Finale Rifle into one of your empty bench slots.
Headliner Effect: +20% Attack Damage, Combat Start: Put 1 Grand Finale Rifle onto an empty bench slot.
Rifes Per Cast: 1 / 1 / 4
AD Damage: 60% / 60% / 444%
AP Damage: 15% / 25% / 144%
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find below:
Jhin’s best items
1. Blue Buff
Max mana reduced by 10.
When the holder gets a takedown, they deal 8% more damage for 8 seconds.
2. Infinity Edge
Abilities can critically strike.
3. Red Buff
Deal 6% bonus damage.
Attacks 5% Burn and 33% Wound enemies for 5 seconds.
Burn: Deals a percent of the target's maximum Health as true damage every second
Wound: Reduces healing received
Best comps for Jhin
4 Big Shot
1 Illbeats
1 Wildcard
1 Maestro
3 Heartsteel
2 Bruiser
2 Mosher
2 Guardian
2 Jazz
To acquire everyone on the squad in this competition, you must quickly reroll to level 9, and to get your headliner, Ezreal, you must quickly reroll to level 8.
Ezreal, the headliner with the Big Shot trait, is the primary damage dealer from the sidelines.
The best group for this build is:
1. Ezreal is the primary damage dealer, having the Heartsteel trait with the others and the Big Shot trait as the star.
2. With the Maestro attribute making him special, Jhin is an excellent damage dealer in the role of Big Shot.
3. Another Big Shot member with the Jazz characteristic, Lucian unleashes massive quantities of damage from the rear rows.
4. Miss Fortune is the fourth member of the Big Shot, sharing the Jazz characteristic and doing high damage.
5. Sharing the Heartsteel and possessing a special Wildcard ability that allows him to transform into either a Shadow Assassin or a Rhaast, Kayn is an excellent damage dealer on the front lines.
6. Yorick and Sett make a fantastic combination as they both possess the Mosher trait.
7. With the Guardian trait, Thresh is an excellent tank on the front lines.
8. Illaoi is your go-to bruiser since she is a tank and uses her special Illbeats ability to do a lot of damage.
9. Given his shared qualities with Bruiser, Heartsteel, and Mosher, Sett is an absolute necessity.
1 Maestro
3 Heartsteel
2 Sentinel
2 8-bit
2 Bruiser
2 Big Shot
2 Rapidfire
Caitlyn is the primary aggressor in this combination and the target of the rapidfire trait.
The heartsteel trait would also allow you to play with greater agility and do a lot of damage when Ezreal is in the rear rows.
Ideally, this Build's group is:
1. Caitlyn, the headliner, is the primary cause of damage because she possesses both the 8-bit and rapidfire attributes.
2. Because of his heartsteel and big shot qualities, which provide him a ton of extra damage, Ezreal is the second damage dealer in the back rows.
3. Tier 5 back row player Jhin, who can deal a lot of damage, is the second big shot.
4. Sett can do a lot of damage and is an excellent tank in the front rows. He shares the bruiser and heartsteel.
5. With a guardian symbol, Thresh's potency would be greatly increased, allowing him to capitalize on his ability to surprise a large number of members.
6. Illaoi, a tier 5 bruiser, possesses the special illbeats feature that allows her to call forth spirit tentacles to deal more damage.
7. Garen's 8-bit characteristics and shared sentinel make him a great fit.
8. The tier 1 sentinel and heartsteel, K'Sante, allows you to activate the heartsteel as soon as it is practical.
4 Big Shot
1 Illbeats
1 Maestro
5 Bruiser
2 Mosher
This comp is a fast reroll to level 8 in order to get everyone on the team, especially Ezreal, the headliner.
Ezreal is the main damage dealer from the backlines as the headliner, featuring, the Big Shot trait.
Best team for this build:
1. Ezreal is the main damage dealer, sharing the Big Shot trait as the headliner.
2. Jhin is a great damage dealer as a Big Shot, having the Maestro trait as his unique one.
3. Miss Fortune is the 4th Big Shot member dealing high damage.
4. Illaoi is your frontline bruiser, being a tank and dealing high damage with her Illbeats unique trait.
5. Sett is a must, as he shares the Mosher, Bruiser, and Heartsteel traits.
6. Olaf is a great pick as a bruiser in the early game, as he goes all in as a tank.
7. Gragas is a great bruiser in the early game as well, sustaining a lot of damage.
8. Zac is your Tier 4 Bruiser, being a huge tank on the frontlines and dealing a fair amount of damage.
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