Teamfight Tactics Best Lee Sin Builds To Use

27 Jan 2023

The blind monk, One Kick Man, the community’s favorite... He goes by many names and strikes fear into the hearts of tacticians everywhere. One unit, with a skill so strong that he is able to completely disregard frontlines while simultaneously one-shotting the backline… Lee Sin is the star of this guide. Throughout the guide, I will discuss strong openers, which items/augments to prioritize, early and mid-game boards to play around with, and some final tips and tricks to wrap up.


Final Board:

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The final board in this comp is relatively cheap, as throughout the game you will most likely just be level 7 and rolling down to 50 gold to try and 3-star some units. The aim of this final board is to at least have a BIS Lee Sin 3 + the 6 Dragonmancer buff applied to him, with Yasuo providing cc and duo carry support if needed. Once you hit Lee Sin 3, you can level to 8 to play other units and look for Yasuo.

If you are able to go 9, Bard and Rakan are good additions that provide heavy CCand mystic against high AP lobbies. Other good legendary units at 9 can be Soraka or Terra, depending on which units you hit or if you are lacking front line.

What makes this comp so strong?

Although this comp was proven to be insanely strong during Set 7, with Riot planning on releasing him as a Chibi Little Legend, they slightly changed his skill to allow him to be more of a 1v9 carry and shifted him away from his original role of a frontline disrupter. 

This buff, along with the Dragonmancer buff from 9 to 8 Dragonmancers, would mean that this comp is in peak form. Lee Sin becomes unkillable when itemized correctly and 3-starred, kicking units left, front, and center until there are none left.


Early game:

The great thing about this comp is that most of the units are easy to find and hit early in the game. Drafting your early game board with 2-starred 1 and 2 cost Dragonmancers and a Lee Sin in play should set you up nicely. The goals of the early game are to:

  • Make econ
  • Build Lee Sin items (High HP isn’t as necessary in this comp compared to other comps as with high pick priority, you are able to snag the items you need to build Lee’s BIS) Focus on slamming JG and HOJ/BT whenever you get the components.


Perfect Early Game Board:


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NOTE: DURING THE EARLY GAME, IF YOU HAVE 4 DRAGONMANCERS READY, PLAY IT AND STACK EITHER LEE SIN OR KARMA. 4 Dragonmancer is by far the best opener you can have when running this comp since it’s extremely linear from there and you would just need to look for 2 stars. 

If you aren’t as lucky, here are some other boards that are still very stable to get you through the early game:

Example Board 1:

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In the early game, if you high-roll a Lee Sin, then you would just want to draft a comp with a solid frontline and the Dragomancer trait online. With the comp above, the guardians will provide a solid frontline during the fights, while Tempest and Dragonmancer from the other 1 costs would buff Lee’s damage and survivability.


Example Board 2:

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In some games, Lee Sin doesn’t appear through a high roll shop or neutral drop early in the game. If this is the case, drafting a solid 4 Dragonmancer early with Karma holding your Lee items is more than enough to keep you healthy until you can pivot into Lee Sin 2.


During mid-game, you should only be focusing on a few things: 

1. Pivoting your placeholder items to Lee Sin

2. Slow rolling at 7 to hit Lee Sin 3

3. Getting 4 or 6 Dragonmancer online ASAP

These boards down below should help you stabilize enough to comfortably roll down for your 3-star 1v9 machine.


Example Board 1:

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This is an ideal mid-game board, with Lee Sin and 4 Dragonmancers established early in the game and Tempest able to provide early CC. This would provide Lee Sin with the survivability he needs to cast and kill units as he is tanking lots of damage early due to a lack of frontline. 

Qiyana can also be replaced with Ezreal if needed. Rengar or any other assassin allows our board to kill 1-2 additional units or (if you catch an enemy not scouting) pick off their main carry in the fight for a free win.


Example Board 2: 

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Although this board is weaker than the previous one, if you are really low rolling your Dragonmancers this should be able to save you a bunch of hp. With the assassins jumping the backline, this would guarantee some free units while Lee and Rakan disrupt and cc the frontline. 

Be careful when running this variation though, as Lee Sin with 2 Dragonmancer is not quite as tanky and is easily cc’d and deleted.



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Lee Sin: BIS: Infinity Edge, Jeweled Gauntlet, Bloodthirster /Hand of Justice (need these items or it’s eif). During the early and mid-game, focus on getting these items slammed and ready to go for an easy Lee pivot.


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Yasuo: Blue Buff, Edge of Night, Giant Slayer. Don’t worry too much about itemization on Yasuo as you can just toss leftover damage items on him and he’ll still be useful.


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Volibear: Guinsoos, Quicksilver, Hand Of Justice. If we manage to hit a 3-star Voli when slow rolling, he can act as a duo carry and if itemized. The main item Voli needs is Guinsoos, while the rest can be flexed. If Voli stays 2 starred, you can slam your tank item and AOE items on him like Zekes and sparks

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Kai’Sa: Morello. Since Kai’Sa is the only unit in this comp with decent AOE, Morello would be the best forher since she can apply it to the whole board safely from the backline.



Silver: Celestial Blessing 1, Axiom Arc 1, Tri Force 1, Dragonmancer Conference, Tempest Heart,  Electrocharge 1

Gold: Jeweled Lotus*, Battlemage 2, Celestial Blessing 2, Thrill of the Hunt 2, Triforce 2, Axiom Arc 2, Dragonmancer Crest*, Eye of the Storm*

Prismatic: Celestial Blessing 3, Battlemage 3, Golden Ticket*, Triforce 3, Dragonmancer Crown*, Think Fast*, Verdant Veil

The augments with the * are by far the best augments for this comp since they either omega buff our hypercarry, or make it super easy to hit the 3-star. Axiom Arc is a decent pickup if there are no other good choices available, since when Lee casts and kills units, he basically gets a reset to cast again.


Pros and Cons:

Pros: The biggest pro of the comp is that it’s fairly linear and pretty easy to play. There isn’t much pivoting involved when playing this comp and if there is any, it would be a simple sell item placeholder and put items on Lee. Also, depending on which items you get, the One-Kick Man comp can be hard forced if you have enough experience.

Cons: If you don’t hit, it's doomed. This is the main con of the comp since Lee Sin, especially in the current meta, is heavily contested by other comes such as Dragons and Tempest Graves.

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Tips and Tricks

This comp is fairly simple to play as it follows the rules of most 3-cost reroll comps: Have lots of gold and constantly pump levels until Level 7, then slow roll to find 3 costs. When rolling down, we are mainly looking for Lee Sins but can still pick up Volibears, Kai’Sas, and maybe even a Yasuo if we get lucky. 

Note: Unless you are getting super lucky when rolling down, don’t focus too much on picking up other units other than Lee Sin since we don’t want to be perma-stuck on 7 looking for Voli and Kaisa 3 (which barely impact the outcome of the comp). Once Lee Sin 3 is made, look to pump levels to 8 to have a higher chance of hitting Yasuo.

During the early game, we can sac a few rounds to make sure we hit our BIS Lee Sin items and guarantee a high pick at every carousel.

Always go for 8 Dragonmancer if you have the opportunity (either through spat items or Dragonmancer augments). IF YOU HIT 8 DRAGONMANCER 3-STAR LEE SIN, YOU WON THE GAME. I cannot stress this enough, as Lee Sin quite literally becomes a one-shotting, non-stop casting machine that just one-taps every unit and heals all his health back with each cast.

Hope you all have fun playing the comp and may Mort bring you good luck in your games!

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