[Top 3] TFT Best Senna Builds That Are Powerful

Best Senna Builds in TFT
20 Feb 2024

Senna has been a really strong pick since the beginning of the set, throwing at her target a blast of sound dealing damage to all the surroundings.

Senna also has a bling bonus, which reduces her mana, and if she is the headliner, the sound waves grow even larger each time.

In this article, we will mention the combos to place Senna in, her best items, and how to make sure you take out your enemies with the blast of sound.

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Second rule of being a sentinel. Any questions?

Senna is a great pick as she shares the True Damage trait, which allows her to deal more damage and gets the bling bonus.

She also shares the rapid fire trait, which grants the whole team attack speed and the rapid fire members more attack speed stacking.

Senna’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you get the best outcome by placing her on your team.


Best Senna builds in TFT Set 10

Senna’s stats:

  • Cost: 2 Gold
  • Health: 600 / 1080 / 1944
  • Mana: 30 / 90
  • Armor: 20
  • MR: 20
  • Ability Power: 100
  • DPS: 28 / 50 / 91
  • Damage: 40 / 72 / 130
  • Atk Spd: 0.7
  • Crit Rate: 25%
  • Range: 4


Senna’s traits:

1. True Damage

True Damage champions deal bonus true damage. If they are holding an item, they gain a unique Bling Bonus for their Ability.

  • 2 15% Damage
  • 4 30% Damage
  • 6 45% Damage
  • 9 99% Damage, Bling Bonuses go Platinum!

2. Rapidfire

Your team gains 10% Attack Speed.

Rapidfire champions gain more on every attack, up to 10 stacks.

  • 2 4% Attack Speed
  • 4 8% Attack Speed
  • 6 14% Attack Speed


Senna’s ability

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Fire a blast of sound at the current target's location. It pulses 3 times, each dealing magic damage to enemies within 1 hex.

  • Bling Bonus: -15 max Mana
  • Headliner Effect: +10% AD, Each Subwoofer pulse grows slightly larger.
  • Damage: 110% / 165% / 255%


Carousel priority:

These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find below:

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Senna’s best items

1. Guinsoo's Rageblade

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Attacks grant 4% bonus Attack Speed.

2. Jeweled Gauntlet

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Abilities can critically strike.

3. Spear of Shojin

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Attacks grant 5 bonus Mana.


Best comps for Senna


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  • 1 Breakout
  • 6 True Damage
  • 3 Superfan
  • 3 K/DA
  • 2 Crowd Diver
  • 2 Guardian
  • 2 Sentinel

The main feature of this comp is the true damage trait, which gives its units the potential to do a ton of extra true damage. Additionally, units with items get a special boost applied to their abilities.

Since you can deal actual damage to Akali in the late game shop starting at level 8, you can always switch Senna from being the main attraction to Akali in the late game.

The best group for this build is:

1. Senna, a true damage headliner in the backlines, is the primary damage dealer in the early stages of the game.

2. If you find Akali, the headliner, you can swap Senna, the second primary damage, in the late game.

3. Evelynn is ideal for this team because she is a crowd diver and a K/DA.

4. Qiyana is your second crowd diver and Tier 5 member, and upon their deaths, they become assassins.

5. Lillia is a fantastic choice because she has the superfan, K/DA, and Sentinel traits, which allow her to deal some damage and be a decent tank in the early stages.

6. Given that he possesses true damage, superfan, and guardian qualities, Kennen is an excellent early pick.

7. Due to his shared sentinel and true damage, Ekko is able to withstand extremely high damage.

8. Neeko possesses the qualities of a superfan, guardian, and K/DA, making him an excellent tank on the front lines.


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  • 6 True Damage
  • 1 Breakout
  • 3 Pentakill
  • 3 Edgelord
  • 2 Sentinel

In this comp, Yasuo is the main carrier and star, possessing the True Damage attribute.

Yasuo rerolls slowly with this combination until you get to level 3, at which point it speeds up until level 8, where you can get pricey champions.

The ideal team for this comp is:

1. Yasuo, the primary damage dealer, shares the edgelord trait spotlight with the True Damage trait.

2. You can do a ton of damage on the front lines with Qiyana, your tier 5 True Damage.

3. Akali will be a True Damage competitor, dealing enormous amounts of damage.

4. Ekko is a great option for the front lines because of his capacity to tank damage and give the squad capabilities like Sentinel and True Damage.

5. From the rear rows, Senna, one of True Damage's members, deals powerful damage.

6. Mordekaiser is an excellent front row tank due to his possession of both the Sentinel and Pentakill qualities.

7. Kayle is a fantastic fit, sharing the Edgelord and Pentakill with the team.

8. Viego is more like a top-tier Kayle because of his enormous damage output and team-wide Pentakill and Edgelord abilities.


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  • 1 Breakout
  • 7 True Damage
  • 3 Superfan
  • 2 Rapidfire
  • 2 Guardian
  • 2 Sentinel

The main feature of this comp is the true damage trait, which gives its units the potential to do a ton of extra true damage. Additionally, units with items get a special boost applied to their abilities.

You will always receive True Damage Akali in the late game shop starting at level 8. You can always switch Senna from being the main attraction to Akali in the late game.

The best group for this build is:

1. Senna, a true damage headliner in the backlines, is the primary damage dealer in the early stages of the game, she also shares the Rapidfire trait.

2. If you find Akali, the headliner, you can swap Senna, the second primary damage, in the late game.

3. Qiyana is your Tier 5 True Damage member, dealing huge damage.

4. Lillia is a fantastic choice because she has the superfan and Sentinel traits, which allow her to deal some damage and be a decent tank in the early stages.

5. Given that he possesses true damage, superfan, and guardian qualities, Kennen is an excellent early pick.

6. Due to his shared sentinel and true damage, Ekko is able to withstand extremely high damage.

7. Neeko possesses the qualities of a superfan, guardian, and K/DA, making him an excellent tank on the front lines.

8. Caitlyn shares the Rapidfire trait with Senna, which makes them stack attack speed and deal huge amounts of damage.

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