Imagine having a winter queen on your side; Sejuani knows how to use ice to freeze her enemies while riding her massive boar.
Having Sejuani on your team won't just enhance your brawler or lasercorps trait; she will also stun a huge circle of enemies with her ability.
Make sure to have her on your team as you progress through the game, as she will add huge value to your team.
This is a full guide on how to place the winter queen Sejuani in TFT to make sure you kill your enemies with a cold heart.
Can you smell coward, Bristle? Get 'em!
Sejuani has been known for her tankiness since last season, but just like everything else, Sejauni has evolved into her PROJECT: Sejauni form, where she has become more costly but surely more powerful.
Having the winter beast on your side will guarantee you extra hit points as a brawler and extra damage as a lasercorps member.
Sejuani's cold heart didn't appear out of nowhere, but she had her reasons; here's some background on her:
Sejuani was adopted by Grena, the Avarosan Warmother, and reared by Hejian, the region's most famous fighter. She idolised Grena after learning Grena had defeated her mother in a duel. Sejuani vowed to overthrow her mother, Kalkia of the Winter's Claw.
Best Sejuani builds in TFT Set 8
Sejuani’s stats:
- Cost: 4 Gold
- Health: 950 / 1710 / 3078
- Mana: 180
- Starting Mana: 80
- Armor: 60
- MR: 60
- DPS: 33 / 59 / 107
- Damage: 60 / 108 / 194
- Atk Spd: 0.55
- Crit Rate: 25%
- Range: 1
Sejuani’s traits:
When a LaserCorp agent attacks or is hit by an attack, their combat drone has a 50% chance to deal magic damage to the agent's target (0.5 second cooldown). When a LaserCorps agent dies, their drone is reassigned to the nearest living agent.
Drones lasers deal:
- 3 60 magic damage.
- 6 150 magic damage.
- 9 150 magic damage, and each agent gets a 2nd drone.
Brawlers gain additional maximum Health.
- 2 +20% Max Health
- 4 +40% Max Health
- 6 70% Max Health
- 8 +111% Max Health
Sejuani’s ability
Sejuani throws a cryo grenade at the closest enemy that explodes after a 2-second delay. Enemies within a 3-hex radius are dealt magic damage and are stunned.
Stun Duration: 2/2.5/8
Damage: 125/200/1200
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
Sejuani’s best items
1-Warmog’s Armor
Grants 500 bonus Health.
2-Sunfire Cape
Grant 150 bonus Health
At start of combat, and every 2 seconds thereafter, applies a 10-second burn to a random enemy within 2 hexes, dealing 1% of target's maximum health true damage each second and applying Grievous for the duration.
3-Gargoyle Stoneplate
The holder gains 13 bonus armor and bonus magic resistance for each enemy targeting them.
Best comps for Sejuani
This comp revolves around building up tons of HP with the Brawler trait activated along with the other traits activated, which will have a huge positive impact on your team.
This is a slow default reroll to level 8, which requires a really strong economy to get most of your champions to level 3.
Optimal group for this build:
1-Jax will be your main source of damage, and after he consumes Wukong and Draven, he gains a significant amount of extra health and the Brawler trait comes into play.
2-Ekko's Aegis skills have a significant impact on your squad.
3-Soraka will turn on the ADMIN trait, which will give boosts to either your team or ADMINS, depending on which effects you choose.
4-Riven is one of the most potent bruisers in the game because of her Brawler trait and the way she uses her skills as a shield. She will also impart her trait of being a Defender to her offspring.
5- Sejuani is a strong frontline tank that can both take a lot of damage and stun a large group of enemies, both of which are very helpful to your squad.
6-Lee Sin will enhance the Brawler trait and use his ability to protect his comrades.
7-Vi makes a strong front line because of her Brawler traits.
8-There will be 2 Admins and 6 Brawlers with Blitzcrank.
This is a quick reroll to level 8, with a strong economy because most champions are expensive.
The goal of this contest is to help Aurelion Sol hit several meteors that will kill his enemies.
It all comes down to the threat attribute, which requires time to crush your opponent.
This build's best team is:
1-Ekko has a big impact on your squad due to his Aegis and Star Guardian abilities.
2-The addition of Alistar to your squad is bolstered by the fact that he possesses both the Ox-Force and Aegis abilities.
3-Janna is a terrific supporter and a forecaster, which benefits the entire circle around her. She assists the team by knocking down foes and temporarily stunning them.
4-Galio activates two traits, Mascot and civil, which increase the team's mana and health, making him an important member of the squad.
5-Aurelion Sol may be the main source of damage, as his meteors that burn adversaries do a lot of magic damage.
6-Bel'Veth is a particularly potent and swift source of damage because she sprints around her victim, delivering physical damage and boosting her attack speed.
7-Vi is one of the best brawlers in terms of bashing down enemy armour.
8-Sejuani is a strong frontline tank that can not only absorb a lot of damage but also stun a large circle of enemies, which greatly helps your team.
Rerolling steadily up to level 8 with Jax, Wukong, and Draven all at level 3 is the optimal tactic for this competition because doing so will guarantee victory.
Because of his position as the Prime Selected and the active state of his Brawler and Mecha-Prime skills, Jax is the main focus of this duel.
Optimal group for this build:
1-Jax will be your main source of damage, and after he consumes Wukong and Draven, he gains a significant amount of extra health and the Brawler trait comes into play.
2-Jax will receive the Defender skill and the full amount of Wukong's health.
3-Draven will use all of his remaining life energy to save Jax.
4-Riven is one of the most potent bruisers in the game because of her Brawler trait and the way she uses her skills as a shield. She will also impart her trait of being a Defender to her offspring.
5- Sejuani is a strong frontline tank that can both take a lot of damage and stun a large group of enemies, both of which are very helpful to your squad.
6-Having Sett up front, who possesses both the Mecha Prime and Defender traits, is a huge advantage.
7-Vi makes a strong front line because of her Brawler traits.
8-Leona is a formidable tank and damage dealer thanks to Aegis and Mecha: Prime.