Are you ready to begin with the number one auto-battler game and see in what situations are necessary to pay attention?
Each game consists of eight players battling between each other and the winner is the last one standing!
1. Battleground
Problem: What kind of map is the one that I am looking at?
Solution: The map that we are looking at is the TFT’s Battleground which consists of two points of view reserved for two Little Legends, two Benches for the Units, and the battlefield.
2. Little Legend
Problem: What kind of spirit is the one that I control?
Solution: The thing we control is called Little Legend. The Little Legends are an amusing visual representation of the players and they come in different species, shapes and looks. So each of the eight players has its own Little Legend.
3. Little Legend’s XP
Problem: Why does the Little Legend’s XP be the same as with any player?
Solution: All players Little Legends XP is set at 100 at the start of each game. Little Legends lose different amounts of XP upon losing a battle. The player is thrown out of the game when his Legend loses all the XP.
4.Units - (Champions)
Problem: What is called this miniature thing that moves around?
Solution: Those miniature things are called Units or Champions which represent the key structure of the game.
5. Bench
Problem: Why does the map have two sides separated in 9 equal squares?
Solution: Each of the two lines on both sides is called Bench, which has 9 squares each one for one Champion(Unit), and it is the place where we put our Units (Champions).
6. Currency -(gold)
Problem: What should I use these coins that I am getting?
Solution: The coins that we are getting are gold and they are the currency in this auto-battler game. The gold is used to purchase champions and XP in the game.
7. Units - Shop
Problem: So, where should I pick up the Champions?
Solution: The Units (Champions) are gettable in the shop which appears in the center of the screen bottom on the PC version or in the center of the screen’s top on the Mobile version.
8. Level
Problem: What is the reason for gaining XP?
Solution: Levels in TFT literally refers to the number of champions we are able to put on the battleground. So if you are level 5, you are able to put 5 champions on the battlefield.
9. Leveling up and pricing
Problem: What do I need to do in order to level up?
Solution: We gain 2 XP before the start of each combat and we are able to buy a particular amount of XP which costs 1 Gold per 1 XP. The buyable amount is 4 XP for 4 Gold.
10. Mana
Problem: What is Mana, how does it fills, and why is it important.
Solution: Mana is the ability to almost every Unit to cast his Special Ability when it’s full. It fills with each basic attack of the Champion and it can also be helped with filling by components or full items. It is important for the Champions for the reason of casting the Special Ability which can not only bring extra damage to enemies, it can cause crowd control effects, depending on the Champion and it’s Special Ability.
11. Components and Items
Problem: What should I do with the dropped items?
Solution: Components of an item and full items are bringing extra bonuses to the champions in different types. So putting a component will bring the Champion extra damage, ability power, attack speed and etc. Putting two components create an item, which brings greater bonuses than the components and extra Unique Passive which brings even more bonus to the Unit that is wearing and sometimes to its allies.
12.Champion Stars (Level)
Problem: Why is the Unit level important?
Solution: The Champion (Unit) level is important because it increases every single Champion’s characteristics like Damage, Armor, Magic Resist and etc. The “regular” champions are level 1 and the greatest level is level 3. To get a champion level 2, you need 3 copies of one champion level 1 and to get level 3, you need 3 copies of champion-level 2.
13. Champion Separation
Problem: Why Champions have different amounts?
Solution: Champions (Units) are separated by the amount of gold in the shop, which ranges from 1 to 5 gold. The greater the value of the champion itself, the less common to find in the shop.
14. The rarity of Units (Champions)
Problem: So can I pick a champion of higher value from the start?
Solution: The answer is no. The rarity of the champions values by a percentage that changes with the level of the Little Legend. So, in order to buy or to see a champion with higher value, you must be a higher level. In simple words, higher-level equals higher value Champions.
15. Trait Sets
Problem: What are these classes that I see on the side and why they matter?
Solution: The classes or origins are called Traits. Almost every champion has at least 2 Traits. Traits which are activated are bringing bonuses to the Champions who are part of the activation, and sometimes to all allied Champions on the battlefield.
16. The course of the game
Problem: So what are the phases of the game and how does it flow?
Solution: The course of the game is separated into 7 different Rounds. Most of the rounds are similar and they only have small differences between them. We will review each Round and see what it offers.
17. Rounds - Round 1
Problem: What happens in the First Round and what should I pay attention to?
Solution: The first round is separated into 4 stages. The first stage is the Carrousel which allows picking a champion with an item attached, and the other three are battling against minions that drop components of an item or gold. At this round, we are rudely planning the set of the Champions (Units) that we are going to play during the game by the Units that shop allows us to pick and the components of the items.
18. Rounds - Round 2
Problem: What happens in the Second Round and what should I pay attention to?
Solution: The second Round has 7 stages. From 1 to 3 and 5 and 6 we are battling random opponent, 4th one is the Carrousel where we pick champions and the 7th one is fighting against Krugs which drop components, full items or gold. At the second Round, we focus on leveling up and increasing the Star level of the Champions.
19. Rounds - Round 3
Problem: What happens in the Third Round and what should I pay attention to?
Solution: The third Round has also 7 stages. From 1 to 3 and 5 and 6 we are battling random opponent, 4th one is the Carrousel where we pick champions and the 7th one is fighting against Murk Wolves which drop components, full items or gold. At the third Round similar to the second, we pay attention to leveling up and increasing the Star level of the Champions
20. Rounds - Round 4
Problem: What happens in the Fourth Round and what should I pay attention to?
Solution: The fourth Round has 7 stages. From 1 to 3 and 5 and 6 we are battling random opponent, 4th one is the Carrousel where we pick champions and the 7th one is fighting against Raptors which drops components, full items or gold. By the end of the 4th Round, we should focus on leveling up, increasing the Star level, and putting the components and items on the Champions (Units).
21. Rounds - Round 5
Problem: What happens in the Fifth Round and what should I pay attention to?
Solution: The fifth Round has 7 stages. From 1 to 3 and 5 and 6 we are battling random opponent, 4th one is the Carrousel where we pick champions and the 7th one is fighting against Kayn who drops full items and gold. Through this round, we are focusing on getting every Unit we play on higher Star level and paying attention to our Unit’s Items. This is Round were the weakest players are falling out of the game.
22. Rounds - Round 6
Problem: What happens in the Sixth Round and what should I pay attention to?
Solution: The sixth Round has 7 stages. From 1 to 3 and 5 and 6 we are battling random opponent, 4th one is the Carrousel where we pick champions and the 7th one is fighting against Rift Herald which drops full items and gold. Through this Round, there are only a few players left in the game, which fights for survival till every other one is dropped out of the game. In this Round, we focus either on getting a higher level or getting the Units with lowest Star on higher Star level.
23. Rounds - Round 7
Problem: What happens in the Seventh Round and what should I pay attention to?
Solution: The last Round has 7 stages. From 1 to 3 and 5 and 6 we are battling random opponent, 4th one is the Carrousel where we pick champions and the 7th one is fighting against Rift Herald again which drops full items or gold. In this Round remain fewer players than the sixth Round and if we get in here there are almost a few things we are able to do, in other words, we do what we have done the least in the previous Rounds.
24. Gold and Interest
Problem: How do I get more gold in order to make progress faster?
Solution: In order to get bonus gold there are 2 steps:
1. The first one is the bonus of the streak. You need to make winning/losing streak of 2 consecutive Rounds to get +1 Gold at the beginning of each Round, a streak of 3 consecutive winning/losing Rounds to get +2 Gold and you get +3 Gold for a winning/losing streak of 4 Rounds and more.
2. The second one is the bonus of the Interest. You get +1 gold at the beginning of the Round if you had 10 gold or more at the previous one, +2 gold if you had 20 gold, up to +5 if you had 50 gold or more.
25. Damage Types
Problem: So what types of damage are champion dealing and what are the measures against it?
Solution: There are 3 types of damage that Champions deals and there are 2 kinds of mitigations against it:
1.Physical damage - Mitigated by Armor
(Type of damage Champions deal with mostly Basic Attacks)
2.Magic damage - Mitigated by Magic Resist
(Type of damage Champions deal with Special Ability
3.True damage - There is no mitigation against it.
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