The wind controller Yasuo is again in TFT with his wind techniques to take out his enemies.
Although this time Yasuo is a 2-cost champion, he can have a great positive impact on your team as his skill allows him to reposition himself to knock up the most champions he can.
This article is a full guide on how to best place Yasuo in TFT to make sure you knock down your enemies with the tornado.
There are three certainties in life: honor, death, and hangovers.
Yasuo’s new traits make him a really strong choice and a must if you are playing duelist, as he activates them as well as the Lasercorps trait, which would grant him a drone that deals some damage when Yasuo hits or gets hit by enemies.
Yasuo would be a beast if he were placed in the right position because he has tonnes of damage and attack speed due to his traits, so if you want to know how to best place him with the right items and synergies, all of this will be discussed below.
Best Yasuo builds in TFT Set 8
Yasuo’s stats:
- Cost: 2 Gold
- Health: 750 / 1350 / 2430
- Mana: 90
- Armor: 40
- MR: 40
- DPS: 34 / 61 / 109
- Damage: 45 / 81 / 146
- Atk Spd: 0.75
- Crit Rate: 25%
- Range: 1
Yasuo’s traits:
When a LaserCorp agent attacks or is hit by an attack, their combat drone has a 50% chance to deal magic damage to the agent's target (0.5 second cooldown). When a LaserCorps agent dies, their drone is reassigned to the nearest living agent. Drones lasers deal:
- 3 65 magic damage.
- 6 165 magic damage.
- 9 200 magic damage, and each agent gets a 2nd drone.
Innate: increased movement speed. Duelists' basic attacks grant bonus Attack Speed, up to 12 stacks.
- 2 +5% Attack Speed per stack
- 4 +10% Attack Speed per stack
- 6 +16% Attack Speed per stack
- 8 +24% Attack Speed per stack
Yasuo’s ability
Yasuo dashes to the best position to strike the most enemies and fires a whirlwind at his target dealing magic damage and knocking up units hit.
Damage: 210/315/485
Knock Up Duration: 1.2/1.5/1.8
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
Yasuo’s best items
Grant 20% Omnivamp.
Once per combat at 40% Health, gain a 25% maximum Health shield that lasts up to 5 seconds.
2-Hand of justice
Grant 2 effects:
• 15% Attack Damage and 15 Ability Power.
• 10% Omnivamp.
Each round, randomly double 1 of these effects.
3-Titan’s Resolve
Grant 2% Attack Damage and 2 Ability Power when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to 25 times. At full stacks, grant 25 Armor and Magic Resist.
Best comps for Yasuo
- 3 Lasercorps
- 2 Duelist
- 2 Recon
- 3 Supers
- 2 Brawler
This comp is one of the slower rerolls you will need to complete because supers require more 3-star champions to become powerful while only costing one or two gold.
Despite this, because each of your champions is so cheap, you should make every effort to raise them all to the level of three stars.
This build's ideal group is:
1-Kayle would be able to deliver more damage immediately as a Duelist because she would have greater range and damage.
2-Because he uses two talents and can sprint as a recon, giving him a total of three skills, Ezreal is incredibly strong this season.
3-As more teammates earn three stars, Gangplank becomes stronger, exactly like other champions with comparable skills.
4-Alistar is an even more valuable part of your team because of his Ox-Force and Aegis abilities.
5-Lee Sin adds a second brawler and super to your team.
6-Due to her Brawler characteristics, Vi makes for a powerful front line.
7-The third Supers member, Malphite, is a reliable tank.
- 4 Recon
- 5 Lasercorps
- 2 Duelist
- 2 Brawler
- 1 Ace
If you want to get an advantage over your competitors at level 8 by hitting three stars on Ashe and Ezreal, having a strong economy is crucial.
With his LaserCorps, he can cause a lot of damage, and his team of four recons can outrun any adversaries in the area with ease.
Optimal group for this build:
1-For LaserCorps and Recon, Ashe is a potent backline damage dealer.
2-Mordekaiser is regarded as one of the strongest champions this season due to his access to the extremely potent LaserCorps and Ace characteristics.
3-Sejuani, who possesses the Brawler and LaserCorps skills as well as the capacity to deal a lot of damage and stun a sizable area, is one of the best frontlines.
4-After using her passive ability and getting the Recon trait, Kai'sa deals a lot of damage.
5-Vayne can skillfully evade attacks as a member of the Recon team and deal serious damage to tanks.
6-Renekton possesses both LaserCorps and Brawler characteristics.
7-Using the LaserCorps power, Yasuo may eliminate an entire line of enemies at once.
8-Ezreal may inflict significant damage from the defensive side of the field while serving as a recon.
- 2 Hacker
- 6 Duelist
In order for the six duelists in this composition to acquire a significant amount of stacking attack speed for each hit they make, they must be present.
Due to the low cost of the majority of the champs, you must set them to level 3, making this a delayed reroll to level 8.
Zed would become an assassin with access to the enemy's backlines if Hecarim were to take Zed's place.
Optimal group for this build:
1-Due to the activation of the Anima Squad, Duelist, and Recon qualities, which transform Vayne into a genuine beast with her actual damage, she is the main source of damage.
2-Nilah is the main tank at the front line. She will enhance the Duelist and Star Guardian qualities if you stack three iron solari lockets.
3-Fiora, who possesses both duelist and ox-force qualities, can benefit the frontline.
4-Zoe may call a dummy when her HP is low and put adversaries on flames when she is a magician. simultaneously turning on the Hacker trait.
5-Gangplank's strength as a Duelist is pretty strong, similar to other champions who exhibit his attributes.
6-Zed is an assassin since he can hack and duel and do tons of damage.
7-One of the best duelists out there is Yasuo, who deals a lot of damage, defends himself, and lifts opponents off the ground.