Cho’Gath is a great pick in the early game as he is back to TFT with his devouring skill. When he swallows an enemy, he gets additional health.
Cho’Gath can deal a lot of damage and sustain more as he shares both bruiser and void traits.
In this article, we will talk about the combos to best place Cho’Gath in to make sure you bring your enemies down in the void and win the game.
Ah, the tangled webs we weave...
Cho’Gath is a great pick in many combos as he shares critical traits that can be used in many combos.
Cho’Gath’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you get the best outcome from placing him on your team.
Best Cho’Gath builds in TFT Set 9
Cho’Gath’s stats:
- Cost: 1 Gold
- Health: 700 / 1260 / 2268
- Mana: 30 / 90
- Armor: 30
- MR: 30
- Ability Power: 100
- DPS: 25 / 45 / 81
- Damage: 50 / 90 / 162
- Atk Spd: 0.5
- Crit Rate: 25%
- Range: 1
Cho’Gath’s traits:
1. Void
Get a placeable void egg. At the start of combat, it hatches into an unspeakable horror and knocks up adjacent enemies. Each Void star level increases the horror's Health and Ability Power by 25%.
- 3 Void Remora
- 6 Rift Herald
- 8 Baron Nashor
2. Bruiser
Your units gain 100 Health. Bruisers gain additional maximum Health.
- 2 10% max Health
- 4 35% max Health
- 6 70% max Health
Cho’Gath’s ability
Deal magic damage + 10% Health to the lowest Health enemy in range. If this kills them, devour them and permanently gain maximum Health.
Damage: 250% / 335% / 450%
Devour Health Bonus: 30 / 30 / 30
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
Cho’Gath’s best items
1. Ionic Spark
50% Shred enemies within 2 hexes. When enemies cast an Ability, they are also zapped for magic damage equal to 160% of their maximum Mana.
2. Dragon’s Claw
Grants 40 bonus Magic Resist. Every 2 seconds, regenerate 4% maximum Health.
3. Warmog’s Armor
Grant 500 bonus Health.
Best comps for Cho’Gath
- 8 Void
- 2 Sorcerer
- 2 Challenger
- 2 Bruiser
This comp revolves around the void trait summoning the baron Nashor, which would be lethal.
This comp requires the void emblem for Yasuo in order to get the full void trait activated.
The best team for this build:
1. Kai’Sa is the main source of damage as a void member and challenger member, which greatly increases her attack speed.
2. Cho’Gath is one of the most critical tanks on the frontlines, as he shares both the void and bruiser traits.
3. Rek’Sai also shares the void and bruiser traits, which make her a great tank.
4. Malzahar can deal some good damage from the backlines as a void sorcerer.
5. Vel’Koz also shares the void and sorcerer with Malzahar, making them take additional damage.
6. Bel’Veth is a great pick for a tier 5 void champion who deals a lot of damage and summons void creatures whenever she gets a takedown that would help you in the battle.
7. Kassadin is a great tank in the frontline, sharing the void trait and getting a huge shield to sustain damage.
8. Yasuo is a must in this combo, as you should equip him with a void emblem, and he will be sharing the challenger trait with KaiSa, dealing tons of damage.
- 6 Bruisers
- 3 Void
- 2 Frejlord
- 2 Challenger
This is a fast reroll to level 8 with a great economy to make sure you get your 3 cost champions to level 3 and your 4 cost champions to level 2 at least.
This comp revolves around Kai’Sa and Kalista being your main damage dealers while having all the frontline to sustain the damage.
Best build for this comp:
1. Kai’sa will be the main damage dealer in this comp while sharing the void and challenger traits.
2. Kalista is one of the strongest Tier 3 champions as she can erase tanks, sharing the challenger trait.
3. Sejuani is one of the strongest frontlines, sharing frejlord and bruiser traits, which make her a tough tank.
4. Lissandra would sustain a lot of damage while sharing the Frejlord trait, which will form a snowstorm that freezes enemies.
5. Sion will add a lot to your team as a huge tank sharing the bruiser trait.
6. Vi will be the 3rd bruiser, which will sustain tons of damage on the frontlines.
7. Rek’Sai is the 4th bruiser in this comp while sharing the void trait to summon the void creatures.
8. Cho’Gath will be your 6th bruiser and 3rd void, which is a critical pick in your team.
- 6 Void
- 4 Sorcerer
- 2 Bruiser
- 2 Bastion
This comp revolves around Kai’Sa and Lux being the main damage dealers as void and sorcerer members.
Getting a challenger emblem would greatly help Kai’Sa increase her attack speed.
The best team for this build:
1. Kai’Sa is the main source of damage as a void member.
2. Cho’Gath is one of the most critical tanks on the frontlines, as he shares both the void and bruiser traits.
3. Rek’Sai also shares the void and bruiser traits, which make her a great tank.
4. Malzahar can deal some good damage from the backlines as a void sorcerer.
5. Vel’Koz also shares the void and sorcerer with Malzahar, making them take additional damage.
6. Lux will be the second main damage dealer, as she will be sharing the sorcerer trait with them.
7. Kassadin is a great tank in the frontline, sharing the void trait and getting a huge shield to sustain damage.
8. Taric is a great tank, as he would be sharing the bastion trait with Kassadin and the sorcerer trait with the magicians.