Illaoi is in TFT Set 11 again with her spirit tentacles, as a huge tank in the frontlines with her powerful skill that summons those tentacles.
Illaoi summons a tentacle near her target that, when it slams, deals high damage and heals Illaoi.
In this guide, explore the winning strategies for the top 3 TFT best Illaoi builds that are powerful in Set 11, the highest win rate items, and expert tips.
Fight me, if you have the spirit.
Illaoi shares not 2 but 3 traits in TFT set 11, and that’s what makes her a special pick: the Ghostly trait, which heals and allows members to deal more damage.
She also shares the Arcanist trait, which grants her additional AP, and the last trait is the Warden trait, which makes her take less damage.
Below, we'll explore Illaoi’s stats, traits, and recommended items tailored for TFT Set 11, empowering you to maximize her impact within your team composition.
Illaoi Powerful Builds for Dominance in TFT Set 11
Illaoi’s stats – Set 11:
- Cost: 3 Gold
- Health: 850 / 1530 / 2754
- Mana: 20 / 110
- Armor: 40
- Magic Resist: 40
- Ability Power: 100
- DPS: 30 / 54 / 97
- Damage: 50 / 90 / 162
- Attack Speed: 0.6
- Critical Rate: 25%
- Range: 1
Illaoi’s Traits – Set 11:
1. Ghostly
Upon dealing or taking damage 6 times, Ghostly units send 2 spectres to haunt nearby enemies and heal 2% max Health every 2 seconds.
Haunted enemies take bonus damage for each spectre on them, and pass spectres on death.
- 2 – 5% per spectre
- 4 – 12% per spectre
- 6 – 20% per spectre
- 8 – 35% per spectre
2. Arcanist
Arcanists gain Ability Power and grant Ability Power to allies.
- 2 – 20 to all allies
- 4 – 45 for Arcanists, 20 for others
- 6 – 80 for Arcanists, 40 for others
- 8 – 125 for Arcanists, 125 for others
3. Warden
Wardens take less damage. For the first 10 seconds of combat, they take an additional 15% less damage.
- 2 – 10% Damage Reduction
- 4 – 20% Damage Reduction
- 6 – 33% Damage Reduction
Illaoi’s ability – Set 11
Gain Shield and summon a tentacle near the current target for 4 seconds. The tentacle slams every second, dealing magic damage in a line and healing Illaoi.
- Mana Cost: 20 / 110
- AP Shield: 325% / 400% / 500%
- AP Damage: 80% / 120% / 190%
- AP Heal Per Slam: 30% / 35% / 40%
Priority Items for the Carousel
To ensure success in your TFT Set 11 matches, prioritize the following components at the start of each carousel round. These items are essential for crafting key items that synergize with various team compositions:
Illaoi’s items in Set 11:
1. Bramble Vest
Gain 5% max health.
Take 7% reduced damage from attacks. When struck by any attack, deal 100 magic damage to all adjacent enemies.
Cooldown: 2 seconds
2. Dragon’s Claw
Gain 9% max health.
Every 2 seconds, heal 5% max Health.
3. Warmog’s Armor
Gain 7% max health.
Top 3 TFT Best Sivir Builds That Are Powerful
1. Nautilus is a great pick as a tank and crowd control member, as he shares the Mythic and Warden which makes him tank and stun enemies.
2. Neeko is another tank sharing the Heavnely, Mythic, and Arcanist traits, which give her tons of stats and bonuses.
3. Cho’Gath is your early tank, sharing the Mythic and Behemoth traits that turn him into a hugger tank.
4. Illaoi is also a frontline tank that also deals damage, sharing the Ghostly, Arcanist, and Warden traits.
5. Malphite is a great early tank as well, sharing the Heavenly and Behemoth traits.
6. Caitlyn is your damage dealer, sharing the Ghostly and Sniper traits that allow her to deal more damage.
7. Lillia is a damage dealer from the backlines, sharing the Mythic and Invoker traits that grant her more mana and AP.
8. Kog’Maw shares the Mythic, Invoker, and Sniper traits, which allow him to deal huge amounts of damage and cast his spell more often.
1. Illaoi shares the Ghostly, Arcanist, and Warden traits that make her a must on your team.
2. Sett shared the Warden trait with the rest of the team as a Tier 5 champion.
3. Amumu shares both the Porcelain and Warden traits, which makes him a great frontline player.
4. Nautilus shares the Warden trait, which makes him a great tank.
5. Lux is sharing the Porcelain and Arcanist traits as your main sources of damage in the early to mid-game.
6. Lissandra is your Tier 5 Porcelain and Arcanist member, which makes her deal a huge amount of damage.
7. Ashe deals huge damage, sharing both the Porcelain and Sniper traits.
8. Caitlyn's sharing of the ghostly and sniper traits makes her a high-damage dealer in the early game for single targets.
1. Illaoi's sharing of both the Arcanist and Warden traits makes her a great pick.
2. Amumu's sharing of both the Warden and Porcelain traits makes him a must.
3. Neeko is your main tank, sharing the Arcanist trait on the frontlines.
4. Lux is a great damage dealer, sharing both the Porcelain and Arcanist traits.
5. Ahri is your tier 1 Arcanist dealing a fair amount of damage; she also shares the Fated trait with Syndra.
6. Lissandra is your tier 5 Porcelain and Arcanist which makes her a great pick in late game.
7. Zoe sharing the Arcanist makes her a great damage dealer, gaining additional AP.
8. Syndra is a Tier 4 Arcanist, making her a great pick, along with activating the Fated trait, which grants her more stats.