Orianna, the girl with the ball, is in TFT set 9, dealing a lot of damage in the early rounds and shielding herself and her teammates.
Orianna is a Tier 1 champion that could be really useful, especially if you want to activate the piltover trait as early as possible.
In this article, we will mention the combos to place Orianna in, her best items, and how to make sure you take out your enemies with her ball.
I know what makes them tick. I know how to make the ticking stop.
Orianna is a great pick in early rounds, and in some comps, she is a must in late games as she shares the Piltover trait, which summons the T-Rex.
She also shares the sorcerer trait, which gives her tons of additional abilities and power.
Orianna’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you get the best outcome from placing her on your team.
Best Orianna builds in TFT Set 9
Orianna’s stats:
Cost: 1 Gold
Health: 500 / 900 / 1620
Mana: 50 / 100
Armor: 15
MR: 15
Ability Power: 100
DPS: 28 / 50 / 91
Damage: 40 / 72 / 130
Atk Spd: 0.7
Crit Rate: 25%
Range: 4
Orianna’s traits:
1. Piltover
Gain the T-Hex. Every time you lose a player combat, the T-Hex gains Charges. Winning converts the Charges to Power for the T-Hex.
T-HEX can no longer be sold for loot.
3 Gain the T-Hex.
6 Gain bonus loot every round. Each loss counts as 2 losses instead.
2. Sorcerer
Sorcerers gain bonus Ability Power.
When an enemy dies after being damaged by a Sorcerer, they deal a percentage of that enemy's maximum Health to another enemy.
2 25 Ability Power; 7% max Health
4 45 Ability Power; 10% max Health
6 75 Ability Power; 12% max Health to 2 enemies
8 111 Ability Power; 20% max Health to 2 enemies
Orianna’s ability
Command: Protect
Orianna shields her lowest-health ally and empowers her next attack to deal bonus magic damage.
Chill: Reduced Attack Speed by 30%
Shield: 225/250/325%
Damage: 260/390/585
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
Orianna’s best items
1. Spear of Shoin
Grant 15 bonus Ability Power. Every 3rd attack restores 20 additional mana.
2. Rabadon's Deathcap
Grants 70 bonus Ability Power
3. Archangel's Staff
Grant 20 bonus Ability Power.
Combat start: Grant 10 Ability Power every 5 seconds.
Best comps for Orianna
3. T-HEX V2
1 Redeemer
3 Gunner
3 Zaun
6 Piltover
1 Technogenius
Since set 9 began, this competition has been one of the strongest competitions because it centres around the T-HEX and Zeri in addition to the rest of the team.
Piltover is the focus of this competition, so be sure to maintain a losing streak until your T-HEX reaches 70 points before beginning a winning streak.
In order to get your T-HEX to the necessary level in the early rounds of this competition, you must pile over a heart or an emblem.
For this comp, a gunner or Zaun emblem would be fantastic.
Optimal group for this build:
1. Vi is a must-have in the early rounds because she will be your first piltover member and will later share the bruiser trait with Sejuani.
2. Jayce is your second piltover in the opening rounds, and later on, the team will all share the gunner trait with him.
3. Ekko is your third Piltover early on and your first Zaun member later on.
4. Because she possesses both the Zaun and gunner traits, Zeri will serve as your primary damage dealer in the later stages.
5. Urgot is a fantastic choice because he shares the Zaun trait and has a high damage output in the late rounds.
6. Orianna, one of the first champions you will find in the shop and a must-pick in this competition, will share the Piltover trait.
7. Hiemerdinger, who activates his turret and deals a ton of damage, will become your fifth Piltover.
8. Senna will serve as your third gunner and shield your team, speeding up his attack as a Redeemer.
6 Invoker
2 Bastion
2 Sorcerer
3 Targon
1 Wanderer
Make sure you get the emblem for Orianna because this competition is centred around her abilities as an invoker.
This is a slow reroll to level 8 in order to get the most out of this team. Make sure you get all the 1-3 cost to level 3.
Optimal group for this build:
1. If Orianna has the invoker emblem, she will be your primary damage dealer in this competition.
2. Aphelios, who also has the Targon trait, will be your second damage-dealer in this comp.
3. Soraka must be used because she possesses both Targon and invoker traits.
4. Ryze is a fantastic choice because he shares the invoker trait and his skill changes based on the city you chose at the game's beginning.
5. Lissandra will possess the invoker trait and be able to stun foes.
6. Shen is a wise choice because he possesses both the invoker and bastion traits.
7. Taric is necessary because he will share the Targon trait with Soraka and Aphelios, the Sorcerer trait with Orianna, and the Bastion trait with Shen.
8. Galio is a wise choice since he possesses the invoker trait and is also a tank.
8 Sorcerer
2 Strategist
Getting them all to level 3 will ensure the best results because this competition is centered around the sorcerer attribute.
For Jarvan, you need to possess a sorcerer emblem.
Best group in this comp:
1. Ahri, who has the sorcerer trait like the rest of the team, will be the major damage producer.
2. Having the Sorcerer trait, Lux will also be a significant source of damage.
3. Taric is an excellent choice because he has a lot of ability power and will heal very well because he possesses the sorcerer trait.
4. Swain is a fantastic sorcerer because using the strategist trait will cause him to take a lot of damage.
5. Jarvan IV needs the sorcerer trait to be a full trait and to enable the strategist attribute.
6. Malzahar, a sorcerer, will be inflicting some decent damage from the background.
7. Vel'Koz will join the sorcerers doing significant damage.
8. Because Orianna possesses the sorcerer trait, she will be able to deal some damage while protecting her friends with powerful shields.
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