Lucian is back to TFT with his deadly guns to make sure he kills his enemies with style; he might not seem as strong as he was last season as he is only a one-gold champion, but he knows what to do.
Lucian is a strong champion, as his passive grants him bonus damage as well as tonnes of damage once he activates his skill, hitting multiple bullets in the enemies’ direction.
In this article, we will talk about the best ways to create combos to place Gnar within them, his best items, and how to make sure you get to first place using him in your games.
Smile? ...Alright
Lucian is a really good choice in early game rounds as he can help you deal some damage and win early rounds as he shares the InfiniTeam trait, which summons a portal that duplicates the champion.
Lucian also shares the Quickdraw and Renegade traits, where Quickdraw allows him to fire an extra bullet for every two fired and the Renegade trait allows him to deal more damage, especially if he is the last champ standing.
Lucian’s stats, traits, items, and everything related to him will be discussed below to make sure that you get the best outcome when placing him on your team.
Best Lucian builds in TFT Set 8.5
Lucian’s stats:
- Cost: 1 Gold
- Health: 500 / 900 / 1620
- Mana: 40
- Armor: 15
- MR: 15
- DPS: 14 / 25 / 45
- Damage: 20 / 36 / 65
- Atk Spd: 0.7
- Crit Rate: 25%
- Range: 4
Lucian’s traits:
1. InfiniTeam
At combat start, any champion placed on an InfiniTeam portal, summons an alternate version of themself with different items, 1 for each Augment you own.
The copies have reduced Health and damage.
- 3 1 portal opens, 40% damage and 40% HP
- 5 2 portals open, 55% damage and 55% HP
- 7 2 portals open, 90% damage and 90% HP
2. Quickdraw
After every 2 damaging ability projectiles, Quickdraw units fire a bonus ability projectile.
Bonus shots deal:
- 2 55% total damage
- 3 115% total damage
- 4 175% total damage
3. Renegade
Renegade units deal bonus damage, and the last one standing deals more.
- 3 25% bonus damage, extra 20% for last alive
- 5 40% bonus damage, extra 25% for last alive
- 7 65% bonus damage, extra 35% for last alive
Lucian’s ability
Passive: Lucian's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage.
Active: Lucian fires 4 shots in his target's direction. Each shot deals magic damage to the first target struck.
Bonus Damage per Attack: 20 / 30 / 45
Damage: 40 / 60 / 90
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
Lucian’s best items
1. Blue Buff
Grant 10 bonus starting Mana and 15 bonus Ability Power. Abilities cost 10 less Mana to cast.
If the holder gets at least 1 takedown within 3 seconds of casting, gain 10 Mana.
2. Jeweled Gauntlet
Grant 15 bonus Ability Power and 15% Critical Strike Chance.
Damage from an Ability can critically strike.
3. Giant Slayer
Grant 15% bonus Attack damage and 15 bonus Ability power. Abilities and attacks deal 30% more damage to enemies with more than 1600 maximum Health
Best comps for Lucian
3) To the Infinity
- 7 InfiniTeam
- 3 Sureshot
- 2 Defender
- 1 Ace
This is a fast reroll to level 8 with a really strong economy while trying to get 1-3 gold champions to level 3 as they will add huge value to your team.
Best team for this comp:
1-Pantheon shares the InfiniTeam trait with his friends Shen and Lucian while also sharing the Heart trait with Lee Sin, which would allow him to deal more damage.
2-Shen would share the InfiniTeam trait with Lucian and Pantheon, which will make them have duplicate portals, while also sharing the Defender trait with Garen.
3-Lucian is counted as one more InfiniTeam member.
4-Samira would be the main damage dealer, as she shares both the Sureshot and Ace traits.
5-Ultimate Ezreal is a really strong and expensive choice, as he shares the InfiniTeam and Sureshot traits with Samira.
6-Twisted Fate is a main source of damage, as he shares the InfiniTeam trait, so he would be able to deal a lot of damage with his cards.
7-Garen is a strong frontline with his Defender trait.
8-Sivir is the 3rd Sureshot member and the 7th InfiniTeam member, which makes her a crucial pick for your combo.
2) Super Infinity
- 3 Supers
- 3 InfiniTeam
- 2 Heart
- 2 Quickdraw
This is a really slow reroll to level 8 trying to get all the champions to 3 stars before hitting high levels, as you will have a higher chance of finding them in the shop.
Best team for this comp:
1-Gangplank He possesses the Duelist characteristic and the Supers trait, making him incredibly powerful after many champions reach level 3.
2-Lee Sin increases your team's total by one Brawler and one Super.
3-The third member of the Supers and a capable defender is Malphite.
4-Lucian is one of the main damage dealers as he shares the Quickdraw trait with Ezreal, which allows them to deal more damage using more bullets.
5-Shen would share the InfiniTeam trait with Lucian and Pantheon, which will make them have duplicating portals.
6-Ezreal is a strong choice as he shares the Quickdraw trait.
7-Pantheon shares the InfiniTeam trait with his friends Shen and Lucian while also sharing the Heart trait with Lee Sin, which would allow him to deal more damage.
1) The Infinity Squad
- 5 Anima Squad
- 2 Prankster
- 2 Aegis
- 2 Mascot
- 2 Quickdraw
- 1 Ace
This is an average reroll to level 8, trying to get 1-3 gold to 3 stars while being at level 6 and trying to get other high-cost champions to 2 stars when hitting level 7 or 8.
Best team for this comp:
1-As a member of the Anima Squad, which provides her with additional health, and the Ace, which causes her to kill adversaries, Miss Fortune will deal the majority of your damage.
2-Jinx deals a lot of damage from the back lines as a member of Anima Squad and Prankester.
3-In the back lines, Vayne would be a wise choice because she can aid the Anima Squad and deal substantial damage.
4-Lucian is one of the main damage dealers as he shares the Quickdraw trait with Misfortune, which allows them to deal more damage using more bullets.
5-Ekko would complete the set of three Pranksters, and, because he self-shields, he would be a fantastic frontliner with increased damage resistance.
6-Because he possesses the Mascot and Aegis qualities, which provide your squad with high utilisation, Alistar is a necessity.
7-The fourth person in the Anima Squad is named Riven. She would be a tremendous frontliner, do a lot of damage, and be a great choice.
8- Nasus would result in your Anima Squad being set to 5 and your Mascots being set to 2, which is extremely advantageous for your team.