As one of the best and most played Snipers, and a Dark Star, we will see what Top 10 Best Items on Jhin list look like!
-->Starting Items
2. Bloodthirster (Starting Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging B.F. Sword and Negatron Cloak.
The item is good on Jhin because:
- It is granting him extra Attack Damage;
- Of the item’s Passive which is bringing him a massive amount of healing percentage from his damage dealt
Details of the item:
- Increases the Attack Damage by 15;
- Increases the Magic Resist by 25;
- Has Unique Passive to grant 35% healing from Basic Attacks.
1. Infinity Edge (Starting Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging B.F. Sword and Sparring Gloves.
The item is good on Jhin because:
- Of the item’s Passive which perfectly applies with his Attacks (Special Ability)
- It is granting Jhin bonus Attack Damage.
Details of the item:
- Increases the Attack Damage by 15;
- Increases the Critical chance by 20%;
-->Early Items
3. Rapid Firecannon (Early Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging two Recurve Bows.
The item is good on Jhin because:
- It is allowing him to maintain his current positioning;
- It is granting him bonus Attack Speed;
Details of the item:
- Increases the Attack Speed by 30%;
- Has Unique Passive to triple the Attack Range.
2. Deathblade (Early Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging two B.F. Swords.
The item is good on Jhin because:
- Of the item’s Unique Passive which massively increases his damage-dealing;
- It is increasing his Attack Damage.
Details of the item:
- Increases the Attack Damage by 30;
- Has Unique Passive when champion contributes to a kill, it grants +30 Attack Damage for the remainder of combat. This effect can stack any number of times.
1. Guardian Angel (Early Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging B.F. Sword and Chain Vest.
The item is good on Jhin because:
- It is granting Jhin bonus Attack Damage;
- Of the item’s Passive which is making Jhin available to maintain longer in combat.
Details of the item:
- Increases the Attack Damage by 15;
- Increases the Armor by 25;
- Has Unique Passive to grant reviving upon death and grants 400 Health. Cleanses the negative effects after reborn.
-->Core Items
3. Trap Claw (Core Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging Giant’s Belt and Sparring Gloves.
The item is good on Jhin because:
- Of the item’s Unique Passive which makes Jhin immune of enemies Spell casts;
- It is granting him extra Health.
Details of the item:
- Increases maximum Health by 200;
- Increases the Dodge chance by 20%;
- Has Unique Passive to grant a Spell Shield, which stuns the first enemy champion for 4 seconds who breaks it.
2. Giant Slayer (Core Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging B.F. Sword and Recurve Bow.
The item is good on Jhin because:
- It is increasing his Attack Damage and Attack Speed;
- Of the item’s Passive which makes Jhin deal a percentage of his damage as True damage.
Details of the item:
- Increases the Attack Damage by 15;
- Increases the Attack Speed by 15;
- Has Unique Passive to grant bonus Attack damage on-hit from the 12% current Health of the target.
1. Last Whisper (Core Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging Recurve Bow and Sparring Gloves.
The item is good on Jhin because:
- It is increasing Jhin’s Attack Speed and the chance for Critical strikes;
- Of the item’s Passive which is perfect for Jhin’s Attacks (Special Ability)
Details of the item:
- Increases the Attack Speed by 15%;
- Increases the Critical chance by 20%;
- Has Unique Passive to reduce the target’s armor by 90% for three seconds per Critical hit.
-->End Game Items
2. Red Buff (End Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging Giant’s Belt and Chain Vest.
The item is good on Jhin because:
- Of its Unique Passive which negates the target’s Armor;
- It is granting him extra Health.
Details of the item:
- Increases Health by 200;
- Increases the Armor by 25;
- Has Unique Passive to burn 2.7% of the target’s maximum Health on-hit while applying Grievous Wounds which reduces the target’s healing.
1. Guinsoo’s Rageblade (End Item)
The recipe to get the item is by merging Needlessly Large Rod and Recurve Bow.
The item is good on Jhin because:
- It is granting him extra Attack Speed;
- Of the item’s Unique Passive which applies after every attack.
Details of the item:
- Increases the Ability Power by 20%;
- Increases the Attack Damage by 15;
- Has Unique Passive to grant 5% bonus Attack Speed per hit, stacking for the rest of the combat. Stacks granted upon hit are with no upper limit.
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