K’Sante is new to TFT, where he is a Tier 5 champion and a really strong tank on the frontlines.
K’Sante has one of the most overpowered skills as he knocks champions out of the arena without even killing them.
In this article, we will talk about the combos to best place K’Sante in to make sure you bring your enemies down in the sands and win the game.
Big egos fall the hardest.
K’Sante is a crucial pick in many combos as he shares bastion and shurima traits, which can be used in various combos.
K’Sante’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you get the best outcome from placing him on your team.
Best K’Sante builds in TFT Set 9
K’Sante’s stats:
- Cost: 5 Gold
- Health: 1000 / 1800 / 3240
- Mana: 60
- Armor: 60
- MR: 60
- Ability Power: 100
- DPS: 42 / 76 / 136
- Damage: 60 / 108 / 194
- Atk Spd: 0.7
- Crit Rate: 25%
- Range: 1
K’Sante’s traits:
1. Shurima
Every 4 seconds, Shuriman heal 5% maximum Health. After 8 seconds, select Shuriman Ascend and gain 30% max Health and 45% Attack Speed.
- 3 The strongest Shuriman Ascends
- 5 All Shurimans Ascend
- 7 Instead, Ascend at combat start, +20% Ascension bonus
- 9 Ascend twice, at combat start and after 8 seconds, +25% Ascension bonus
2. Bastion
Bastion champions gain Armor and Magic Resist. This is increased by 100% for the first 10 seconds of combat.
- 2 +20 Armor, +20 Magic Resist
- 4 +50 Armor, +50 Magic Resist
- 6 +100 Armor, +100 Magic Resist
- 8 +240 Armor, +240 Magic Resist
K’Sante’s ability
All Out Strike
Knock up the current target before smashing them to the edge of the battlefield. Deal magic damage and Stun them. Deal 50% of the damage to enemies the target collides with and Stun them for 50% of the duration.
If the target can't be pushed back any further, knock them off the battlefield. Otherwise, K’Sante will chase after them.
- Damage: 250% / 400% / 1000%
- Stun Duration: 2 / 3 / 10
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
K’Sante’s best items
1. Warmog’s Armor
Grant 500 bonus Health.
2. Gargoyle Stoneplate
Grant 15 Armor and 15 Magic Resist for each enemy targeting the holder.
3. Redemption
Heal allies within 1 hex for 15% of their missing Health every 5 seconds. They also take 25% less multi-target damage for 5 seconds (damage reduction does not stack).
Best comps for K’Sante
- 7 Shurima
- 2 Strategist
- 2 Bastion
- 2 Invoker
This comp revolves around the Shurima trait, where all the champions start the battle ascended, which gives them more healing and attack speed.
The comp revolves around Azir and Cassiopia, your main damage dealers.
Best build for this comp:
1. Azir is one of the main damage dealers as a Shurima who gets additional attack speed and healing while sharing the strategist trait, which provides the frontline with more tankiness and the backline with more damage.
2. Nasus is a great frontliner, sharing the Shurima trait.
3. Cassiopia is a great pick in the backlines, especially in the early game, as she can deal tons of damage from the backlines.
4. Taliyah would be a great pick as she shares the shurima trait and can also have three chalices of power to empower Cassiopia and Azir.
5. Jarvan will be sharing the strategist trait with Azir, which empowers both the frontlines and backlines.
6. Shen is a must as he would be sharing the bastion trait, which makes him more tanky, and the invoker trait, which would allow the team to generate more mana.
7. Renekton would be sharing the Shurima trait and sustaining a lot of damage on the frontlines.
8. K’Sante is a great pick for this comp as he shares both the bastion trait, which makes him a tank, and the invoker trait with Shen; he is also the 7th Shurima member.
- 6 Bastion
- 3 Targon
- 2 Invoker
This comp revolves around Aphelios being the main source of damage while having all the bastion members on the frontlines sustain the incoming damage, buying him enough time to deal the damage needed.
Best team for this comp:
1. Aphelios is one of the strongest ADCs in Tier 4 in TFT, as he shares both the deadeye trait, which allows him to snipe out dangerous enemies, and the targon trait, which allows the team to heal more.
2. Shen is a great frontline tank as he shares both the bastion and invoker traits, which allow him to receive reduced damage and increase incoming mana.
3. K’Sante is a really strong pick in the frontlines as he shares the bastion trait, which allows him to receive reduced damage.
4. Taric is a crucial pick for this team as he shares both the bastion and the targon traits, which makes him a really strong tank and healer for the team.
5. Soraka is an invoker and targon member, which greatly increases the team's utility by increasing healing and mana incoming for the team.
6. Kassadin is a good choice, as he shares the bastion trait with the team.
7. Maokai heals himself while being a bastion, which makes him a stronger tank.
8. Poppy is your sixth bastion member.
- 6 Noxus
- 5 Shurima
- 2 Strategist
- 2 Jaggernaut
This comp requires at least two additional emblems or hearts, which are the noxus and shurima, to reach the needed synergies.
This is a fast reroll to level 8 with a great economy to make sure you get your mains to level 2 or 3 to get the most out of this comp.
This comp revolves around Cassiopia and Azir being your main damage dealers.
Best build for this comp:
1. Azir is one of the main damage dealers as a Shurima who gets additional attack speed and healing while sharing the strategist trait, which provides the frontline with more tankiness and the backline with more damage.
2. Sion is a great tank on the frontlines as he can sustain tons of damage, and if he dies, he won’t; he will just return to deal more damage.
3. Darius is one of the greatest frontlines in TFT, as he can sustain tonnes of damage while dealing more damage.
4. Nasus is a great frontliner, sharing the Jaggernaut trait, which makes him and Darius stronger tanks.
5. Swain is a critical pick as he can add to both the Strategist and noxus traits.
6. Cassiopia is a great pick in the backlines, especially in the early game, as she can deal tons of damage from the backlines.
7. Samira will be adding to the noxus trait while dealing some good damage from the backlines and shredding enemies armor.
8. K’Sante is one of the most critical picks, as he can just kick out enemies’ main champions out of the field, and he shares the Shurima trait.