Here we are at the role that everyone loves to play but most people suck ass at it. If you never played League of Legends before but you found yourself here at my article let me tell you that everyone loves playing mid-lane.
Even your WW2 veteran grandpa would choose mid and say “mid or feed''. Unlike some of the players who play mid these professionals know what they’re doing and they know how to carry the game on their backs. These players will roam, gank, help their jungler while low elo players will just sit on mid and farm minions not caring about a single thing in the world thinking they can 1v9 the match.
While in reality they get stomped on and pushed off to the side. In this list, you’ll find some people I already mentioned in my previous article about the best carry players in the world, and some will be new. Not to mention some players will be retired while others will be active, but nonetheless, they are still considered legends and some of the best mid laners this world has to offer! Let’s not waste any more time and let’s get into it!
10. Lee “Kuro” Seo-haeng
Lee “Kuro” Seo-haeng is a South Korean professional mid-lane player for “KT Rolster”. Sadly Kuro is a retired professional player but before his retirement, he showed us what it means to be a good mid laner.
He is one of the best mid-lane players who has unfortunately never won a World Championship title even though in many eyes he deserved it more than anyone else. But on a good note, Kuro has won the LCK 2016 Tournament and the KeSPA 2016 Cup. Kuro is mostly remembered for his outstanding performance on Syndra and Viktor.
He even managed to receive a +70% win rate on that champion over a total of 46 games during his career. During his career, Kuro managed to get 1000 kills in the LCK on the 8th of June 2017 and was the fifth player to do that.
How badass is this player? - Kuro managed to keep a positive win rate by the end of his career and he even had a positive win rate on Viktor which was over 70%. Some of the champions Kuro loved to play are Viktor, Syndra, and Kassadin.
Major Tournament Achievements:
Kuro with his team “ROX Tigers” achieved first place in the KeSPA 2016 Cup which earned him 33,938$.
He also managed to achieve first place in the LCK 2016 Tournament with the same team which earned him another 90,399$.
Lee “Kuro” Seo-haeng highlights:
9. Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg
Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg is a professional Danish ex mid-lane player for TSM. Instead of playing the game, he’s now the coach for the team. He originally played in Europe but later through his career, he moved to North America where he saw his fortune and quickly became a fan favorite.
He is mostly known for his insane performance on Zilean mid and was the first player to score a penta kill on Syndra in the EU LCS. Yes, this legend could play support as a mid laner and dominate the opponents.
Bjergsen hates Shaco more than any other champion in the game and I couldn’t agree with him more on that statement and his hate towards that little clown. Bjergsen during his career managed to get 8 Championships under his belt, six of those being the LCS, 1 IEM, and a Rift Rivals Championship.
How badass is this player? - Bjergsen went from a professional player to a professional coach and he’s successful in both. During his mid-lane career, he managed to get 8 wins under his belt. Some of the champions Bjergsen loves to play are Syndra, Zilean, Azir, and Zed.
Major Tournament Achievements:
Bjergsen achieved first place in the LCS Summer 2020 Tournament with the team TSM where they got 100,000$.
They also managed to achieve first place in the NA LCS Summer 2017 Tournament which got them another 100,000$ in their pocket.
Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg highlights:
8. Felix “Abbedagge” Braun
Felix “Abbedagge” Braun is a German professional player and currently playing for 100 Thieves. Abbedagge prefers to control the battlefield so he likes playing control mages such as Syndra and Ryze but occasionally can be seen playing Akali or Sylas depending on the enemy team composition.
On especially good plays fans and casters like to call him “Fakerdagge” and his real nickname Abbedagge comes from a sound that a unit makes in Age of Empires. Abbedagge joined a professional team called “The Mysterious Monkeys” back in 2016 and since then he has started performing like crazy even though he is known for jumping to different teams.
How badass is this player? - No matter which team he’s playing, this guy will manage to keep up his insane performance on the mid-lane. Some of the champions he loves to play are Sydra, Ryze, and Akali.
Major Tournament Achievements:
Abbedagge achieved first place in the LCS Summer 2021 Tournament with his new team “100 Thieves” and together they earned a total of 100,000$.
Earlier in his career, he achieved first place in the Rift Rivals 2018: LCL vs TCL vs VCS with a team called “Royal Youth” that got them 13,000$.
Felix “Abbedagge” Braun highlights:
7. Heo “PawN” Won-seok
Heo “PawN” Won-seok is a retired professional player from South Korea. The last team he played on was “KING-ZONE DragonX”. Even though he is a retired player his plays and maneuvers are still remembered by the League of Legends community.
This player went out with a bang by winning multiple tournaments and he even has a Worlds Championship under his belt. During his time he was widely considered as the best opponent to Faker and who could stand up to him especially during Season 4.
PawN is remembered for his aggressive playstyle with different assassins such as Talon and Fizz and sometimes LeBlanc. PawN was also nicknamed “Buddha” because of his expressionless face during matches.
How badass is this player? - PawN has a Worlds Championship and an MSI Championship under his belt. Some of the champions he loved to play are Fizz, Talon, and Jayce.
Heo “PawN” Won-seok highlights:
6. Yuan “Cryin” Cheng-Wei
Yuan “Cryin” Cheng-Wei is a professional player from China and currently playing for the team “Royal Never Give Up”. He is one of the most underrated mid-lane players in my opinion and many others from the League of Legends community.
Unlike some other professional players on this list Cryin only has roughly over 160 games and he has a positive win rate. He started his career with a team called “Young Miracles” in 2018 later shortly joined a new team called “Ultra Prime” in 2020 until finally finding his place with the team “Royal Never Give Up” where he remains to this day.
Cryin has a few wins under his belt where he got first place with the team RNG or Royal Never Give Up. Those wins are in the LPL, Mid Seasonal Invitational, and the LPL Regional Finals.
How badass is this player? - Cryin has roughly over 160 games in the professional scene and he remained to have a positive win rate. Which is no easy task, keep that in mind. Some of the champions you can see Cryin play are Corki, Twisted Fate, and Ryze.
Major Tournament Achievements:
Cryin with his team RNG got first place in the LPL Spring 2021 Tournament which got them a total of 306,701$.
They also got first place in the Mid Seasonal Invitational 2021 which got them 75,000$.
Yuan “Cryin” Cheng-Wei highlights:
Sadly this player does not own a Twitter account so I shall link his team’s Twitter.
5. Lee “Scout” Ye-chan
Worlds 2021 Championship Winner!
Lee “Scout” Ye-chan is a professional player from South Korea that plays on the team “EDward Gaming”. He is a recent World 2021 Championship winner and was the main carry for the team. With the recent addition of Viper, he now has a partner to carry the match with him.
Scout was awarded the MVP award three times. The first MVP award was in the 2017 LPL Summer Season, the second MVP award was in the 2021 LPL Summer Season and the third one was in the Worlds 2021 Championship.
This guy is pretty much insane when it comes to playing the mid-lane and he shows that constantly with his insane plays. He even managed to gain Chinese residency in 2021 which is rare for a foreign player because of the LPL's strict rules.
How badass is this player? - Scout achieved the MVP award multiple times as I already mentioned that but he also won the Worlds 2021 Championship. This guy is pretty much stacked with awards. Champions that Scout plays are Kassadin, Zed, and LeBlanc.
Major Tournament Achievements:
Scout with his team EDG got first place in the Worlds 2021 Championship which got them 489,500$.
They also achieved first place in the LPL Summer 2021 which got them 309,638$.
Lee “Scout” Ye-chan highlights:
4. Kim “Doinb” Tae-sang
Kim “Doinb” Tae-sang was born in South Korea and currently plays for a team called “FunPlus Phoenix”. Doinb along with his team FPX got a Worlds 2019 Championship.
Doinb could have been seen picking unusual champions such as Malphite and Rumble against his opponents which indeed did help towards their victory. Doinb always maintained a high level of skill since his debut in season 5. He managed to outperform people back when he started and he still does it today.
Doinb not only being a professional player is currently married and living a happy life while styling on people in the professional scene. He as well managed to gain Chinese residency which is certainly a rare thing for foreigners.
How badass is this player? - Helped his team achieve first place in the Worlds Championship and since his debut in season 5, he doesn’t show any signs of stopping! Some of the champions he likes to play are Viktor, Nautilus, Ryze, Rumble, and Malphite.
Major Tournament Achievements:
Achieved second place with his team FPX in the LPL Summer 2021 Tournament that got them 154,841$.
They also achieved first place in the Worlds 2019 Championship that earned them a total of 834,375$.
Kim “Doinb” Tae-sang highlights:
3. Rasmus “Caps” Borregaard
Rasmus “Caps” Borregaard is a Danish professional player for “G2”. Caps career has seen a huge boom during his time with Fnatic where most fans met him and know him today.
Later he would switch to his current team “G2”. During his time with both teams, Caps has achieved major wins and major success in his career. Caps has a second nickname by fans which is “Baby Faker” because of the insane plays and mechanics that he shows during his on-screen time.
Fans also like to call him “Craps” when he’s playing really badly and when he’s playing really well they call him “Claps”. This guy has many nicknames and he loves them or hates them all. We don't know that. He also likes to say champion quotes when picking or banning them.
How badass is this player? - Caps managed to get a lot of tournament wins under his belt during his time with both teams. He is certainly respected and has shown immense skills and mechanics with different champions. Some of the champions he plays are Azir, Aorelion Sol, Zoe, Ryze, and Syndra.
Major Tournament Achievements:
Achieved first place in the LEC Summer 2021 Tournament with his team G2 that got them 94,724$.
With the same team and the same people, he achieved first place in the LEC Spring 2021 Tournament that got them another 86,864$.
Rasmus “Caps” Borregaard highlights:
2. Heo “Showmaker” Su
Heo “Showmaker” Su is a South Korean professional player that plays for “DWG” or better known as “DAMWON Gaming”. Sadly this player achieved second place in the Worlds 2021 Championship but during his time playing there, he showed immense skills and mechanics.
Even sometimes out-performing Faker in the mid-lane. He has a huge array of champions that he can pick whatever his team needs. He picked the name Showmaker so he can put on a show for people and oh boy does he do that.
Whenever this guy plays he will make the crowd or the chat go wild. Not only is he insane at the game but a K-Pop star also took pictures and posted them on Instagram while wearing his jersey.
How badass is this player? - So far the best player who can stand up to Faker and even outperform him sometimes. Has multiple first-place wins and he got second place in the Worlds 2021 Championship. Some of the champions that this guy uses to dominate the professional scene are Ryze, Twisted Fate, Le Blanc, Zed, Akali, Zoe, and the list goes on.
Major Tournament Achievements:
Showmaker with his team DWG achieved second place in the Worlds 2021 Championship earning 333,750$.
They also got first place in the LCK Summer 2021 Tournament that got them 172,576$.
Heo “Showmaker” Su highlights:
Sadly this chad of a player does not have a Twitter account but I shall link his team’s Twitter.
1. Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok
Lee “Faker'' Sang-hyeok this famous legend was born in South Korea and is currently resigning after a long time with T1. Faker has won 3 Worlds Championships and multiple LCK Tournaments, multiple Mid Season Invitationals, and so on.
This guy has more wins than anybody else in the professional scene. He is also known as the “Unkillable Demon King''. As the nickname suggests he is impossible to kill or even get close to. Some people have managed to do it such as Showmaker but that number of people is very low. Faker also has a wide range of champions he can pick at any time he wants.
Probably has the widest champion pool out of any professional mid-lane player. Not only that but any champion Faker picks up he will dominate the match and show off his insane skills. And if people would follow what Faker preaches the mid-lane would be a much better place but most players don’t do that sadly.
A causal mid-lane player won’t help out the jungler in need while Faker focuses on the jungler and on helping him. Not only that but you can see Faker roam a lot during his matches and help out the whole team!
How badass is this player? - Faker has won multiple World Championship belts and multiple tournaments. Faker doesn’t show any signs of stopping and that’s what fans love the most about him! Some of the champions he loves playing are Ryze, Syndra, Zed, Twisted Fate, and our favorite girl Ahri.
Major Tournament Achievements:
Faker with his team T1 won first place in the Worlds 2016 Championship that earned them 2,028,000$.
They also won first place in the Worlds 2015 Championship that also got them just another 1,000,000$. You know, casual for Faker :P.
Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok highlights:
Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok Twitter:
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