[Top 15] LOL Best Top Lane Duos That Are Amazing
15-Aatrox + Rammus
“I must destroy even hope…”
Once honored defenders of Shurima against the Void, Aatrox and his brethren would eventually become an even greater threat to Runeterra, and they were defeated only by cunning mortal sorcery. But after centuries of imprisonment, Aatrox was the first to find freedom once more, corrupting and transforming those foolish enough to try and wield the magical weapon that contained his essence. Now, with stolen flesh, he walks Runeterra in a brutal approximation of his previous form, seeking an apocalyptic and long-overdue vengeance.
Rammus the Armordillo is a mysterious being who has been idolised by many, dismissed by others, and mystified by all. Protected by a spiked shell, he inspires increasingly disparate theories on his origin wherever he goes—from demigod to sacred oracle to mere beast transformed by magic. Whatever the truth may be, Rammus keeps his own counsel and stops for no one as he roams the Shuriman desert.
What makes Aatrox + Rammus great:
- AAtrox and Rammus are one of the strongest combos when it comes to CC.
- AAtrox’s multiple knockups and his dark circle, which brings enemies back to the center, would help Rammus land his Q/R combo.
- Rammus taunt would help AAtrox reach the enemy champion and use his skills, as they have short range.
14-Dr. Mundo + Master Yi
Dr. Mundo:
“Me must be good doctor. Patients never come back.”
Utterly mad, tragically homicidal, and horrifyingly purple, Dr. Mundo is what keeps many of Zaun's citizens indoors on particularly dark nights. Now a self-proclaimed physician, he was once a patient at Zaun's most infamous asylum. After "curing" the entire staff, Dr. Mundo established his practice in the empty wards that once treated him and began mimicking the highly unethical procedures he had so often experienced himself. With a full cabinet of medicines and zero medical knowledge, he now makes himself more monstrous with each injection and terrifies the hapless "patients" who wander near his office.
Master Yi:
''The edge of the sharpest blade is no match for the calm of the peaceful mind.''
Have you ever heard of the Wuju Bladesman? Well, you’re about to.
Master Yi has tempered his body and sharpened his mind, so that thought and action have become almost one. Though he chooses to enter into violence only as a last resort, the grace and speed of his blade ensure resolution is always swift. Yi is one of the last practitioners of the Ionian art of Wuju. He has dedicated his life to carrying on the traditions of his people by examining potential new disciples with the Seven Lenses of Insight to find the worthiest ones.
What makes Dr. Mundo + Master Yi great:
- Dr. Mundo and Master Yi are among the fastest champions in League due to their ultimate activation.
- Dr. Mundo’s ability to slow enemies would help Master Yi hit more basic attacks.
- Master Yi isn’t a tank-y champion, but Dr. Mundo is so they make a perfect combo.
13-Fiora + Elise
“I have come to kill you for the sake of honor. And though you possess none, still you die.”
The most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier. Born to House Laurent in the kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of the family from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them. House Laurent's reputation has been shattered, but Fiora will go to any length to restore her family's honour and restore them to their rightful place among Demacia's great and good.
“Beauty is power too, and can strike swifter than any sword.”
Elise is a murderous predator who lives in a remote and ominous palais deep within Noxus's most ancient city.Previously, she was a simple woman, the mistress of an all-powerful house, but the death of a malevolent demi-god transforms her into a creature both beautiful and inhuman: an arachnid who tisses her toile to piéger her prey.Elise impersonates innocents in order to maintain her eternal youth, and few are able to resist her seduction.
What makes Fiora + Elise great :
- Fiora is a really strong fighter who can OS enemies just like Elise would.
- Fiora reflecting the enemies’ CC and stunning them would allow Elise to land her stun easier.
12-Dr. Mundo + Udyr
Dr. Mundo:
“Me must be good doctor. Patients never come back.”
Utterly mad, tragically homicidal, and horrifyingly purple, Dr. Mundo is what keeps many of Zaun's citizens indoors on particularly dark nights. Now a self-proclaimed physician, he was once a patient at Zaun's most infamous asylum. After "curing" the entire staff, Dr. Mundo established his practice in the empty wards that once treated him and began mimicking the highly unethical procedures he had so often experienced himself. With a full cabinet of medicines and zero medical knowledge, he now makes himself more monstrous with each injection and terrifies the hapless "patients" who wander near his office.
“I can taste our enemies' hunger for victory. Let them starve.”
The most powerful spirit walker alive, Udyr communes with all the spirits of the Freljord, whether by empathically understanding their needs, or by channeling and transforming their ethereal energy into his own primal fighting style. He seeks balance within, so that his mind does not get lost amidst others, but he also seeks balance without—for the Freljord's mystical landscape can only thrive with the growth that comes from conflict and struggle, and Udyr knows that sacrifices must be made to keep peaceful stagnance at bay.
What makes Dr. Mundo + Udyr great:
- Dr.Mundo and Udyr both have insane movement speeds, which help them catch enemies or run away.
- Udyr’s downside is that he has to reach the enemy to stun him but with Mundo’s slow, it’s much easier.
- Dr Mundo and Udyr can be extremely tanky, giving the team a significant advantage.
11-Fiora + Udyr
“I have come to kill you for the sake of honor. And though you possess none, still you die.”
The most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier. Born to House Laurent in the kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of the family from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them. House Laurent's reputation has been shattered, but Fiora will go to any length to restore her family's honour and restore them to their rightful place among Demacia's great and good.
“I can taste our enemies' hunger for victory. Let them starve.”
The most powerful spirit walker alive, Udyr communes with all the spirits of the Freljord, whether by empathically understanding their needs, or by channeling and transforming their ethereal energy into his own primal fighting style. He seeks balance within, so that his mind does not get lost amidst others, but he also seeks balance without—for the Freljord's mystical landscape can only thrive with the growth that comes from conflict and struggle, and Udyr knows that sacrifices must be made to keep peaceful stagnance at bay.
What makes Fiora + Udyr great:
- Fiora and Udyr have 2 stuns and high movement speed which makes it easier in ganking.
- Fiora and Udyr have high attack speed which would allow them to secure Rift or Dragon.
- Fiora could be so useful healing Udyr with her ultimate while he is helping her land her passive with the stuns.
10-Fiora + Ekko
“I have come to kill you for the sake of honor. And though you possess none, still you die.”
The most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier. Born to House Laurent in the kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of the family from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them. House Laurent's reputation was sundered, but Fiora bends her every effort to restore her family's honor and return them to their rightful place among the great and good of Demacia.
“My devices work best when they don’t work as intended… which is most of the time.”
Ekko, a prodigy from Zaun's rough streets known as "the boy who shattered time," manipulates time to his advantage. Using his own invention, the Zero Drive, he explores the branching possibilities of reality to craft the perfect moment. Though he revels in this freedom, when there's a threat to his friends, he'll do anything to defend them. To outsiders, Ekko seems to achieve the impossible the first time, every time.
What makes Fiora + Ekko great:
- Fiora and Ekko are a great combo since they have high synergy and can stun enemies.
- If Fiora managed to stun the enemy it would be a really easy task for Ekko to land his stun as well as deal tons of damage.
- Both have high healing methods, which would protect them for a long time.
9-Irelia + Ekko
“There was a time when I danced only for myself. Now, I dance for the First Lands.”
The Noxian occupation of Ionia produced many heroes, none more unlikely than young Irelia, the Blade Dancer of Navori. Trained in the ancient dances of her province, she adapted her art for war, using the graceful and carefully practised movements to levitate a host of deadly blades. After proving herself as a fighter, she was thrust into the role of resistance leader and figurehead, and to this day she remains dedicated to the preservation of her homeland.
“My devices work best when they don’t work as intended… which is most of the time.”
Ekko, a prodigy from Zaun's rough streets known as "the boy who shattered time," manipulates time to his advantage. Using his own invention, the Zero Drive, he explores the branching possibilities of reality to craft the perfect moment. Though he revels in this freedom, when there's a threat to his friends, he'll do anything to defend them. To outsiders, Ekko seems to achieve the impossible the first time, every time.
What makes Irelia + Ekko great:
- Irelia and Ekko both have stuns, which are a great way to start a gank or disengage.
- Irelia and Ekko both have dashes, which make it easier for them to catch the enemy laner.
- Irelia and Ekko can deal really high damage with AD and AP, which makes it hard for tanks to scale up.
8-Aatrox + Evelynn
“I must destroy even hope…”
Once honored defenders of Shurima against the Void, Aatrox and his brethren would eventually become an even greater threat to Runeterra, and were defeated only by cunning mortal sorcery. But after centuries of imprisonment, Aatrox was the first to find freedom once more, corrupting and transforming those foolish enough to try and wield the magical weapon that contained his essence. Now, with stolen flesh, he walks Runeterra in a brutal approximation of his previous form, seeking an apocalyptic and long-overdue vengeance.
“What are you doing tonight? How about we get together and unlock that vast well of torment inside you?”
Within the dark seams of Runeterra, the demon Evelynn searches for her next victim. She lures in prey with the voluptuous façade of a human female, but once a person succumbs to her charms, Evelynn's true form is unleashed. She then subjects her victim to unspeakable torment, gratifying herself with their pain. To the demon, these liaisons are innocent flings. To the rest of Runeterra, they are ghoulish tales of lust gone awry and horrific reminders of the cost of wanton desire.
What makes Aatrox + Evelynn great:
- Evelynn is a really sneaky champion who would have synergy with AAtrox when ganking.
- AAtrox can either land his knock up so Evelynn can use her charm, or vice versa.
7-Fiora + Master Yi
“I have come to kill you for the sake of honor. And though you possess none, still you die.”
The most feared duelist in all of Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her blue-steel rapier. Born to House Laurent in the kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of the family from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them. House Laurent's reputation was sundered, but Fiora bends her every effort to restore her family's honor and return them to their rightful place among the great and good of Demacia.
Master Yi:
''The edge of the sharpest blade is no match for the calm of the peaceful mind.''
Have you ever heard of the Wuju Bladesman? Well, you’re about to.
Master Yi has tempered his body and sharpened his mind, so that thought and action have become almost one. Though he chooses to enter into violence only as a last resort, the grace and speed of his blade ensure resolution is always swift. Yi is one of the last people who still practises the Ionian art of Wuju. He has dedicated his life to carrying on the traditions of his people by examining potential new disciples with the Seven Lenses of Insight to find the worthiest ones.
What makes Fiora + Master Yi great:
- Fiora and Master Yi are two of the highest AD champions in the game and can deal tons of damage in a few seconds.
- Fiora’s stun would help Master Yi be able to do more basic hits.
- Both Fiora and Master Yi can heal, which would save them from any unexpected damage.
6-Fiora + Kindred
“I have come to kill you for the sake of honor. And though you possess none, still you die.”
The most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier. Born to House Laurent in the kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of the family from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them. House Laurent's reputation was sundered, but Fiora bends her every effort to restore her family's honor and return them to their rightful place among the great and good of Demacia.
“Tell me again, little Lamb, which things are ours to take?”
“All things, dear Wolf.”
Separate, but never parted, Kindred represents the twin essences of death. Lamb's bow offers a swift release from the mortal realm for those who accept their fate. Wolf pursues those who flee their fate, delivering violent vengeance within his crushing jaws.Though different Runeterrans have different interpretations of Kindred's nature, every mortal must choose the true face of their death.
What makes Fiora + Kindred great:
- Kindred is a powerful jungler who lacks CC; however, Fiora can use her selective ability to stun enemies, allowing Kindred to break her passive.
- Both Kindred and Fiora have the ultimate heal, which can be extremely useful throughout the fight.
5-Fiora + Lillia
“I have come to kill you for the sake of honor. And though you possess none, still you die.”
The most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier. Born to House Laurent in the kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of the family from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them. House Laurent's reputation has been shattered, but Fiora will go to any length to restore her family's honour and restore them to their rightful place among Demacia's great and good.
“When the humans bloom, it’s so beautiful… I can help them! Maybe. Possibly? Perhaps…”
Intensely shy, the fae fawn Lillia skittishly wanders Ionia's forests. Hiding just out of sight of mortals—whose mysterious natures have long captivated, but intimidated, her—Lillia hopes to discover why their dreams no longer reach the ancient Dreaming Tree. She now travels Ionia with a magical branch in hand, looking for people's unfulfilled dreams. Only then can Lillia herself bloom and help others untangle their fears to find the sparkle within. Eep!
What makes Fiora + Lillia Great:
- Fiora and Lillia both can deal tons of damage, and what’s good is that they deal both magical and physical damage.
- Fiora and Lillia can both stun and sleep, which could be really annoying for the enemy laner.
4-Aatrox + Elise
“I must destroy even hope…”
Once honored defenders of Shurima against the Void, Aatrox and his brethren would eventually become an even greater threat to Runeterra, and they were defeated only by cunning mortal sorcery. But after centuries of imprisonment, Aatrox was the first to find freedom once more, corrupting and transforming those foolish enough to try and wield the magical weapon that contained his essence. Now, with stolen flesh, he walks Runeterra in a brutal approximation of his previous form, seeking an apocalyptic and long-overdue vengeance.
“Beauty is power too, and can strike swifter than any sword.”
Elise is a murderous predator who lives in a remote and ominous palais deep within Noxus's most ancient city.Previously, she was a simple woman, the mistress of an all-powerful house, but the death of a malevolent demi-god transforms her into a creature both beautiful and inhuman: an arachnid who tisses her toile to piéger her prey.Elise impersonates innocents in order to maintain her eternal youth, and few are able to resist her seduction.
What makes Aatrox + Elise great:
- AAtrox can knock down enemies, allowing Evelynn to use her Charm skill more easily.
- AAtrox can draw the enemy into the circle and get close enough to him for Evelynn to break her invisibility and execute him.
3-Dr. Mundo + Kindred
Dr. Mundo:
“Me must be good doctor. Patients never come back.”
Utterly mad, tragically homicidal, and horrifyingly purple, Dr. Mundo is what keeps many of Zaun's citizens indoors on particularly dark nights. Now a self-proclaimed physician, he was once a patient at Zaun's most infamous asylum. After "curing" the entire staff, Dr. Mundo established his practice in the empty wards that once treated him and began mimicking the highly unethical procedures he had so often experienced himself. With a full cabinet of medicines and zero medical knowledge, he now makes himself more monstrous with each injection and terrifies the hapless "patients" who wander near his office.
“Tell me again, little Lamb, which things are ours to take?”
“All things, dear Wolf.”
Separated, but never parted, Kindred represents the twin essences of death. Lamb's bow offers a swift release from the mortal realm for those who accept their fate. Wolf pursues those who flee their fate, delivering violent vengeance within his crushing jaws.Though different Runeterrans have different interpretations of Kindred's nature, every mortal must choose the true face of their death.
What makes Dr. Mundo + Kindred great:
- Mundo's ability to slow enemies would provide Kindred with enough time to break her stacks.
- Mundo can sustain a lot of damage with his ultimate, as it heals him a lot, but with kindred's ultimate, he is more likely to not die.
2-Jax + Ekko
“Strength and will are what make a weapon.”
Unmatched in both his skill with unique armaments and his biting sarcasm, Jax is the last known weapons master of Icathia. After his homeland was laid low by its own hubris in unleashing the Void, Jax and his kind vowed to protect what little remained. As magic now rises in the world, this slumbering threat stirs once more, and Jax roams Valoran, wielding the last light of Icathia and testing all warriors he meets to see if any are strong enough to stand beside him.
“My devices work best when they don’t work as intended… which is most of the time.”
Ekko, a prodigy from Zaun's rough streets known as "the boy who shattered time," manipulates time to his advantage. Using his own invention, the Zero Drive, he explores the branching possibilities of reality to craft the perfect moment. Though he revels in this freedom, when there's a threat to his friends, he'll do anything to defend them. To outsiders, Ekko seems to achieve the impossible the first time, every time.
What makes Jax + Ekko great:
- Jax and Ekko have a great synergy since they can both dash and stun.
- They have hyprid damage, which makes it so much easier to kill enemies.
- Jax can use his dash stun combo so that he can buy time for Ekko's stun to land as it takes time, which would make it a guaranteed gank.
1-Darius + Ekko
“History only remembers the victors. Stand with Noxus, and be remembered forever.”
There is no greater symbol of Noxian might than Darius, the nation's most feared and battle-hardened commander. Rising from humble origins to become the Hand of Noxus, he cleaves through the empire's enemies—many of them Noxians themselves. Knowing that he never doubts that his cause is just, and never hesitates once his axe is raised, those who stand against the leader of the Trifarian Legion can expect no mercy.
“My devices work best when they don’t work as intended… which is most of the time.”
Ekko, a prodigy from Zaun's rough streets known as "the boy who shattered time," manipulates time to his advantage. Using his own invention, the Zero Drive, he explores the branching possibilities of reality to craft the perfect moment. Though he revels in this freedom, when there's a threat to his friends, he'll do anything to defend them. To outsiders, Ekko seems to achieve the impossible the first time, every time.
What makes Darius + Ekko great:
Darius and Ekko are a lethal combination because Darius needs to be near the enemy in order to stack blood stacks, while Ekko can slow and stun enemies from him.
Darius and Ekko can heal a good portion of their health, which can make them sustain a lot of damage and get some kills.
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